Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Routing Audio Channels to Buses

To route the output of an audio channel to one of the active Buses, proceed as follows:


1. Open the VST Channel Mixer window.

2. Pull down the Output Routing pop-up menu, at the bottom of the channel strip. This pop-up menu contains the activated Output Buses, followed by the eight Groups (see page 462).

3. Select one of the Buses.


The Master Bus will always be available.

Assigning the Output of a Group to a Bus

You can route the output of a Group in the VST Channel Mixer to any Output Bus, following the same procedure as when routing audio channels to Buses. There is one thing to note:

P You can route each “side” in a Group to a different mono Bus if you like. In most cases, you will probably want to route both sides to the same stereo Bus.