Words by Words of Roshan - HTML preview

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A Word on Intuition


Intuition is the inner voice, or the soul speaking. This is the first voice, or first feeling, one gets when presented with something or someone new. The more this inner voice is ignored, the weaker it becomes, while the more it is paid attention to the stronger it becomes.

Intuition needs to be exercised if one seeks to be better guided in life. Intuition is weakened whenever it is overridden by one’s thinking or intelligence. Intuition is the thought that comes without thinking. Intuition does not speak about everything, or everyone, or every scenario, but when it does: pay attention.

Also, intuition will never be in contradiction to the truth, so become true first – and your intuition will blossom accordingly. This is how one begins to further and deeper recognise true from false.

Know this: your ego will always seek to override your intuition, for your intuition seeks to guide you while your ego seeks to deceive and misguide you. Even when your intuition has spoken to you and you’ve heard it, your ego will always continue seeking to ignore this ‘first voice’ through your logic, intelligence, ignorance and arrogance . Don’t ever let your ego win.