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More about Play Parameters and the Inspector What are Play Parameters?

Play Parameters are a number of settings for MIDI and Drum Tracks (or Parts). As described in the Getting Started book, there are three ways to make Play Parameter settings: In the Inspector, in the Track Columns and using Tools (some parameters only). Using the Play Parameters you can:

• Change one or several aspects in the playback of your recorded music (like volume, velocity, pitch, selected sound, etc).
These changes are easily reversible as they are made to what is played back, not to what has actually been recorded.

• Change your music in real-time - i.e. while you play - for instance have it transposed. This is done in connection with the Thru-function in Cubase VST and is called Realtime Thruing.

For a detailed description of how to make Play Parameter settings, and what is affected by the settings, see the chapter “Play Parameters, Part and Track Settings” in the Getting Started book. This chapter mainly explains the parameters in detail. Just remember the following:

• The settings you make will affect the material during playback. You do not change anything recorded.
• Since the Play Parameter settings don’t actually change anything recorded, they will not be reflected in the MIDI Editors. To convert the settings to “real” MIDI Events, you need to use the Freeze Play Parameter function on the Functions menu (see the Getting Started book).
• When you change the value of a Play Parameter, the new value is immediately sent out to the MIDI Output.
• The values sent out will not only affect the sound source assigned to the selected Track, but all MIDI devices on the same Output and MIDI Channel.