Your Greatest You! Your Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Your Greatest Self by Coach Luc Despres - HTML preview

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SECTION 2 – The 5 Step Ultimate Goal- Getter Formula




The Cycle of progress is the cycle of life. All of us go through this cycle every day, but most of us don't even realize it! Some of us are experiencing the cycle of success and others the cycle of defeat. Most of us will even experience the cycle of success in some areas of life and the cycle of defeat in other areas.


Maybe you're experiencing the cycle of success in your career but in your relationships, you're experiencing the cycle of defeat. The goal of this book is to teach you why you're seeing success and why you're experiencing failure. It's also going to teach you how to reverse the cycle of defeat in those areas that are lacking and spiraling down into disaster.


Many people have and are experiencing the cycle of defeat every day. It's quite sad. Day after day, they get stuck in this cycle that seems to send them into a downward spiral. There are a few select people, on the other hand, who are experiencing the cycle of success and fulfillment. It seems that everything they do easily attracts everything they desire. I'm going to show you how to make the transition from defeat to fulfillment and success within these pages.


 Individuals who are caught up in the negative cycle of defeat will say things like: 


o Nothing ever goes right for me.

o When one thing goes bad, EVERYTHING goes bad.

o It's just one thing after another.

o When will my life ever go the way I want it to?

o  It's a dog eat dog world. 


Individuals who are in a positive cycle of success and fulfillment say things like: 


  • The sky is the limit 
  • I can do anything I put my mind to 
  • I feel truly blessed with the life I'm attracting 
  • There is abundance all around me, enough to supply the world 


So, which cycle are you experiencing right now? Which one best describes you?

Why is it that things seem to go so perfectly for some and so horribly wrong for others? Is it luck? Luckily not!


It's called the belief cycle. I discovered this a few years ago, and have tested it myself. It works every time. This cycle starts with your beliefs - belief about the world, other people, and yourself.


When you have a negative or limiting belief, that belief will fuel your emotions and lead you to either act negatively or to not act at all, which will then yield a negative result. Unfortunately, this negative result will reinforce the belief that created it in the first place - creating an endless process of negative cycles.


There is hope! A simple solution!


If you look at the chart below, you'll see that this cycle will continue on forever unless... you convert your negative belief into its positive counterpart. 



As I mentioned above, our beliefs are the determining factor of our actions. In other words, you will always act in accordance with what you believe in any given situation. Since our actions are influenced by our beliefs, it's important to note that negative or limiting beliefs will lead us to negative emotions, which leads to negative or limiting actions. And negative or limiting actions will lead to negative or limiting result.


I'll give you two examples of this cycle in action below. The bad/negative cycle and the good/positive cycle:



You have a low paying job. You think to yourself; "I wish I could make more money, but... I'm already doing everything I can and I'll need to work harder to make more money" or "I would make more money, but... I'm too shy to ask for a raise. I probably wouldn't get it anyway, because my boss is a jerk"


These are examples of limiting and negative beliefs. Will those beliefs ever help you make more money? Absolutely not!


Any limiting or negative belief you have will never allow you to get more of what you want. They will hold you back from taking action or they will cause you to lash out in a way that is not appealing to those who are able to help you get it. And because you never take the action necessary to get it or lash out negatively against those who could help you, the end result will simply reaffirm to you that your belief was true.


Other examples of limiting beliefs are "I would love to do that but... I'm not good enough. I'm not strong enough. I don't have the right skills. I don't have enough money. Etc.


 When you hear the word but... prepare yourself for a limiting or negative belief.


Limiting beliefs lead to inaction. In other words, they paralyze you from taking any action at all which leads to no result whatsoever.


Negative beliefs lead to negative actions, like lashing out in anger and frustration which lead to negative results.


Either way, the results of these beliefs are not desirable and here is where it can get a bit depressing…


When you've gone through this cycle, every negative result increases your negative beliefs, which leads once again to negative actions which lead to negative results etc. This cycle will continue until you alter your belief and reverse it to its positive counterpart.


The very best and simplest way to discover your personal belief system is by paying close attention to what you're telling yourself day after day.


What are you saying to yourself about you, others, and the world in general?


When you start to pay closer attention to your own self talk (what you tell yourself), you can discover the very root of your beliefs and you will start to see what's holding you back from moving forward in your goals, dreams, and desires. 


What you are telling yourself on a daily basis is what dictates the way you act, feel, and respond to the world and the people with whom you associate yourself with every day. When you come to understand the influence this self-talk has on your life, you begin to give it more importance. Once discovered, you are now capable of rewriting your script and to start attracting more of what you desire in your life. 


The main key to seeing change in your life is to start talking with yourself in a manner that supports your dreams and desires. You must fill your mind with information that supports everything you want to accomplish and start to weed out the negative information and self-talk that currently fills your mind.


It was once stated that "You cannot solve your problems with the same level of thinking that created it". This simply means that you must increase your level of awareness and knowledge in regards to whatever issue you're facing to be able to rise above it. If you continue to do and think in the same way you always have, you simply continue to attract what you already have. You must first change your thoughts and then comes action (the application of thought) and then follows the results applicable to those actions taken. As Jim Rohn once said; "Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better"


Let me now give you an example of a positive cycle:



Now that we know what this cycle looks like when used negatively, let's flip it into its positive counterpart.


In the same way that our beliefs will lead our actions which will then determine our results in the negative realm, you can also expect the same with regards to the positive. 


If you adapt positive or empowering beliefs, you can expect to act accordingly and yield positive and empowering results.


Let me give you an example:

Let's say you have this belief; "I can develop any skill I want and I am of great worth to my team at work. My boss is a valuable part of this team and I respect his opinion, although it will not determine my self-worth. If I ask him what I need to do to earn a raise or this promotion, he will tell me. I will get this raise/promotion because I will do what it takes to get it."


This belief is empowering! By adopting this new empowering belief, you will attract great things into your work life because you've literally increased your worth simply by changing your belief! You are worth far more to the company with this new view than with the old view.


Many people will do just enough to not get fired and as a result their boss will only pay them enough so they won't quit! The employee will say something like "When they start paying me more, I will work harder". But the sad thing is that the company won't pay them more until they show they deserve it by working harder. 


Now tell me... which belief do you believe will get you that raise, the old or new belief? You're right! This new empowering belief will always serve you better than its negative or limiting counterpart.


With this new empowering belief, there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish at work. You WILL get a better pay! It may not even be this raise, but I can assure you that great things will come as a result of adopting this new belief.


This is positive belief, leading to positive emotion, leading to positive action, which leads to positive results.


One important thing to remember is that no matter what the end result is, you will always attract better things into your life with positive empowering beliefs than with negative and/or limiting ones.


Here's where it gets fun. When you've gone through this cycle, every positive result increases your belief, which increases your actions, which increases your results and so forth unto infinity. There is no limit to this cycle and to the potential you have.


In the following chapter, I'll be walking you through the steps of how to use all your limiting beliefs to your advantage - moving you forward in whatever direction you desire!


I promise you that as you apply the following steps, you will embark on a journey of self discovery, self-mastery and great accomplishment. This book will free your inner potential and help you to become your greatest self.


Let's move on...