The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Scene Seven/ Out of Control


Sam moved into her own apartment shortly after turning 18 on the opposite side of the Burkmore town. The clock hits 8:00pm and Sam walks in after a long day at work. She turns on some music and pours herself another glass of vodka. She looks at the bottle and begins to talk to the vodka as if it were her best friend. “Who needs friends? Not me! I don’t need anybody but you!? Sam laughs. “Now, I love you” still referring to the vodka.


She takes a drink, turns on the radio and starts to dance and sing with her alcohol in hand. “These stupid, ignorant, none professional, ungrateful fools that call themselves employees! Well, you know what I call you? Fired!” She laughs. “I know what I’m going to do.!” “I’m going fire everyone tomorrow!” She laughs even more. “Who needs a bunch of dummies working for them? I’ll hire a new staff!”


Sam begins spinning out of control. “I wonder what my man is up to! Let me call that looser up and give him a piece of my mind too!”


Drunk Sam picks up the phone and calls her boyfriend, but he doesn’t pick up the phone. This only infuriates Sam even more! In Sam's rage, she did not realize that she had missed dialed his phone number and reached a disconnected line. However, regardless Sam was determined to give her boyfriend who she also hired and gave a job at “Dave's Cleaning service” a piece of her mind.


“Hey, listen you little demon seed! I know you’ve been cheating on me! Don’t you ever call me again! I mean it! I hate you so much I can’t even stand it!!! You never wanted me! You just used me to get a job! I’ll bet you’ve been running around with that little secretary… But guess what? I fired her today and guess who else is fired? You!! You little looser! Don’t you ever come around me ever again! You hear me! I don’t need you or anyone!”


Frantic Sam is at her breaking point. She is screaming and crying like a mad woman! While holding her drink in hand, she doesn't notice the Handel on the couch and trips and falls to the floor hitting her head on the cocktail table. As Sam hits the floor, she drinks falls out her hand and breaks. She looks at the glass and grabs her heard staring into space. “Maybe I don’t need to live anymore!” Maybe I can make myself disappear too. Yes, that’s what I will do. I will make myself disappear too! She looks around the room in a very disconnected way as one ready to commit suicide. She then looks up to the roof of her apartment. “Can you take me away from here? “Sam is crying inconsolable tears. All the pain she had felt from her parents' sudden death to being mistreated and deceived by her only auntie finally was too much for her to bare alone. She was finally ready to end it all. She picked up a glass vase and for a minute contemplated banging it against her head, but instead, she threw it across the room. She looks upwards to the ceiling once again. “Take me to my mom and dad!” A screaming Sam continues to say “please take me out of here!”


In the mist of her contemplating taking her life, Sam falls asleep on the floor by the couch.