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A Word on the Dangers of Devotion


Anything that can make you, can also break you. Devotion is the secret key to The All and The None aspects of the Almighty. The true masters have always known this, because without this they couldn’t have known God, and thus, everything else they knew.

However, understand this: with every true master, comes a thousand false masters – with every true messiah, comes a thousand false messiahs. People, due to a lack of their own consciousness, fail to ascertain real from false. And the false masters, false messiahs and false Christs are already present en masse to lap up the gullible seekers.

Choose your masters and your leaders wisely, for the world is only in the state it is today, due to the false information propagated by false masters, and self-serving lies and agendas established by devilish leaders. Deception is often too late realised, which is what makes it deception. Raise your consciousness so that you can ascertain real from false and so that you are not sorry later.

Devotion to anti-Christs will have you marching merrily and proudly to war. War is never a thing to be proud of, for it is the matter, and therefore parts of God, that are being killed. Even when necessary, and even when fought the right way: in self-defence on home soil - war is always a sombre affair.

Devotion to false masters will have you robbed of your consciousness. You won’t even have the consciousness to know you are being robbed or have already been robbed, for once you are devoted, you have to remain devoted.

Therefore, choose your masters and your leaders wisely.