The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Six/ All Grown Up (3 Years Later)


It's 3 years later and Sam has become the most unlikable and unreasonable managers ever in her management position at Dave’s Cleaning Services. Dave's Cleaning Services is a local cleaning company that Mrs. Williams helped Sam find employment shortly after arriving at the group home. Because Sam's parents owned the entire city of Burkmore, Sam was familiar with running a business and understood how to generate much revenue and sustainability.

One day while Sam was sitting in her office, she found herself overcome with unquenchable anger. Her secretary Jeannie was late for work and Sam could not resist the urge to take a few sips of her purse sized vodka that she frequented to calm her nerves. Sam made a regular habit of drinking on the job whenever stress got the best of her; however, she is pretty good at hiding her addiction.

Finally, it’s 5 minutes after the hour and Sam's secretary Jeannie walks through the door. Sam shouts from her office, “Jeannie! Jeannie!” “Where is that stupid girl” Sam says to herself? Sam looks at her watch. “What’s the point of hiring a secretary when they are never there when you need them? That’s OK! I know exactly what I’m going to do! I’m just going to fire her as soon as she walks into my office! Nobody works for me and jerks me around! I'm the manager and they better respect me!”

“I don’t play that 3rd warning mess! You mess up with me one time and you’re out of here! I fired the last seven and she’s no exception.”

An angry Sam paces back and forth around her office furious! Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Replies Sam. Sam was speaking very sternly.

Nervous and afraid as all employees were of Sam's rage, Jeannie replies “It’s me, Jeannie.”

Sam grabs the knob with so much rage and so hard it came off the door. Jeannie looks at Sam with sheer terror on her face as she prepares herself for the fury of Sam.

Sam replies “Well, well, the queen has finally arrived!” “Did I do something to you” says Jeannie? Sam sighs and rolls her eyes; then in a very sinister voice Sam replies “I don’t know Jeannie! Not the Queen, never the queen.”

“What’s the matter” replies Jeannie? Jeannie sits down on the couch ready to defend herself. “Everything” replies Sam. “Well Sam, I’m sorry you feel that way; what set you off” says Jeannie? “I’m sick and tired of you being late Jeannie; what’s your problem?”

“I don't have a problem Sam” replies Jeannie. “This is only the 3rd time in 3 years I’ve been late Sam, and every time it was justifiable. I would have been on time today, but there was an accident on the freeway.” Sam cuts her off midsentence “Excuses, excuses, excuses; I don’t want to hear them anymore Jeannie!”

“Now come on” replies Jeannie. “Come on now; I just think you’re giving me a chance. I’m a good worker. I’ve worked for three years, and you should know me by now. I just think you're being unreasonable Sam.”

Sam becomes more furious “Unreasonable; really, is that what you think about your boss; unreasonable?”

Jeannie becomes even more uncomfortable with the Sam’s sinister behavior as she desperately tries to plead her case and hold on to your job. Jeannie says to Sam. “You have everyone on the edge every day. People here are afraid to talk to you. Sam, I’m really concerned about you. I’m just being honest with you.”


“Concerned about what” Sam replies? “You’re late and I’m mad about that and you’re concerned about me? You should be concerned about how you’re going to feed your children and pay your rent this month without a job! Or better yet, maybe you should be concerned about how you’re going to pay your bills this month because I don’t think I need your position anymore! I don’t need some so called secretary of mine or anyone for that matter, telling me how to run my company!”

Shocked and amazed, Jeannie looks at Sam with tears in her eyes. “Sam, how could you do this to me?”

“Because I’m sick of you and everyone else here, and frankly; I don’t care” replies Sam. Sam gets up out her seat and walks to the door and kicks it open with her foot.

 With tears Jeannie looks at Sam. “Sam, just some advice from someone who cares, if you don’t let whatever is bothering you go, whatever it is that’s causing you to be so hateful and mean, one day it will destroy you and you will die an old lonely woman. I wish you the best. Please get help!” Jeannie walks out of Sam's office sad and with her head hanging down.

“Shut up and get out; get out” replies Sam. Sam slams the door behind her.