Social Traffic Rush by Dominik WItan - HTML preview

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Edit your Instagram bio

Your bio is one of the first things people see when they land on your profile.

Write your bio in such a way that people won’t be confused by what it is you do – spell it out for them.

Don’t write like a robot! Add a bit of humor or a touch of personality – that’s one way to get people to follow you!

Make sure you add a link to your website in your bio. This is where people will be clicking through to your site so if you’re promoting some new products, then you may need to change up the link from time to time, so people go directly to where you want them to land on your website.

Post creative and visually-pleasing photos and videos

As mentioned earlier in this guide, there’s no need to hard sell on Instagram. When you hard sell, you’re only pushing people away. No one wants to follow an aggressive marketer or seller on Instagram.

Upload awesome photos on your feed and let people’s imagination take over! Let them imagine how they’d feel if they were wearing your brand’s clothes, how nice it would feel to wear one of your hand-made bags.

You can make your photos look fun and exciting by color coordinating your products, for example. Or by taking a panoramic shot and then dividing it into three images so that when you upload it to Instagram, they’ll appear side-by-side and will still look like a panoramic shot.

Offer exclusive discount codes and promotions to your Instagram