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A Word on Contemplation and Meditation


Whatever you do, strive to realise this: you are immortal, and you always have been and always will be. One of the biggest lies and devilish agendas ever pushed throughout the Ages was that you only live once. It was pushed because this makes you abdicate all responsibility for your future lives and indulge your ego now, with the hope that you will be Divinely saved later. This is not so; your salvation is in your own present actions and also the repentance, followed by the rectification, of your past mistakes. You are immortal, for you are the soul – which is a part of the Soul of the Almighty.        Your body is just a temporary vessel, and your mind is just the necessary program for the regulation of the vessel. Don’t believe me - I want you to know it, to experience it, to realise it. Realisation doesn’t happen from believing, or reading books about self-realisation written by non-realised people, who also have the nerve to charge you money for such information. It happens through contemplation and meditation, and this is free. When you silence your Self, and all the nonsense it whispers throughout prolonged contemplation, you will start to hear your soul. Continue, and you will realise your soul, and of just Whom you’re a part.

This is God realisation. Note that this is not a fancy way of saying you have become ‘good’ or have ‘found God’ or the sort of nonsense people say when they start going to church or temples or reading the Bible or any other such books and consider themselves righteous overnight. No - I am being very literal. When I say realise, I don’t mean just see, or hear, or speak or touch. I mean that God will become a reality inside of you and outside of you in a very real way. All dimensions will open within you and outside of you. You will… Become. And when you Become, you will know your origin, and I assure you no labels or titles will ever bind you in any egotistical form of bondage again.

So how does one go about doing this? Well, on top of the practices already advised so far in the book, I would like to recommend a highly powerful method of meditation that is achieved by way of hacking both the mind and the ego. However, understand that there are many different types of meditation, and I teach them according to  students’ individual personalities, their temperaments, states of their current consciousness, and strengths of their ego. Individualised and personalised teaching is always the best and most efficient way for the

teacher to teach, and the student to learn. Also, some methods require far more guidance than others, while some more advanced methods require an

Initiation of the soul and therefore, discipleship, as more spiritual input and commitment by the teacher is required. Know that studentship and discipleship are different. Discipleship is reserved only for the advanced and should only be granted after years of successful progression and growth as a student. Therefore, advanced methods are off the charts for any beginner for a very long time, as is discipleship, for reasons I am sure are very clear to you if you are still reading this book. Never forget Muhammad.

However, the method of meditation I recommend to all, and especially beginners, is the one which is reached through contemplation. This method should be the foundation of all other practices. Contemplation is the analysis of one’s present, past and future actions, thoughts, and words. Contemplation is undertaken with a view to understand one’s Karmic records more and more by analysing all one could have done wrong, in order for the Law of Causation to serve them a particular situation. The more one does this, the deeper one gets into their mind. The mind is like the cap on a bottle full of water; the bottle is the body and the water is the soul. Just like the cap is on the bottle to keep the water from spillage or evaporation, the mind is used to cap the body, in order to keep the soul contained in a functioning and workable body, and also to serve the soul positively through the mind’s plethora of excellent tools such as: logic for comprehension and articulation of pre-existing awareness, and memory to remember what the soul experiences.    

So, to get to the soul, it is important to get to the bottom of the mind, for that is where the door to the soul truly lies. When one gets to the bottom of the mind, or in other words to the door to the soul, it is a truly serene experience. However please note that this is not the meditative state, and therefore is not meditation. This fallacy has been pushed by people who really don’t know what they’re doing, and just want to take money from your pocket and put it in their pocket. This state of the bottom of the mind, is just the prerequisite state one needs to reach, in order to reach a state of meditativeness. Nevertheless, this prerequisite state of relaxation is still necessary and highly important for whenever one needs to stay relaxed, and also to return to a state of relaxation whenever one becomes anxious, sad or angry for any reason. Just always keep in mind that, contrary to popular belief, this state of relaxation and serenity is not meditation, for it is still a state of something, whereas the meditative state is a state of nothing.

Know that a glass needs to be empty, in order for it to have full capacity – so empty yourself. You will never truly know for as long as you think you know. Empty yourself. Silence your Ego. Let light enter.

So, when one practices contemplation excessively for long periods daily, after a long while, the individual’s ego begins to realise what is happening and begins to become anxious. Contemplation directly and drastically hurts the ego. When one begins to think about all the things one could have done wrong to deserve a particular situation, the ego desperately fights back and tries to make the person remain in the pretence of victimhood, ignorance, and self-righteousness. Most people give up at this stage for their ego is too strong and they don’t have the strength to fight back and see, and realise, their own mistakes. The ego fights ever so desperately because it realises, that soon, if not deterred,

a contemplating person will begin to clean up one’s acts, and thoughts, for they are beginning to know themselves and forget the ego. Thus, in a desperate attempt to save itself, the ego shuts down the mind and stops the individual from contemplation.

What it doesn’t have the awareness to realise is, that this is exactly what’s required for meditation: a complete shutting down of one’s mind to enter into a meditative state of nothingness. When this state is reached, you will be removed from time for you will no longer be in the 3rd dimension even though your body will still be here. You will sit or lay down in the morning, enter this state after a couple of hours, and the next thing you will notice will be that it will be the next morning or a morning of some day in the next week and you won’t even know it until you check the calendar.

This is what meditation is – not the journey of getting into a state of meditation. If it helps, think of it as the stream meeting the river, which then meets the sea, before the sea finally meets the ocean. One who cannot tell you of the scope or the true requirements of the journey, can’t successfully take you on the journey. Beware of false teachers selling you pleasant tasting sugar that does nothing good for your consciousness, but instead just strengthens your ego and will eventually leave you spiritually ill.

So, this method of contemplation is how to win the first battle of internal spiritual warfare. This will get you into a meditative state, now the key is to stay there for as long as you can at a time and get there as often as you can. It’s a painful process in the same way that training for a competitive marathon is a painful process. The preparation for the marathon, or the duration of the marathon itself, should never be enjoyable. If it is enjoyable, you are not maximising your potential, and instead just doing enough to make the ego feel good about itself. If you have any experience in sport or competition, you will understand exactly what I mean here.

This marathon is no ordinary marathon, for it is the infinite marathon of consciousness – and completion of it depends not on time, or quantity of practice, but on quality of practice. Therefore, maximising potential is key to success, otherwise you are just wasting time and stroking the ego.

So practice often, but practice well.