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5.4 Conveying Master Resell Rights or Give Away Rights

Conveying master resell rights or give away rights is an important part of generating traffic and subscribers with your mini E-Book. This is what will move you from a minor launch (with only you promoting your mini E-Book) to a major launch, where your personal army of affiliates and site owners are actively promoting your book through solo ads, PPC, and posting on forums.

When conveying master resell rights or give away rights, there is one crucial thing that you must keep in mind: why would anyone want to resell or even GIVE AWAY your book? This might sound crazy. Who wouldn't want to get another product to sell without creating it? And who wouldn't want to get something for no charge that they could give away for free?

The problem is that many of your best potential partners – those who have big lists and big sites – already get plenty of these offers on a weekly basis. Scores of people are seeking them out in a similar fashion – and they all want to get their products promoted.

So, when conveying master resell rights or give away rights, you must create some sort of unique, powerful, and compelling incentive that will make webmasters, list-owners, and even affiliates sell and give away your products for you... or at least feel foolish if they don't, so they will know to get in on it next time.

How can you do this when conveying master resell rights or give away rights? It's actually quite simple: spend the time to figure out what your affiliates and what your potential JV partners want most. Surprisingly, the answer isn't hard to figure out: they want good products that generate revenue quickly and easily.

This means that your proposal needs to work out everything for them in advance. If you want them to be your affiliate, create pre-packaged material to use when they promote your product. Make it extremely easy for them to setup an affiliate link that points to your product. And give them a huge commission or even exclusive rights to give the E-Book away for free.
If you concentrate on building the correct incentives, you will also get your most desired responses.