Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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I bet you have a goal or maybe even a dream of something that you'd like to accomplish  but maybe, due to the programming you've received, you've developed the belief that, possibly, that dream will never come true. Maybe... Just maybe, you believe that you're not equipped with what it takes to get there. 


Maybe the picture you've created in your mind doesn't support your dream. And maybe we can change that right here, right now... 


When you envision something in your mind, you are more likely to act upon it and  create that scenario in the "real" world. What movie are you playing over and over again  in your mind that's holding you back from accomplishing your goal? What have you  been seeing that hasn't allowed you to move forward towards your dream? 


Many top athletes have envisioned themselves winning the playoffs, the Stanley Cup,  etc. long before they ever accomplished that major goal. Some are so convinced by their vision that they later say "I've been replaying this moment in my mind for years. I knew  I would win, I just knew it!" 


When you can see your goal being accomplished in your mind's eye, you are 10 times more likely to actually accomplish that goal. The clearer you see it, the more likely of it happening. 


When you use this gift of visualization as a negative thing; example: you see yourself  failing, falling on your face, or whatever other bad things that could happen, you are 100  times less likely to accomplish that goal or dream, if you ever even accomplish it at all. 


So I'll ask you once more; what movie are you playing over and over again in your mind that's holding you back from moving forward towards your goal or dream? The moment we figure that out is the moment we can start to rewrite your movie script to better serve you in the pursuit of that goal/dream. 


In a later chapter, I will ask you to choose a goal that you'd like to accomplish and we'll get back to this exercise of visualization. 


Obviously, it will take more than visualization to get you to your goal, but without it, your  chances are slim. This is perhaps the first and most important tool in your toolbox for success. 


Take a moment to recapture the dream you've placed on the back burner and take the  time to examine it with a critical eye. Push play on the movie of your dream and take  note of what is happening. Write down all the negative scenarios that make their way into your movie and we'll use my formula later to start rewriting your movie.


The next chapter will teach you how to rewrite your movie without all the roadblocks  associated with it. 


Rewriting your movie is one of the most important things you'll do and it can also be a  fun and exciting thing to do. As you examine your current mind movie and find the  limiting or negative beliefs that are holding you back, you can begin to design the future  of your dreams without limitation! 


If you absolutely knew you couldn't fail, where would you go and what would you do? If there was nothing holding you back, what would you begin working on right now? Come up with the answer to these questions and take them with you to the following chapters. 


Are you ready to get rid of every limiting or negative belief you have right now that's  holding you back? 


Start by answering the questions below and then.... let's move on! 


  1. If you absolutely knew you couldn't fail, where would you go and what would you  do? 
  2. If there was nothing holding you back, what would you begin working on right  now? 


Do you have your answer? If so, let's take it to the next step.