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part of name

doubt, Cartesian. See Cartesian doubt

death: in Eleusinian Mysteries, 63n.61;

drama, 187, 187n.ll, 2O5n.33

eudaimonia obtaining only after, 192;

dreams, 199, 281

experience of the eternal as kind of,

drug addiction, 113n.61

20; household as realm of, 62-63; la-

Dunkmann, Karl, lOln

bor, work, and action as connected

amis: Pericles' faith in, 205; poten-

with, 8; and nature, 96-97; Old Tes-

tial character of, 200. See also power

tament view of, 107, 107n; pain as

borderline between life and, 51,

Ecclesiastes, 204

51n.43: and sin, 314; suicide, 315,

economics: conformism at root of, 42;

316; underworld deities, 30n.l9

as housekeeping, 28-29; "invisible

Decalogue, 315

hand" doctrine, 42n, 44, 48n.38,

decay, 97-98

185; Marx on laws of, 209; physio-

deeds: endurance capacity of, 233; futil-

crats, 87n.l6; political economy, 29,

ity of, 173; good deeds, 76, 240; he-

33n, 42 n; statistics as tool of, 42. See

roic deeds, 101; history as a story of,

also classical economics

185; immortality of, 19, 19n.l9, 197,

Eddington, Arthur S., 261

198; inserting ourselves in the world

egoism, 311

with, 176

Einstein's theory of relativity, 263-64

demiourgoi, 81, 8In.6, 159

elan vital, 117n

democracy, 220, 222

electricity, 148-49

Democritus, 170n, 206, 259n.l0, 275,

Eleusinian Mysteries, 63n.61


Else, Gerard E, 142n

Demosthenes, 26n.8, 64n.66

empiricism, English, 272

Descartes, Rene: analytical geometry

end in itself, 154-55, 156, 206

of, 266-67; on Archimedean point,

ends and means: as characteristic of

284, 284n.45, 287; cogito argument,

homofaber, 145, 157, 305; the end as

279, 280, 280n.40; doubts about

justifying the means, 229; Kant oh,

God's goodness, 281-82; and Gali-

155-56; men and machines as, 145,

leo, 273; introspection in, 280, 282;

152; and product of fabrication, 153;

[ W ]


ends and means (continued)

fabrication (making): action distin-

in utilitarianism, 154-57; work of

guished from, 188, 192; action un-

man as beyond, 207

derstood as, 322; Bergson on, 3O5n;

energeia, 206, 206n.35

in experiments, 295; lawmaking as,

Engels, Friedrich, 86n.l4, 88, 116,

195; means and ends in, 153; Pla-


tonic ideas influenced by, 142-43,

English empiricism, 272

142n, 225-26, 302-4; poems as

entelecheia, 206

made, l70n;poiesis, 195, 301; as re-

Epicureanism. 112, 235, 309, 310, 311

ification, 139-44; reversal within

Epicurus, 113, 113nn. 61,62

vita activa and, 294-304; as taking

equality: before God, 215; of men and

place in a world, 188; traditional

women, 48n.38; and plurality, 175;

substitution of making for action,

in the polls, 32; in public realm, 215;

220-30; violence as element of, 139—

in society, 39, 40, 41

40, 153; in vita activa, 141; world

ergazesthai, 80. See also work

alienation affecting, 307. See also

ergon, 83n.8. See also work

homo faber

eternal recurrence, 97, 232

faith, 247n, 253-54, 271, 319, 320

eternity: as center of thought for Socra-

family, the: Christian community mod-

tes and Plato, 20; contemplation for

eled on, 53-54; class membership

experiencing, 20-21; experience of

versus family membership, 256, 257;

as kind of death, 20; versus immortal-

declining with society's emergence,

ity, 17-21

40, 256; nation compared with, 256;

eudaimonia: as bought only at price of

paterfamilias, 27, 28n; society as su-

life, 194; freedom as condition of,

per-human family, 29, 39. See also

31; meaning of, 192-93; as obtaining


only after death, 192

Faulkner, William, 18In

Euripides, 84n.lO

fertility: of animal laborans, 112, 122;

