Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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A number of operations can be performed on the selected portion of the audio file. Making a selection in the Wave editor is very similar to selecting in other windows. The selected part of the waveform is displayed in inverse video.

Using the Mouse
To select from one point to another, proceed as follows:
• Click, hold down [Shift] and click again, or...

• Drag to create a selection rectangle.


The area between the two points will be selected.


Selecting all Audio in the Active segment
• If you use Select All on the Edit menu ([Ctrl]-[A]), all audio in the active segment will be selected.
Selecting all audio in the File
• If the active segment is already selected, using Select All will select the entire file. In other words, to select the entire file, press [Ctrl]-[A] twice.
Adjusting the Selection’s Start and End Points numerically

In the upper right part of the Wave Editor window there are value boxes for the start and end positions of the selection (in samples). These can be adjusted using regular value editing.