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A Word on Idol Worship


Idol worship started because teachings from self-realised masters of the past were deeply misunderstood. The masters of the past explained the concept of devotion, and declared, mostly metaphorically, that if one can devote oneself even to a rock to such an extent, that one completely forgets oneself, and the concept of ‘me’ or ‘I’ and all selfness, then just this state of renunciation of the ego will be enough for Enlightenment. And this is true – if you remember, at the start of this book I said: the only thing separating man from God is Ego. Erase the Ego, and you will have drastically decreased the distance between you and God.

The masters never instructed to worship the rock, for even God doesn’t want pestering worshippers, but instead instructed to become devoted to the point where the existence of the self is forgotten in the continued observation of the existence of the rock. The problem arose however, when people carried on doing this, generation after generation, having watched their forefathers do it, but without this gnosis. Eventually, every time they needed a promotion, they asked from the rock; every time they needed better results in their endeavours, they asked from the rock.

The rock never gave, for it isn’t the job of a rock to give. So, they chiselled away at their rocks to make them prettier, in the superstitious hope that this will have some positive effect on the rock and ‘encourage’ it to positively affect them in return. It didn’t work, unsurprisingly. Thus, the competition of enhancements began. Larger rocks were chiselled – and grander temples were built for them.    Why? All because teachings of self-realised masters were deeply misunderstood.

There is another form of idol worshipping. This is the worshipping of consecrated idols by advanced practitioners of Magick and Alchemy. This is infinitely worse for obvious reasons. These do work, at least superficially, for they have material energies embedded within. Nevertheless, I don’t have any personal issues with idol worshippers. I much prefer good men and women who ignorantly worship idols yet live in harmony, than bad men and women who worship the Almighty yet cause misery and suffering to one another. If you wish to worship idols, it is your free will to do so. However, know this: Worshipping idols will rob you of the Grace of the Almighty. And by Grace I am not speaking of material wealth or comforts and the like, I am speaking of the love and affection of the Almighty, which is necessary for temporary and permanent forms of Union. One without this Grace is one who is truly poor in my eyes. And I don’t say this necessarily to folk, but more so that folk can determine and recognise that the masters they are devoted to are false teachers and deceivers, who haven’t yet attained even the mid-tiers of Enlightenment, let alone Union with the Almighty due to their idol worship – these deceivers are themselves deceived and thus, entrapped in the micro and macrocosmic web of the Ego. They are yet to understand a few things.

Know this: All religions have elements of idolatry embedded. Don’t live in delusion. Open your eyes and see for yourself.