Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Working with Grouped Events

If Events are grouped, a number of operations that you carry out on one of them are applied equally to all. Examples of such operations are moving, duplicating, adjusting Insets etc.

Grouping Events

1. Select the Events that should make up the Group.
2. Select “Group” from the Audio editor’s Do pop-up menu.


1. Select the grouped Event.
2. Select “Ungroup” from the Audio editor Do pop-up menu.

P To ensure the position relationship is kept unaffected by editing, generally avoid ungrouping Events that were automatically grouped when recorded together or imported.

Operations on Grouped Events

Some operations are done a little bit differently on Grouped Events than on regular ones. Below follows a list.


About Snap to Zero


Snap to Zero (see page 348) is not applied to Grouped Events.


Selecting, Moving, Cutting and Pasting, etc.
• When you click on one Grouped Event, all Events in the Group are
• To select one of the Events in a Group, use the cursor keys instead of the mouse.
The only reason to do this is to be able to edit on the Info Line, see below.

• The following operations affect the entire group, as if it was one Event: Moving (using the arrow pointer or the kicker).

Cut, Copy and Paste.
Muting with the Mute Tool.

• If you move, duplicate or Quantize, the Q-point of the top (or first) Event is used for determining where the Event should wind up.
Changing Q-Points and Start and End Insets

• If the grouped Events start at the same position, the Start Inset and Q-Points will be set identically for all Events in the Group, when you adjust it for one of them.
• Likewise, if the Events end at the same position, the End Inset is adjusted simultaneously for all.
• If the Events don’t start at the same position, Start Inset, End Inset and Q-point are set individually for each Event in the Group.


If you split a Group with the Scissors tool or the Snip Loop item on the Do pop-up menu, the Group will be split into new Groups.