Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Playing Back

00522.jpgThe Play and Loop buttons.


From any Position
1. Firstly, make sure no audio is selected, by clicking somewhere in the waveform display.
If some audio is selected, only this will play, see below.


2. If necessary, click in the ruler to set a new Song Position to play back from. 3. Press the Play button.


Playback continues as long as you hold the mouse button down, or until the end of the file.


Playing a certain section
1. Select the audio you want to play, for example by dragging over it.


For more on selecting, see page 413.

2. Press the Play button.
Playback continues as long as you hold the mouse button down, or until the end of the selection.



If the Loop button is activated, audio will loop continuously as long as you press the Play button.


• If no audio is selected, and you start playback from outside the segment, the entire file will loop.
• If no audio is selected, and you start playback from within the segment, only the segment will loop.
• If some audio is selected, this will loop.
Scrubbing and Auditioning
The Wave editor has Auditioning tools like in the Audio editor, see page 357.
00523.jpgThe Wave editor’s Audition and Scrub Tools.