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About Tempo Changes and the last Segment(s)

It may happen that you import a ReCycle file into an Arrangement that has a higher tempo than the loop originally had. In this situation, the slices (Segments) will overlap, and the last segment will “stick out” past the end of the Part.

An audio event in Cubase should never play past the end of a Part (since you would then hear audio in the Arrangement, that you couldn’t “see”). Therefore, Cubase VST automatically shortens segments that would otherwise play past the end of the Part, so that they end exactly where the Part ends. This is done automatically when you import the ReCycle file, unless the Audio Preference item "Optimize Audio Parts’ Length in Arrangement" is ticked. In this case Cubase will shorten or extend the length of the Part to the end of the last Segment. Make sure this Preference item is not activated if you plan to repeat the created Part.

If you have used a very high stretch factor in ReCycle, or if the Cubase tempo is drastically different from the original loop tempo, not only the last, but a few of the last segments could be affected by the aforementioned problem and will be shortened.

If you later raise the tempo, the shortened segments will become too short, since they no longer play to the end of the Part. There are two ways to fix this:


• Manually adjust the length of the offending segments, in the Audio Editor.

• Delete the existing Part and re-import the ReCycle file, by dragging the file symbol from the Pool to the Arrange window.
In the new Part that appears the length of the last segment(s) will be adjusted to fit the current tempo.