Eutheras, 3 In

capital accumulation compared with,

evolution, 312

255; labor and, 101-9, 117; of labor

excellence, 48-49, 49n, 73, 173

power, 118; in life philosophies,

exchange market, 159-67; as prior to

313n; love distinguished from,

manufacturing class, 163; as pub-

242n.82; Marx equating productivity

lic realm of homo faber, 160, 162,

with, 106

209-10; relativity of, 166; things be-

feudalism, 29n.l3, 34-35, 252

coming values in, 163-65; as un-

forgiveness: irreversibility and the

known in Middle Ages, 166n; the

power to forgive, 236-43; Jesus on,

work of our hands in, 136

238-41, 239nn. 76, 77, 24On.8O,

exchange value: triumph over use value,

247; and love, 242; as personal, 241;

307; use value changing to in capital-

punishment contrasted with, 241; as

ism, 165; use value distinguished

unrealistic, 243; vengeance con-

from, 163

trasted with, 240-41

existentialism, 235n.74, 272, 313n

fortune, good, 108, 193

experiment, ISOn, 231, 286, 287-88,

France: annual working days before


Revolution, 132n.85; xhe sans-

expressionist art, 323n

culottes, 218, 218n.54; the "small

expropriation: in accumulation of

things" in, 52; utility principle in

wealth, 254-55; of Church property,

French philosophy, 306

66-61, 252; modern age starting

Franklin, Benjamin, 144, 159

with expropriation of the poor, 61,

freedom: in Aristotle's bios politikos, 12-

66; of the peasantry, 251; socializa-

13, 12n.4; as condition of thought,

tion of man carried through by

324; courage as required for, 187;

means of, 72; and theory of private

die despot's life as unfree, 13, 13n.7,

property, 109; and world alienation

32n.22; as entangling people in web

coinciding, 253

of relationships, 233-34; the house-



hold as lacking, 32; in lying,

Euclidean geometries, 285; and Pla-

129n,78; menial servants producing

tonic ideas^ 142n, 266

their masters', 87; and necessity, 70,

genre, 189

71; necessity in defining, 121; old

German idealism, 272

freedoms abolished in Roman Em-

Germany, postwar economic miracle of,

pire, 28n, 13On.81; the polis as the

252-53, 253n

sphere of, 30-31; public realm asso-

Gini, Corrado, 127n

ciated with, 73; sovereignty identi-

glory, 77

fied with, 234-35; as supplanting ne-

God: in Augustine's anthropology, lOn;

cessity for Marx, 104;

creation of Man, 8, 8n; Dien trotn-

unpredictability as price of, 244

peur of Cartesian doubt, 277, 281;

free labor: in antiquity and the Middle

doubt about goodness of, 281-82;

Ages, 66n.7O; as segregated from the

equality before, 215; modern age as

community, 72-73; slaves' emancipa-

turning away from heavenly, 2; and

tion contrasted with that of, 217. See

nature as watchmaker and watch,

also working class

297; as Platonic idea of man, 11; the-

free time, 133

odicies, 281,282

Friedmann, Georges, 127n, I41n.6,

gods: Homeric, 18, 23n.l; household

145n, 149n.l2"

gods, 30; in polytheism, 202,

Fritz, Kurt von, 143n

234-35; underworld deities, 30n.l9

fiingibiles, 69

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 5 In.43

Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis:

good, the: and the beautiful, 226n.65;

on demands on ancient citizens,

common good, 35, 55; life as the

65n.68; on Greek and Latin words

highest good, 313-20; and Plato's

for rulership, 32n.22; on Greek law

ideas, 225-26

on buildings touching, 63n.63;

