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A Word on Logic


Logic is a by-product of intelligence; intelligence is a by-product of analysis; analysis is a by-product of thinking; thinking is a product of the mind, and the mind can easily be tricked and deceived. And remember, it really doesn’t take much to deceive the mind at all - just manipulation of fear and greed.        One of the problems we have is that most people use logic to reach conclusions – and are actually very proud of this. Logic is indeed a good thing – it is a tool that’s been gifted to you, and is amongst the arsenal of many other tools of the mind. However, it has a very specific purpose, and using it for the wrong purpose leads to disastrous outcomes.

Logic is not meant to be used for attaining knowledge or reaching conclusions. Logic is meant to be used to order and organise your preexisting knowledge, which is to be gained through meditation, into an understandable format for others to understand. Without logic, pure knowledge is just pure knowledge and one can’t do anything useful with it, nor pass it on to others – they can just be aware of it. Awareness is good, but without the ability of making others aware of the same through your logic, awareness isn’t of much use at all - unless you’re the only being left on the planet.