The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Scene Four/ the Unwanted


Darla walks in draped with diamonds and a bunch of expensive shopping bags singing, “Money.” She instantly goes in for the attack on Sam. “Who are you on the phone talking to?” “My friend Linda.” “Hang up the phone now!” “Hi Linda, I have to go.” While Samantha is in midsentence, Darla snatches the phone, throws it to the floor, steps on it and gets in Sam's face. Sam begins to cry. “After I told you I don’t want you talking to that girl anymore; you blatantly disobeyed my orders! Now you listen to me you little ungrateful child and you listen well. You keep this up and you will get what you really don’t want!” “What do you mean?” says Sam. “It means that I'm in charge of this establishment now, and anyone who crosses me the wrong way will pay dearly! You got that?” “Yes” says Sam. “Now get out of my face with all that crying and get lost somewhere!”

“Where am I’m going to go its cold outside and you have locked me out of my own room?” “Out of here and out of my face!” says Darla. Sam looks at Darla very sad and exhausted from crying “Please don’t make me go outside again.” “Little girl, you listen to me! You had better watch your tone when you talk to me! I am not your parents and I will not tolerate you mouthing at me! Do you understand?” Speaking to Sam in a very stern voice, she gets in Sam’s face and squeezes it very tightly. “Yes” says Sam.

“And Sam, one more thing before you go, let’s just get one thing straight. I never wanted the responsibility of raising some stupid teenager anyway. I never liked your mom and I don’t like you either!” “Why are you treating me like this?” “Because that’s how ugly stupid little ungrateful rich brats should be treated! You walk around with all your money thinking you're better than everyone else! You think your money is the answer to everything! You look at everyone else in the world as nothing! Spoiled rich brat that’s what you are! I don’t like you and never will! And your poor dear mother, I never liked her! She always had the best grades; the cutest guys, the cutest figure. Miss nice and polite and to top it off, she marries the richest man in California! He was supposed to be mine!” “What?” says Sam.  “Oh yes! I’ll bet she never told you that! He was my friend, we studied together and I know he would have been my man if your sassy momma wouldn’t have sassed her cute little figure around him! So as far as I’m concerned, this was supposed to be my life and I’m living it like its golden now! And for you my dear, now, you’re going to experience my world. I’m going to make sure you understand how it feels to live around the riches of this world but can’t touch it! It’s my turn to live the good life now!” Sadly, after hearing Darla's confession, Sam holds her head down and then looks up at Darla. “I thought you loved me.” “Well now you know the truth. Now go! And Sam?” “Yes Ma’am?” With a very sarcastic tone. “How do you like my new outfit you just bought me? Isn’t it lovely on me?” Sam doesn't say a word and just grabs her coat, but Darla snatches it from her. Sam looks at her in dismay. “You don’t need this my Darling!” “But it’s cold; it’s 38 degrees out there!” “Really now, is it? Well I don’t care how cold it is, get out of my house now!” She screams at Sam, and Sam leaves. Shortly after Sam leaves, Darla calls her boyfriend Brandon.

“Hello?” “Well hi my love!” What’s going on?” “Every time I look at that stupid girl, I wish I could get rid of her.” “I know, but you have to be patient Darla!” “No, I don’t!” “What do you mean?” “I want you to live with me as soon as possible and I think I know of a way to get rid of that ungrateful little brat!” “Make it happen! Just say the word and I am there.” “Just give me a few days Brandon; love you.” “Love you too!” “Bye.” “Bye.” Darla hangs up and calls the police. “Hello 911, how can I help you?” “Hi, 911 I need a police over here now. I have a 17 year old living with me and she just beat me up! Help; please I’m an old lady!” “OK, don't worry, just get somewhere where you are safe and we are sending a police now.” “Thank you! Now hurry up I’m in pain. Ooh, the pain!” Darla hangs up the phone, pulls out makeup and makes her face up as though she was beaten up by Sam. To make sure she could really fool the police, she gives that final look in the mirror.

“Looks great! Now all I have to do now is just wait for the police to get here and make them think that Sam beat me up and she will be so out of here!”

The police finally arrive and knock on the door. Darla runs over to the sink and puts waters in her eyes, creating the illusion of fake tears and begins to cry. “Who is it?” “The Burkmore police department.”

Darla opens up the door dramatically. “Yes, officer, my niece attacked me about 30 minutes ago.” “What happened?” “Well officer, her mom died a couple of weeks ago and she never liked me, so she got mad at me when I told her she couldn’t hang out with this thug friend of hers named Linda, so she threatened my life and beat me up! Officer, I can’t take this anymore! She's just out of control!”

“Would you like to press charges against your niece?”


“Yes; I want to press charges and have her put in juvenile hall. I don’t want her back here ever again! I’m terrified of what this girl might do to me if she stays here.” “Ok, where is Sam?” “She left after she beat me up.” Sam walks in with the look of shock and amazement! “What’s going on auntie Darla?” “Sam, you’re under arrest for assault and battery, place your hands behind your back.” Sam cries and pleads with the police officer not to take her in. “No officer, I didn’t do that!” “Yes you did! Look at me! And she's a liar too officer! You can see plainly what she did to me! A blind man can see this” says Darla.

Darla looks down to the floor acting as if she was helpless and defeated. “Please auntie, tell him the truth please! Darla, you tell him the truth! You’re the one who’s the liar and you know it!” “See how she talks to me officer?”

The police arrest Sam and takes her out the door of her own home kicking and screaming. As soon as Sam leaves with the police, Darla calls her boyfriend Brandon and leaves a message on his voice mail. “Hi baby, I did it. You can come home now she is out of our hair now for good!”