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A Word on Devil


The only thing that separates man from God is the web of deception spun by what we interchangeably, and wrongly, call the Devil or Satan or Lucifer. In this web, we often get so deeply caught that we lose all perception of who we are, where we’ve come from, and thus, we get lost in being in a state of Devil, or of ‘De Evil’ or of ‘the evil’. This web is called Ego, and most are lost to it, and even consumed by it.

Devil is not a person, or a being, or a ‘fallen’ angel as you’ve been led to believe. Sure, he, or more appropriately, ‘it’, can take any form in the material world, and indeed it takes many forms. However, in reality it is a form of energy belonging to the matter realm, which makes up God’s body unlike God’s soul, which is anti-matter. For the purpose of alleviating confusion, I will refer to this malicious energy of the matter realm as either devil, or Ego with a capital E; for the same purpose, I will also refer to it as he.

Just as we have a controlling egotistic energy present in all of us that constantly seeks material satisfaction and control over us, the devil is the egotistic energy present within God that seeks to take full control, to overcome God, and live as God in God’s dimension: the 11th dimension.

But just like all evil does not ever think of itself as evil, but instead thinks of itself as good, the evil inside of God also does not think of itself as evil, but as good. It has been said the devil is God’s enemy and it’s true, for God is not about mortal matter, but immortal anti-matter. However according to the devil, he is a true lover and devotee of God. He means no harm, but still, influences all harm and sabotages all goodness, which turns God further and further away from devil.

This is the Evil eternally chasing the Good, and not necessarily God, simply because it’s madly in love and wants to consume it. This is the Good, and not necessarily God, eternally at war with the Evil, resisting consumption. This is the perpetuity of Duality. This is what makes things continue. What makes evil evil, is evil always seeks to conquer – to take over all there is, and make everything its own. Cancers, viruses, or globalisation of any sort, whether it be ideological, economical, financial, racial etc. is always the sole purpose of evil; total control of all is what it seeks, and the only way to totally control anything is through expansion and eventually, total consumption.

This is how the devil promises to overthrow God: through expansion and consumption. What makes goodness good however, is goodness always minds its own business.

Goodness is polite, well-mannered, considerate, compassionate, and even meek. It has no intention of globe domination or cosmic domination, but instead concentrates on self-control and the regulation of its own faculties, just like God. This is God retorting to the devil’s promise: ‘We’ll see.’ This ‘We’ being God’s Soul and all matter devoted to His Soul.        Know this for it will be crucial in times ahead: It is always evil which strikes first - never goodness. Two sides of good can never fight, simply because neither wishes to win or overcome the other, and thus, neither will strike first. Good is too busy being good, while Evil is too busy spreading what it thinks is its goodness, when in reality it is just more of its evil. Evil seeks to overcome all, expand everywhere, consume everything, and thus, has no issue with striking first.

Expansion of anything never comes without the contraction of something else, and therefore, all expansion comes at the cost of casualty. Casualty is what good seeks to avoid the most.

When the coming Kingdom of God, or the Golden Age, will finally be established in the future, it won’t be established through conquest or expansion. It will be established because evil will consume itself. As it is the nature of evil to consume all, it eventually begins to consume itself too. When this starts to happen, the Earth will start to recalibrate and clean itself in preparation for the next Age, as it always has, hastening the process of their destruction. They always dig holes and hide; water always gets everywhere; artificial oxygen always runs out; they always die as sorry fools.

All that the future inhabitants of the Kingdom have to do however, is to stay true to the Ultimate Truth, hold your ranks, and provide resistance to evil when it comes to you and strikes first. When the time comes, know that the police and the armies will not be on your side. They do not serve you. They only serve their masters, who in turn, serve devil. Also know that the meek will inherit the Kingdom; this is the promise of the coming King, and he doesn’t make false promises, I assure you.    Understand this: the meek will inherit the Kingdom, because the meek cannot attain the Kingdom. Those who should be in power, don’t ever have what it takes to attain power; those who have what it takes to attain power, shouldn’t ever stay in power. For the latter sort have an evil that resonates with the characteristics of devil himself. It is the nature of the devil to attain, but later consume; all those with this energy resonating inside eventually become consumed if they stay in power for too long once they have attained it. But in order to conquer and eradicate evil, a greater evil, with a full understanding of evil, which is known as justice, is required. This is the evil, which even the evil will consider evil, just like criminals consider prosecutors and judges evil. The one who contains this greater evil, is known as the King of Justice/ the Mahdi/ the Kalki Avatar/ the Rider on the white horse/ and is a relative of Jesus or Yeshua (pronounced: ’Eesh’aa) in soul and consciousness.       He is the one who has been prophesised in all the major religions who will put an end to the evil of this Age of evil, for he contains a greater evil, a different kind of evil. This greater evil, although can be temporarily contained within him, cannot stay in power - and nor will he want power, for he will be aware that this evil will try to later consume him, and his faithfulness to the Almighty won’t allow him to succumb to it. Thus, there will be a transfer of power from the King of Justice to the King of Innocence (Eesh’aa), when the King of Innocence returns towards the last few battles. Both are representatives and servants of The King of Kings and Lord of Lords: God. Both carry His seal, which only they know.

This is how the meek will inherit the Kingdom of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords: God. Don’t get The King of Kings and Lord of Lords: God, the Rider on the white horse, and Eesh’aa (Christ) confused with one another. They are of the same, but different. Translations, mistranslations, and misinterpretations of scriptures have confused who is truly who, and what is truly what. This has been done intentionally by devil’s influence throughout this Age to confuse people. Also know that riding a white horse will not make one the Rider on the white horse, for there is much more to this than the colour of one’s horse - so be weary of imposters.

God resides at 100% consciousness (awareness), while the devil resides at close to 0%. Being a part of God, and close to God, the devil has a similar but smaller apparatus of powers and will, but without any of the awareness to go with it. This lack of consciousness, or in other words, awareness, is what makes the devil evil and God good. This is also the basis for Duality. This is partly, the cosmic game.

In all good games, things are always at stake. ‘Chapters’ of life, which you call ‘life’ are at stake, yes. Rewards and losses, harmony and disharmony, pain and pleasure are all also at stake, yes. ‘Ages’ or ‘Stages of cosmic battles’ are at stake, yes. Cosmic territory is at stake, yes. However, don’t be fooled with the presumption that ‘innocent life’ is ever at stake.

What do you truly know who, or what, is innocent and who, or what, is not?

Who decides who is innocent?

Oneself? No.

You? No.

Me? Certainly no.

Even God doesn’t decide who is innocent and who is not. Only a person’s deeds decide how innocent they are or not – and this ‘book of deeds’ is carried through lifetimes, life chapter after life chapter, constantly being written in and adjusted through that person’s own doing.

To understand this further, you would first have to understand one of God’s Laws: Karma, or the Law of Causation, which presides over the entire Cosmos, inside of God.