good deeds, 76, 240

on Greek law on sharing harvest,

good fortune, 108, 193

3On.l7; on the household and the

good life, Aristotle on the, 36—37

city, 24n.6; on paternal power in Ath-

goodness: as arising with Christianity,

ens, 29n.l6; on political activity in

73-74; as destructive of public

the ancient city, 14n.lO; on property

realm. 77; of God, 281-82; Jesus on,

in ancient world, 6In; on the Roman

74-75; love of wisdom and love of,

plebs, 62n.59; on underworld deities,


3 On. 19

good works, 76

futility, 73, 121, 135, 173, 197

Gospels, 318

government. See state, the

greatest happiness principle, 133,

Galiani, Abbey, 163n.31


Galileo: on Aristarchus and Coperni-

greatness: in Aristotle's theory of

cus, 274n; Cartesian doubt as re-

drama, 2O5n.33; as criterion of ac-

sponse to, 260-61, 274, 287; in cre-

tion, 205; for mortals, 19; who one

ation of modern science, 248, 249,

is as source of, 211

249n, 257-64; and Descartes, 273; as

Greece: the agora, 160; art in, 156-57;

disciple of Archimedes, 259; on fall-

craftsmen in, 80, 82; desire for im-

ing bodies, 258, 295; relativism of,

mortality in, 232; Eleusinian Myster-

264; on secondary qualities,

ies, 63n.61; estimation of wealth and

114n.63; two methods deriving

culture in, 59, 59n.54; frugality in

from, 312

classical, 132n.84; Homeric gods,

Gehlen, Arnold, 177n.l

18, 23n.l; legislation as not political

Genelli, R. P., 149n.l2, 213n.47

activity in, 63, 194-95, 195n.21,

Genesis, 8, 8n, 107n, 139n

196; slaves in, 36n.3O, 59n.54;

genius, 210-11

Sparta, 32n.23; Thebes, 26n,9. See

geometry: algebraic treatment of, 265;

also Athens; polis, the

analytical geometry, 266-67; non-

Greek tragedy, 187, 187n.l2



Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, 80n.3,

self, 249n; on rationality, 172, 283;


subjectivism of, 272; on vainglory,

growing old. 5 In.43

56-57; on will to power, 203

growth. 97-98

hobbies, 118, 118n.65, 128, 128n.76

guilds, 123, 159n.26

holidays, 132n.85

Homer: Achilles of, 25; on craftsman-

Halbwachs, M.,212n.44

ship, 83; Democritus on, 170n; on

Haleyy, Elie, 308n.72, 31 ln.74

heroes, 186, 186n; heroes of con-

happiness: as absence of pain, 112-15,

cerned to be the best, 41 n; as immor-

113n.61; Bentham on, 309; eudai-

talizing the Trojan War, 197; on

monia contrasted with, 192-93;

kingship, 22In.57; on leader's role,

greatest happiness principle, 133,

189; on necessity in labor, 13 In.83;

308-9, 311; universal demand for in

Plato's Cave parable inverting world

modern age, 134

order of, 292; andpmgmata, 19n.l9;

Hearth, the, 62n.6O

religion of, 25n.6; on slaves losing ex-

Hebrew legal code, 315

cellence, 49n

hedonism,~5ln.43, 112-13, 309-11

Homeric gods, 18, 23n.l

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,

bomofaber; acting and speaking men re-

86n.l4, 254n, 293,294, 300

quiring help of, 173; on action and

Heisenberg, Werner, 153n, 261,

speech as idleness, 208; animal la-

26In. 16, 286n.5O

borans contrasted with, 136; Bergson

heliocentric system, 258-60, 273

on, 3O5n; defeat of, 305-13; etymol-

Henry, Francois, 316n

ogy of, 136n; exchange market as

Heraclkus: on human/animal distinc-

public realm of, 160, 162, 209-10;

