The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Two/ the Call


Sam and Linda had the time of their lives doing all the fun things teenage girls love doing at sleep overs. After having so much fun, the girls found themselves with heavy eyelids by 3a.m., so they crashed in the front room while watching TV.

Suddenly, around 7a.m., Sam was awakened by the sound of Auntie Darla's keys rattling the door. Barely woke, Sam goes over to the door “Auntie Darla, do you know what time it is? You stayed out all night!” Darla has on dark glasses and her shirt is on backwards. She walks over to Sam and pushes Sam away to the side, walking over to the kitchen to fix her a cup of coffee because she has a nagging hangover. “Get off my case little girl, can't you see I have a hangover?” “Sorry” says Sam. Sam walks over to Linda and wakes her up and they both go in Sam's room away from negative auntie Darla. While making coffee, the phone rings. “Hello!” Sam and her friend come running out the room laughing and making fun of Darla. “If that’s mom and dad tell them I’m still mad.” The girls start giggling. 

“Shush little girls, can't you see I'm on the phone?” “What? Oh no! Oh no!” Darla is covering her mouth with her hands and has a look of sheer shock on her face. “Yes, I understand, thank you!” She hangs up the phone in shock.

“Was that mom and dad?” Darla is still in shock and not responding to Sam's question. “Who was that auntie Darla?” “Wait a minute, I still have a hangover!” Sam and Linda begin to look very worried and press Auntie Darla for some quick answers. “Sam” says Auntie Darla. “What Darla, tell me!” “Sit down.” Darla begins to cry. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” “I don’t know how to say this Sam.” “Say what? ….. Tell me!” Sam is noticeably getting angry. “It’s your parents.” “What about my parents?” Sam says. “They’re dead!” Darla breaks out in an inconsolable cry. “Dead?” Sam says softly while looking shocked. Sam then screams at the top of her voice at her auntie. “You’re a jealous liar! I don’t believe you!”

Darla tries to go hug Sam, but Sam pushes her away. Linda is crying and trying to console Sam. “It’s true Sam. They rented a private plane and were planning to go sky diving and apparently the pilot didn’t have enough fuel so the plane crashed into the shark infested water. They found the plane, but they can’t find the bodies.” “They said whenever planes go down into shark infested water, the sharks will devour them in minutes and that. Sam I'm sorry but it's true, your parents are gone forever.” “I’m so sorry Sam.”

Once again, Darla tries to reach out to hug Sam, but Sam pulls away in hysteria! “Oh no! I didn’t tell mom I loved her and I forgot to call my dad and tell him I loved him too!” “I’m sorry Sam” says Darla. But Sam continues to scream the words, “I dint tell them I loved them! Why didn't I say, say it! How stupid I was! Now they're gone! I'm so sorry mom and dad!” Sam falls to the floor and her friend Linda goes over to rub her back in efforts to console her.