Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Inserting and Removing Bars

By using the Insert and Remove Bars functions, you can change the bar structure for the edited Track(s), without destroying the layout. Proceed as follows:


P These are “destructive” functions; they actually add or remove bars from the edited Track(s)!

Insert Bar

1. Move the Song Position to where you want to insert a new bar.


If you want to insert a new bar between bars 2 and 3, move the Song Position into bar 3. 2. Pull down the Score menu and select Insert Bar from the Format submenu. A new bar is inserted before the bar with the Song Position.

Remove Bar

1. Move the Song Position into the bar which you want to remove. 2. Pull down the Score menu and select Remove Bar from the Format submenu. The bar is removed.