Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Opening the Tracks in a Layout

You can use Layouts as a short-cut for opening a certain collection of Tracks for editing:

From the Arrange window

1. Pull down the Edit menu and select the “Score Layout” item on the Select submenu. Another submenu appears which lists all the Layouts in this Arrange window.


00385.jpgThe Arrange window Select menu and its Layout submenu.


2. Select one of the Layouts.


All Parts on the Tracks that make up the Layout get selected.


3. Open Score Edit by selecting Score from the Edit menu.


P Please note that all Parts on the Track(s) are opened. If you want to edit some specific selection of Parts, select them and open Score Edit as usual.

From within Score Edit

1. Select “Display Layouts” from the bottom of the Score menu.


A submenu appears, listing all available Layouts.

2. Select one of the Layouts from the menu.
The associated Tracks appear. This is the same as closing Score Edit, selecting all Parts on the Tracks in the Layout and opening Score Edit again.