tion, 19; on nomos, 63n.62; on not en-

excluded from public realm in antiq-

tering the same river twice, 137; on

uity, 159; fabrication as reification,

oracles, 182; on strife as father of all

139-44; Greek mistrust of, 82;

things, 158n; on those dreaming hav-

hands as primordial tools of, 144;

ing their own world, 199n.29

ideals of, 126; instruments of work

Hercules, 101

and, 153—59; intellectual worker and,

Herodotus, 18, 18n, 32n.22, 120

91; as lord and master, 139, 144;

heroic deeds, 101

means and ends as characteristic of,

hero of a story, 184-87, 186n, 194

145, 157, 305; mentality of, 305-6;

Hesiod: on deeds of gods and men,

as merchant and trader, 163; modern

2 3 n.l; on founding new cities away

age seeing man as, 228, 229-30, 305;

from the sea, 132n.84; on labor,

nature for, 135, 155; and process,

48n.39, 82, 82n, 83n.8; on life of

307, 308; redemption of, 236; rever-

hearth and household, 25n.6

sal within vita activa and victory of,

Hestia, 2Sn.6

294-304; single-minded work orien-

highest good, life as the, 313-20

tation of, 151; solitary worker as not,

history: action as creating the condition

22; and the space of appearance,

for, 9; fatality as mark of, 246; histo-

207—12; in telescope's invention,

rian knowing the event better than

274; thought as inspiration of, 171;

the actors, 192; law of large numbers

tools made by, 121; utilitarianism as

applied to, 42; Marx as Darwin of,

philosophy of, 154-55. See also

116; Marx on violence in, 228; politi-


cal nature of, 185; science as, 296;

honor, 73

as story of events not forces, 252; as

horoi, 30

story without authors, 184-85; as

household: Aquinas contrasting with

system of process, 232; Vico on,

the polis, 27; despotic power of head

298, 298n

of, 27-28, 32; distinctive trait of, 30,

Hobbes, Thomas: acquisitive society

45; freedom not existing in, 32; gods

of, 31; making introduced to politi-

of, 30; inequality in, 32; monarchical

cal philosophy by, 299, 300; on politi-

rule in ancient, 40; the polis as op-

cal philosophy as starting with him-

posed to, 24, 24n.6, 28-37; the polis



compared with by Plato, 37, 223,

for deeds, 197; striving for as vanity.

223n.62; as realm of birth and death,



individualism, 194

hubris, 191, 202

industrial revolution, 121, 124,

human affairs: abstention from, 234;

132n.85, 148, 148n.9

the Aristotelian biospolitikos, 13, 25;

industry: in ancient world, 65n.69,

as consisting of web of relationships,

148n.9. See also manufacturing

183-84; thefrailty of, 188-92, 222,

initiative, 177, 189-90

230, 232; law of mortality in, 246;

instruments of work, 118-23; and ani-

limitations and boundaries in, 191;

mal laborans, 144-53; and homo faber,

natality as miracle that saves realm

153-59. See also machines; tools

of, 247; Plato on, I9n.l9, 25, 185;

integrity, abstention from human affairs

power in, 204; resiliency of, 232-33;

for safeguarding, 234

Socrates on oracles as used for,

intellectuals, 5,92, 211-12

182n.7. See also politics

intellectual work, 90-93

human condition, 7-21; the earth as

intelligence, 171, 172, 305, 3O5n

quintessence of, 2; human nature dis-

interests, 182, 183n

tinguished from, 10-11; industrial

interferometer, 295

revolution as not changing, 121; life

intimacy: architecture and the intimate,

as a burden, 119; mankind as always

39; in commercial society, 210; as

conditioned, 9; and objectivity of the

flight into inner subjectivity, 69; pri-

world as supplementary, 9; vita activa

vate realm as sphere of, 38—39, 45,

and the, 7-11


human material, 188, 188n.l4

introspection: certainty' as yielded by,

human nature: Augustine on, 10, lOn;

