The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Three/ the Transfer of Power


Darla, Samantha and Linda finally arrive back home from a long exhausting day at the Burkmores Memorial service. Sam and Linda are depressed and have very little to say. Sam begins a loud outburst of a cry and Darla walks over to Sam. “Sam” says Darla. When Sam doesn't respond to Darla's efforts to console her, Darla gets upset and says in a very stern voice, “fine then! Don’t speak to me! I’ll leave you alone then!” Darla then goes over to the bar to pour herself a glass of vodka. When Darla was pouring her drinks, there is a sudden knock at the door. Darla had invited Mrs. Harris, the Burkmore family Lawyer to come over. “Who is it?” Darla says.

“Its Mrs. Harris, Mr. & Mrs. Burkmore’s lawyer” Darla put her drink up and excitedly runs to open the door. “Oh, hi Mrs. Harris!  I’ve been expecting you.” Darla and the lawyer exchange handshakes. “Yes, come in.” Mrs. Harris walks in “Please have a seat.” “Now Darla, I have to say, this is a bit unusual to do this so soon; in fact it’s very unusual. On the other hand, it’s a good thing you called me because I was about to leave town. So let’s get down to business, I won’t be long.” Darla is very nervous and abruptly cuts off Mrs. Harris while she was speaking. “I do understand and I am very sorry for the seven messages I left you, it’s just that I don’t have any money to take care of Sam, so I thought I would get the money rolling in. If you know what I mean?” Mrs. Harris looks at her really funny and doesn't really respond to Darla's rudeness. Mrs. Harris opens her briefcase and pulls out the Burkmore Last Will and Testament. “Here are Mr. & Mrs. Burkmore’s final wishes.”

“Mr. & Mrs. Burkmore would like physical custody, their estate and all liquid assets to be temporarily granted to you. Samantha is 17 years old now, so after she turns 21, the estate and all remaining liquid assets will become her sole property. Samantha will be able to access her trust & college fund at age 18. Darla is to be awarded 100 thousand dollars a year for her personal endeavors and 100 thousand is to be used for Samantha. No more than 200 thousand per year is to be withdrawn from the Burkmore’s bank account. After Samantha turns 21, no funds are to be withdrawn from the Burkmore’s bank account by Darla, but the remainder of the Burkmore’s money is to be awarded to Samantha.” “Great! So where is my money? I'm sorry I meant to say, how do I go about getting my money?” Mrs. Harris hands Darla her business card. “Call the office in the morning, I will have my assistant type up the papers for you to sign.” “Oh, Yes! Yes! That’s right! That's how it works, stupid me! Thank you Mrs. Harris.” Mrs. Harris begins to drop tears as the Burkmore’s were longtime friends of hers and Mrs. Harris was overcome with compassion for what Sam was experiencing. Mrs. Harris walks over to Sam. “I’m so sorry sweetie.” Sam and her share an embrace. Mrs. Harris leaves.

Darla then walks over to a grieving Linda and sternly says to her “I think it’s time for you to go home now!” The girls were very surprised on how Darla's whole demeanor changed almost instantaneously.

“Why can’t she stay?” says Sam. “Why? Don’t ever ask me why again little girl! Because I don’t like her as your friend anymore and she needs to leave now. That’s why!” “No! You’re not my mom! You can’t tell me what to do! LINDA HAS BEEN MY FRIEND EVER SINCE WE WERE KIDS! She’s like my sister. She’s all I have!”


Darla goes over to Linda and picks her up by the arm and escorts her out. Linda and Sam are crying uncontrollably. “You can’t do this! That’s my sister!” Darla throws her out. “Really? Is it now? I didn’t know I had another niece! Well niecey Pooh, you’re not welcomed back in my house ever again!” The girls tearfully depart from one another. “Bye Sam” says Linda “Sisters forever! I love you.” The girls share a teary goodbye hug. Darla slams the door in Linda's face. Sam walks up to Darla. “You pretended to like me when my parents were alive, but you are a fake! You were jealous of my mom! I hate you!” Sam runs out the door screaming and crying! “You better be home by a 6pm little girl, or you’re not getting back in this house!” Sam leaves and slams the door.

“I’ll find a way to get rid of you little girl!” says auntie Darla as soon as Sam runs out the door.