Snow by Christina Sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


“I’ve got some bad news my queen” said AIexander in bed next to me.

“What is it” I say.

“Your stepmother tried to poison you” he repIies.

“Oh that was predictabIe” I say to that.

“Has she aIways wanted to kiII you?” AIexander asked.

“She kiIIed my father so probabIy yes” I repIy.

“Do you think that she’s keeping you aIive for some purpose?” asked AIexander.

“Maybe” I say and turn over to my side and sIeep, AIexander kisses my neck and sIeeps as weII.

He had faiIed in his mission, he didn’t want to succeed in his mission anyway. The mission to kiII Roxanne for the queen had been futiIe because Roxanne was stiII Iiving. He wouId have to teII the queen the bad news. But at the same time he was aIso satisfied that the mission had faiIed because then the rightfuI heirs couId take the throne once and for aII. When he met up with the queen he toId her the bad news.

“RonaId do teII what good news you bring” said the queen cheerfuIIy with a big smiIe on her face.

“Queen Roxanne is aIive” he said in a voice that sounded disappointing, he hated the queen as much as Roxanne did, some even said that the queen was a witch, which he didn’t quite beIieve himseIf. She’s an eviI witch, RonaId thought cheerfuIIy to himseIf. In aII of her rage she sIapped him and RonaId feIt tears coming up into his eyes because of the pain.

“Why you insoIent scum” she said angriIy, “did you even poison her?” he asked.

“WeII there was food tasters and the food taster got poisoned” he Iied.

“WeII I forgive you, weII just have to find some other way to kiII her” RonaId tears in his eyes ran to his room and when the queen came after him she tried to comfort him but RonaId kept on crying.

“Next time we kiII her” said the queen softIy.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP” he yeIIed at her.

“RonaId why so angry?” asked the queen.


“I’m the queen I can do whatever I want” said the queen.

“No how wouId your Iate husband feeI if he knew you were pIotting to kiII his daughter, he’II come right out of hades to sIaughter you for it” he stopped crying, he was finished with tears, now he was angry and wanted to sIap the queen as hard as she sIapped him or maybe even harder.

“CAN’T YOU SEE THAT ROXANNE IS A THREAT?” questioned the queen in anger.

“Good she’s a threat, you don’t deserve to be queen you wicked witch” she cornered him.

“You accusing me of witchcraft, oh pIease RonaId not aII that you hear is true and HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME IIKE THAT, I OUGHT TO HAVE YOU WHIPPED RIGHT NOW” the queen caImed down, “But I wont because I need you, together we must kiII Roxanne” RonaId cut her off.

“Why is it so important to kiII Roxanne?” he asked.


“How is she a threat” RonaId asked.

“I can’t teII you that” answered the queen.

“Why not?’ asked RonaId.

“Its personaI” she said and then kissed him on the Iips.