Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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Add a Compelling Cover Image

We recommended in an earlier chapter that you use a good cover photo for your Facebook Page with a good slogan and the same applies here. A Facebook Group is a great way to promote your brand so use a high quality image and slogan that lets people know why the group is worth joining.

Be sure to add your group name to the image as well as your website address. Don’t overhype the photo by adding images of dollars etc. This will make it look cheap. Think carefully about what kind of image (including a photo of you) would be the most attractive. People want to know who you are so always add your best photo.

Create a Compelling Description

Before people apply to join groups on Facebook they will read the description to make sure that it is worth their while. So you need to write a compelling description that tells them that this is the group to join. Treat your description as a sales page for your group.

Always add a link to your website in the group description. People will certainly click on this link to check you out so decide what page on your site puts you in the best light. Think benefits to the members when you are writing your description. What’s in it for them?

If you have an email list (which of course you should have) then you could add a link to a landing page on your website in an attempt to get new subscribers. Whatever page you choose as your landing page, leave a link back to your Facebook Group and encourage the visitor to join it.