The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Five/ the Rebellion


Sam is now living in a group home for girls. All the while, Sam struggled with the mere thought of her auntie Darla treating her with such hatred and contempt. Sam spent every waking moment trying to process why she was elected for this type of abuse especially after losing her parents.

Eventually, Sam began to become accustomed to her new surroundings and lifestyle as a common teenager without any special treatment.

While living at the Group home. Sam began distancing herself almost immediately, which only led to more trouble and anger for Sam.

Sam met a young man, one evening while sneaking out of the window of her room. Spending time with this young man who was also troubled; was a great way Sam thought to vent. Sam would spend hours sharing stories of her former life of bliss without ever revealing her true identity of her Burkmore lineage.

However; on one occasion, Sam's new boyfriend as she thought of him began to introduce her to Marijuana and alcohol as a way to numb her pain. Although Sam was initially reluctant in trying the substances, her anger and rebellion drew her closer and closer to experimenting.

As time went by, Sam created a very destructive lifestyle, which consisted of partying, sex, drugs and drinking. These repetitive practices only led to more anger and hostility.


Drinking became Sam's number one love. She would sneak alcohol in her purse and whenever she felt anger consuming her, she would turn to the bottle.

Sam had a roomie by the name of Jane. Jane came from a very hard life on the opposite side of the tracks from where Sam was born. Jane was formally affiliated with a female gang and was rejected by her parents. After committing crimes with her gang family, Jane was caught and sent to the group home, as well as Sam. However, during her stay at the group home, Jane met the group home mom, Mrs. Williams, who was a Christian woman. She was able to get through to Jane, so she changed her whole life and way of thinking. Jane gave her life to Christ.

Jane saw something special in Sam and felt enormous amounts of compassion for her. She wanted Sam to experience the joy in Christ as she had experienced as well, but Sam was so full of anger and rebellion, Jane could not.

One day Sam was sitting down watching TV and Mrs. Williams walks up to her.

“Hi Sam” says Mrs. Williams. Sam doesn’t answer her. Sam began making a habit out of ignoring everyone around her. “Sam listen, I know you're hurting but you can’t continue to ignore everyone.” “I just want to be left alone” says Sam. “Ok Sam, but just know that I’m here for you if you ever want to talk. Now it’s getting late, remember 11pm is bedtime, so you have 10 minutes.” “Whatever” Sam says.

Shortly after Mrs. Williams leaves the room, Jane walks up. Sam sighs as if she’s really annoyed. “Hey Sam, are you Ok?” “What do you care Jane?” “I do care, you’re like the sister I never had Sam.”

 “What are you talking about?” Sam replied. “How do you figure that? You don’t even know me or anything about me, so would you please leave!”

“No Sam, absolutely not! You put up this wall, but I know you’ve been hurt very badly.” “Shut up Jane! You do know anything about me or my life!”

“Your right, I don’t, but just so you know, I had a very hard life myself, and I used to be angry just like you. You reminded me of myself not too long ago. My mom never wanted me, and I never knew my dad; so I joined a gang to fit in. Later I got arrested for stealing food. We were so poor and all my mom ever wanted to do was party and get high!”

“Well Jane, I’m nothing like you. You’re a thief and a thug, and frankly, I’m not interested in hearing your pathetic little sob story about your pathetic little life. I have my own troubles to deal with, so if you would just shut up and let me enjoy my TV show, that will be the best thing to have happened to me in a long time” replied Sam.

“I’m sorry that you feel that way Sam. Listen, I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ve been adopted by a Christian family who just so happen to be relatives of Mrs. Williams and they are also pastors. So, I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be around anymore.” Jane writes her address on a piece of paper and hands it to Sam. “Well, Sam, here is my new address, If you ever want to talk or want a friend, I will be so happy to listen.”

Sam still is difficult and uncooperative, she never responded to Jane's efforts to befriend her beyond the doors of the group home, so Jane puts the paper where she wrote her address on Sam’s lap and walks out the room. Full of hostility, Sam flicks it off her lap onto the floor.

Jane looked upon Sam with compassion, but felt hurt and rejected by Sam's rude behavior. Jane then walks out the room. No sooner than Jane left, Sam picks up her purse and looks around to see if anyone is watching, and she opens her small purse sized vodka bottle and drinks the remainder of its contents. Looking at her Vodka bottle Sam exclaims, “As long as I got you, I don’t need anybody else.”