Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Closing an Editor

As described in the Getting Started book, when closing an editor, you can choose between keeping the changes you made, and cancelling (undoing) all changes.

To close the editor and keep the changes:
• Press [Return].

• Close the edit window by clicking on its close box.
• Select Close from the File menu.

If you are editing a Ghost Part (described on page 71), and close the editor as above (keeping the changes), a dialog box will ask if you want to convert the Ghost Part to a real Part. If you answer Yes, the changes will only appear in this new Part. If you answer No, the Ghost Part will remain a Ghost Part, and the changes will appear in the real Part the Ghost Part was made from, as well as in all other Ghost Parts made from the same real Part.

To close the editor and cancel the changes:

• Press [Esc] on the computer keyboard.
If “Only Show Important Alerts” is activated in the Preferences–General–General dialog, all changes you have made since you opened the editor are undone. Otherwise, a dialog box appears, asking you if you really want to discard your changes.

P If you have entered Events outside the range of the edited Part(s), a dialog with the text “Keep Appended Events?” will appear when you close the Editor. Clicking “Yes” will extend the Part to make room for the new Events while clicking “No” will discard any Events outside the Part.

P If you enter the Edit window while recording, stop the recording while in the editor and then Cancel, the whole recording is deleted. Often it is very practical to be able to make changes to the music while you are actually listening to it. There are some features included to make this easier: