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A Word on Truth


Humans and other creatures have been alive for many Ages stemming back hundreds of thousands of years. So far back in fact, that their bones have now become a part of the nutrient rich soil that we walk on and plant in. Scientists and archaeologists only know what they excavate, and they cannot excavate what no longer exists in its original state - for time, and the Universe it contains, is constantly destroying and creating matter in a perpetual motion of death and rebirth. Therefore, their knowledge is highly limited at best, and highly unreliable and dangerous at worst. Of course, this could be true with the knowledge of any other group of people too, and more often than not, it is.

It could even be true with me and I could simply be telling you lies; therefore, I ask that you don’t believe anyone, including me, but instead learn to know for yourself by knowing yourself. If you believe me, you will also be susceptible to believing others who will seek to deceive you, and it is belief that keeps people ignorant, because most people who claim to know what is what, simply don’t know, and end up causing even more damage by spreading false information. There are two categories of false information: misinformation and disinformation.

Spreaders of misinformation are well-intentioned but don’t truly know the truth, but believe what they believe, to be the truth. Spreaders of disinformation, on the other hand, know full well they are deceiving; that is their very intention. They pretend that they know, and thus intentionally deceive, because they know that most people are also functioning at too low a level of consciousness to know any better.        They seek to lower this level of consciousness even further yet, through means of indoctrination that are all around you. Lies always recognise lies as truth, because everyone believes themselves to be true - even though they are made from more lies than truth. It is also easy for these people who peddle lies to deceive the masses because they understand the secrets of energy manipulation and energy attracting like energy - so they lower yours to match theirs.

On the other hand, truth always recognises truth, but in addition, because of its superiority to deception, it also has the power to recognise deception. These deceivers are the ones who claim to be prophets, yet they can’t See, and thus are false prophets. They are also the ones who claim to be saints but don’t even know themselves, let alone know God. All they do is wear white robes as the prophecies of past real prophets state, and fool the masses driving them further into oblivion and financial loss. (Know that ’Eesh’aa only wore robes, because it was the norm at the time in the place where he lived.)

These are the same people who take money for spirituality/ meditation courses, books and public speeches – they might not ask or charge, but they will happily take donations. These are the people who will then talk a lot but not say much, because they don’t know much - at least not more than what they’ve read and misunderstood from good books, or what they believe from corrupted books. Deep down you realise that you waste your time listening to them because you still come away none the wiser, only financially poorer. They have no true wisdom for themselves, so what will they impart to others? But on the surface, you enjoy listening, because they tell elaborate stories and possess the skill of speaking well, and who doesn’t enjoy listening to a well told story by a good storyteller?

These people are also the foremost scientists, priests, pop musicians, and politicians/ rulers of the world, who seem to know what’s best for everyone, and devise and propagate systems and institutions of mind and body control, but ironically, they don’t even know what’s best for their own existence in this period of life, or the next. It is these people that have been strategically positioned to cause all the harm and suffering in the world by way of Ego. It is these people who are functioning at the lowest levels of consciousness and awareness and therefore are far closer to devil than to God.

My words will stab a lot of people deeply, and they will be against me. Most of them will be foot-soldiers under the commissioned officers of the Anti-Christ’s army – an army that is adept at shedding blood and bringing suffering in ways both direct and indirect. A feat that will be peaking soon.       So how does one begin to recognise truth from lies? It’s quite straight forward: start telling only the truth. This may be difficult at first, and occasionally the odd white lie may slip out. You may tell a friend your relatives are coming for the evening, which is why you can’t meet them, when really, you’re just tired and don’t want to meet them. White lies are just as dangerous as lies of all other colours, for they lead to lies spoken more frequently, and of more danger. So, tell the truth always, and without exception. If a white lie does slip out, silence your ego, apologise, and correct yourself immediately, for it is better to be embarrassed, as embarrassment is an excellent teacher – and it is far better than having your consciousness lowered. Every time one lies, this gets logged by the records of Karma, and their consciousness is subsequently lowered incrementally, in accordance to the lie they told.     These increments, however small or large they may be, all accumulate. There are no exceptions  for lying. Also know that the higher the consciousness, or in other words the awareness, of an individual, the more aware they become of the lies and truths of their peers in consciousness. So, for this alone, if not any other reason, seek to raise your consciousness.      Also, it is impossible to meditate successfully when one is a liar. The chatter of the mind in someone who tells lies, even small lies, is unbearable when in meditation. The less lies you tell, the quieter the mind becomes.

Know this: Anything that is not correct knowledge is a lie. This includes information you believe to be true when it really isn’t true. So even if you don’t realise you’re lying, you are lying by propagating information which you don’t actually know to be true, but you believe to be true. Your voice is your responsibility. Speaking with confidence on a subject, while convinced that you are right, when in actuality you are not, drastically lowers your consciousness everytime you speak. Just because you have learned something in a school, or read something in a book, or learned it from someone who appears to be an authority on the subject, does not make it true.

This is also why religions mostly lower consciousness, for the written or spoken teachings of God-realised masters become adulterated by devil and his devotees as time goes on after the passing of these masters. Yet still priests continue propagating adulterated and ever-increasingly personalised versions of these teachings as they believe them to be true, and because the priest who taught it to them also believed them to be true. This lowers their consciousness, but more importantly, it also lowers the consciousness of their flock. If one man harms himself, it’s unfortunate – but if he harms many with him, then it’s a catastrophe.   

Throughout the Ages, men driven by belief have had truly catastrophic effects on the health of collective human consciousness. You either know or you don’t know something, and if you don’t know, then silence your ego and don’t pretend.