280, 300; confidence in, 298; as de-

Bentham assuming a common, 309;

riving from Galileo, 312; in Des-

in the common world, 57-58; a deity

cartes, 280, 282; elevation of, 307;

in definitions of, 11; as depraved,

and loss of common sense, 280-84;

310; human condition distinguished

and philosophical suspicion of the

from, 10—11; in Marx's ideal society,

world, 293; and process, 116


"invisible hand" doctrine, 42n, 44,

human relationships. See web of rela-

48n.38, 185


Hume, David, 86n.l4, 172, 309, 312

Jaeger, Werner. 226n.66

Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 215,

Jaspers, Karl, 249n, 272n.27

217, 219

Jesus of Nazareth: on action as miracle-

Hybrias, 36n.31

working faculty of man, 246-47,

hypothesis, 278, 287

247n; action in preaching of, 318; on

creation of men and women, 8n; on

idealism, German, 272

forgiveness. 238-41, 239nn. 76, 77,

ideas, Platonic: and Cave parable,

240n.80, 247; on goodness, 74-75

226n.66; excellence as judged by,

173; fabrication influencing, 142—

Kafka, Franz, 248,322

43, 142n, 225-26, 302-4; and geome-

Kant, Immanuel: on human beings as

try, 142n, 266

ends in themselves, 155-56; on mak-

identity, personal, 179, 193

ing nature, 296; political activity as

images, mental, 141, 161, 173

legislation for, 63; on prescribing

imagination, 99n.36, 310

laws to nature, 286; Protagoras as

imitation, 187-88, 187n.l2

forerunner of, 158; on radical evil,

immortality: defined, 18; versus eter-

241; on science and philosophy, 294;

nity, 17-21; Greek desire to be wor-

as scientist and philosopher, 272; on

thy of, 232; of life for Christianity,

tragedy as hallmark of human exis-

314—16; mortal men contrasted with

tence, 23 5n.7 5

immortal gods, 18-19; of a people

Kautsky, Karl, 104n.48

for the Jews, 315; the polls achieving

Kepler, Johannes, 258, 260



Kierkegaard, Soren, 275, 275n.32, 293,

labor movement, 212-20

313n, 319

labor power: in cycle of biological life,

kingship, monarchy contrasted with,

99, 143; in division of labor, 123;


emancipation of, 255; fertility of,

Kronstadt rebellion, 216n

118; laborers as owners of, 162;

Marx on, 70, 88, 108, 111; as never

labor, 79-135; admission to public

being lost, 133; skill contrasted with,

realm, 46-48, 218; in Aristotle's bios

90; as spent in consuming, 131

politikos, 12, 13; automation as liber-

labor songs, 145n

ating mankind from, 4; the blessing

Lacroix, Jean, 141 n

of, 106-8; Christianity on, 316-18,

landed wealth, 66

316n; collective nature of, 213,

Landshut, Siegfried, 45n

213n.47; and consumption, 99, 100,

Lares, 62n.6O

102, 126; contempt for in ancient

Last Judgment, 239

world, 81—85; defined, 7; elevation

laws: Hebrew legal code, 315; legisla-

of, 306-7, 313; elimination of, 322;

tion, 63, 194-95, 196; as limitations,

emancipation of, 126-35; end of,

191, 19In; making, 188; Marx on

98, 143, 144; European words for,

economic, 209; Montesquieu on,

48n.39; and fertility, 101-9, 117; in

190n; nomos, 15, 63n.62; of the polis,

giving birth, 30; of Hercules, 101;

63-64, 63n.62, 194-95; of science,

joys of, 140; and life, 96-101, 120;


living without, 176; in Locke's the-

laziness, 82n

ory of property, 70, 101, 105, 110-

leaders, 189-90

12', 110n.56, 115-16; loneliness of

learned societies, 278

the laborer, 212-14, 212n.44; man-

Leclercq, Jacques, 107n, 12