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Fitting Audio Events to the Loop

You may have an audio file with an inherent tempo that does not fit the current Arrangement. Cubase VST then allows you to adapt either the audio file to the Arrangement (by applying time correction) or the Arrangement to the audio file (by adjusting the tempo). Proceed as follows:

1. Import the file into the Arrangement.

2. Open the Audio Editor and adjust the Start and End Insets of the Event so that it exactly fits some specified “musical” length, for example an even number of bars. One good way of doing this is to use the Loop playback feature in the Wave editor. What you are trying to achieve here is that the audio file, when played in isolation, is of exactly the correct length. However, it will not fit in with the metronome or other Events in the Arrangement.

3. Move the Event so that it starts at some sensible musical position, for example the downbeat of a bar.

4. Set up a loop of the same “musical” length as the Event.
Since the two are currently not playing in the same tempo, the “graphical” length of the loop will not be the same as that of the Event.

00500.jpgThe Event and Loop set up correctly.


5. Select the audio Event, and only that Event.
6. Select “Fit Event To Loop Range” from the Do pop-up menu.


You are presented with a dialog that allows to choose between two options:


• Tempo: This will adjust the tempo of the Arrangement so that it fits the Event. If the Master

Track is activated, a tempo change is added at the Loop start.
• Audio: This will time correct the part of the audio file that the Event plays, so that it fits the
current tempo. For more info on time correction, see page 401.

7. Click either, depending on your preference. The Event now fits the Arrangement. 00501.jpgThe same Event, after applying time correction.