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A Word on Devotion


Read this chapter every day for this is the secret key to unlocking all secrets.

Devotion is the subjugation of the ego of oneself, in selfless service to another. Devotion is the complete erasure of one’s ego. For a devotee, the devotee and the subject of devotion are never equal. There is no such thing as ‘equality’ in the mind of a devotee, because for equality to exist, there must be more than one. In the mind of the devotee, there is only one: the subject of devotion. On the other hand, it is the primary mission of devil, and his army, to instil selfness, self-importance, self-righteousness, selfindulgence and self-congratulation within people and society as a whole. They are forever telling you to pat yourself on the back, for they understand:

Vanity is the most powerful vice.     Even in love, people carry this selfness with them and expect true love to blossom, when really all they are conducting is a business deal or some sort of a transaction – a trade of this, for that. This is what men and women do with their loved ones, and it’s also what they try to do with God. It’s sad.      A devoted lover never expects – nor cares if the beloved is also a lover of him or her. It is not a twoway transaction as far as the devotee is concerned.

For this type of lover, a true lover, understands his or her status in the relationship; this status, is always non-existent compared to the status of the beloved because it is a selfless state. Devotion is all one needs for Enlightenment or more importantly, Union with the Almighty, who is The None.

Always remember that the various stages of Enlightenment or finally, Union, only occur with the further and deeper subjugation of one’s ego. If one is truly devoted, one attains God, for one becomes ‘The None’ through selflessness. One then realises, that there is no bigger devotee than God Himself. Devoted to who? Devoted to you. Devoted to all life. Does all life give thanks to God? No. Does all life realise God? No. Does all life even acknowledge God? No.

Yet still, He is devoted to the sustenance of all life.


A Word on Love

Be devoted.