The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight/ the End of the Rope


Sam is awakened by a 5.1 Earthquake. Still quite shaken by last night's meltdown, Sam wakes up hung over and with a huge knot on her forehead from hitting her head on the table. Still unaware that the source of her abrupt awaking was an earthquake, she jumps up and screams “Shut up dummies! Can’t you see I’m trying to get some sleep around here?” Sam then looks at the clock and realizes she's late for work. Nervously Sam reacts “What time is it?” She looked at the time, “Ooh now I’m late!” She runs over to the kitchen to start her coffee pot. She then rushes into the room and goes into her closet to find her work uniform. As she looks down to get her shoes, there lies the backpack she had at the group home when she was a teenager. She grabs it as if time suddenly slowed down and sits down on the bed. She opens it and begins pulling out the items. The backpack housed all that was left of her childhood memories; including her favorite teddy bear her Dad gave to her on her 7th birthday. An overwhelming sadness shook her deepest core as she was reminded of the past that she had so conveniently stored in that backpack far away from her heart. Also in the backpack was a family photo of Sam, her mom and dad. Sam looked in the front pocket of her backpack and found the little paper that her group home roomie had given her with her contact address.

Although Sam felt a strong urge to drink at that very moment, this time it was different. The healing had begun to unravel in Sam's heart. Sam knew at that moment that she could not go any further. She desperately needed to reach out to someone for help. She had finally come to the conclusion that she was out of control. Sam picks up the phone and calls the only person she knew could help her, her group home mom, Mrs. Williams. A teenage girl answers the phone.

“Hello?” “Hi, Does Mrs. Williams still work there?” “Yes” says the teenage girl. “One moment.” Mrs. Williams answers the phone; “Hello?”

“Hi Mrs. Williams.” “Hi, who is this” says Mrs. Williams? “It’s me, Sam.”

“Oh, hi Sam! Wow; it’s so good to hear from you! How have you been?” “Not too good” Sam replies. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you in trouble?” “Yes and no Mrs. Williams; I was actually calling you to see if you had Jane’s phone number and address?” Mrs. Williams so excited that Sam called replied. “Yes, yes I do, hold on baby” says Mrs. Williams.

Sam gets a pen and paper and writes it down. Although Sam went back in the trash after Jane left to get the address Jane had written on the small piece of paper, she was unsure if that address was still accurate. 

Mrs. Williams returns to the phone. “Her address is 4576 Torpedo Square just outside of Burkmore.” Sam feels a sense of relief as if an angel had visited her in that moment and thanked Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Williams assured Sam that she was in her daily prayers and they both released their lines.

Sam called her job and took the day off. She got in her car and headed down to Jane's house as if her very life depended on her visit. Unsure if Jane would even speak to her after she treated her so cold; she was still willing to take her chances. It was finally time for Sam to reveal her identity and the secrets of her heart.