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Transmitting Synchronization Signals while Cubase VST is synchronized to an External Source

• Cubase VST can be synchronized to an external source at the same time as it transmits synchronization signals to another device.This means that Cubase VST is acting as a slave to one device at the same time as being the master for another. A common application for this would be to for example synchronize Cubase VST to tape while transmitting MIDI clock to for example a drum machine.
• You could possibly also synchronize Cubase VST to time code and at the same time transmit the same code in MIDI Time Code format to another device unable to read time code directly off tape.

There’s one very important fact to note:

P If several devices in your MIDI system should run at the same tempo, they should all be synchronized using MIDI clock. Only one of them should be synchronized to time code (if necessary), and this will be the master in the system. All other devices should be synchronized via MIDI clock to this master.