How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch by Van Miller - HTML preview

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Add and Configure Social Sharing Bar

From your Dashboard go to Plugins/Add New and in the Search Plugins field type in Digg Digg than click Install Now /OK, and then Activate Plugin.



Now in your Dashboard you should be able to see a new menu for the Digg Digg plugin. Click on the Floating Display link in the drop menu.


For the section 1.Status you want the box next to “Enable Floating Display” to be selected, then click Save changes for that section.

In the next section “2.2 Buttons are allowed to display on...” select all boxes. Than for “2.4 Choose how far from to the left of the content Digg Digg is placed” type in 40 and for “2.4 Choose how far from to the top of the content Digg Digg is placed” also 40.

For the “2.6 Let Digg Digg bar float past the end of the post” make sure you check the box next to it. And save the changes for the section.


In the section 3. Button Selection you can select which social accounts people can use to share or like your site. I suggest that you select just the most popular from the list, because you don't want your bar to look too crowded. For example you can enable: Tweeter, Reddit, Facebook Like (iFrame), Facebook share, Google +1, Tumblr, and Linked In. When you are done, click Save Changes for that section.


Go and refresh your website to see the floating bar where visitors can share and like your site on some of the most popular social networks. This will definitely help increasing the traffic to your website.

Next, you are going to get more familiar with the rest of the theme settings, and make few adjustments to some of them.