How to Make a $3000 Professional Looking Small Business Website from Scratch by Van Miller - HTML preview

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Adding testimonials.

From your Dashboard, go to Plugins/Add new/ Search for :“Testimonials Widget ”.The first result should be “Testimonials Widget by Michael Cannon”. Click on Install Now/OK/Activate Plugin.

Then find the plugin in the list of installed plugins, and click on Settings. Under the section Fields check the box for the Hide Gravatar option, than scroll down and click on Save Changes.


You probably have noticed that in your Dashboard there is a new menu called Testimonials. In that menu find and click on Add New. Than in the field "Enter tittle here" put the title of the massage you received from the person who is giving you his testimonial. Than copy and paste the testimonial text into the visual editor field. In the Testimonial Data section below, you can put the Author name, Job Title of that person, his location, email address, company name, and URL to his website.

Also if you want to include a picture of that person you can do that by going to the section Featured Image to the right, and clicking on the "Set featured image" link, which will sent you to your media library. From there you can upload that persons picture to your Media library or select the image if you already have it uploaded. Then click on Set featured image, and click on the Publish button.


You can repeat these steps until you have all the testimonials that you want to include in your Testimonials page.

Once you are done, go to your Dashboard and click on Testimonials and you will see the full list of the testimonials that you just created.


Under the section Shortcodes, you want to select and copy the first short code, than go to Pages, find the Testimonials page and click on Edit. Simply paste the short code into your visual editor, and click the Update button. Repeat that step for all the testimonials you have.


When you go back to your site, click on the link to your Testimonials page to see the changes.

Your next step is to install a plugin that will help you add content to the Services page of your website.