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A Word on Instinct


Also, intuition is very different to instinct, which is one of the voices of the ego. Instinct is what one experiences when one seeks to attain or consume or accomplish something. Instinct is what makes you want something - now.

Instinct needs to be kept a grip on, for exercise of instinct often leads to long-term catastrophe in exchange for short-term gratification. Instinct is controlled with free will. In the beginning of the book I asked a question: Why did God give free will if he knew that most will choose to exercise it for bad? The answer is because they still have the choice to exercise it freely and therefore still have the freedom to be good and do good.

It is never too late, and I say this more to the current enemy and the future enemy. Redemption is never out of the question, only ever out of one’s current state of actions. Make your actions true; ignore the Ego; there is still some time.

Know this: When the Golden Age starts, and the Kingdom has been established, the people who have not done what it takes to deserve to live in it will not be coming back here. This will be most people. They will reincarnate in other places in the Universe.