A Cat From Canada by Bassam Imam - HTML preview

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Thankfully, I recomposed myself and left the property.

Time was passing quickly. It was now 6:45 P.M. The pancake and the other amenities made me crave for water. I decided to drink some water from a water fountain located on the other side of campus.

As I walked to the water fountain I couldn‟t help but notice that the area was void of any people. But I will say that as I walked I detected motion from behind windows. People were watching me from the safety of their homes. But I was certain it wasn‟t me they were afraid of.

The sun‟s rays had weakened considerably casting a beautiful rainbow on the horizon.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. It was caused by extreme fear and apprehension. Maybe there were monsters in the area? I thought to myself. Either way, I had to drink some water very soon and perhaps leave Lansing for good.

As soon as I was within a hundred yards or so of the water fountain I sprinted to it. Unfortunately, I stopped halfway there. I‟d become too humanized, indeed.

Cats in the wild, especially those who don‟t make any contact with humans can eat a gargantuan meal and then sprint afterwards without any problems. I on the other hand had been eating too much human food, especially the pancake that was swimming in maple syrup and the Mount Everest slab of margarine.

I scanned the area just to make sure that there were no other cats around. If any cat had seen me I would‟ve become the laughing stalk of the entire city, perhaps of the whole province of Ontario, worse yet in all of Canada.

Once again, I detected nothing. Too much nothingness can be scary.

Finally, I was able to have my fill of water. It felt very good, indeed.

I resumed my trek to the edge of town. In the process I inadvertently lowered my guard.

As I was approaching the edge of town a Lansing University Security patrol car slowed down and then came to a halt in the direct line of my path.

Cambridge Street was very long going left or right. Turning and running would‟ve been easier but once again, I was over-satiated.


I decided to take a chance and approach the patrol car. And as I was approaching it I realized that I was off campus. The driver had no authority to arrest me. That comforted me.

“Kitty, please don‟t be afraid. I want to warn you about something. The whole city, including the university students are in lock-up. They‟re afraid to go outdoors until the authorities apprehend three very dangerous heinous criminals.” I received good jibes from the security officer. He seemed to be telling the truth. I had no choice in the matter anyway.

As I approached the patrol vehicle the security officer motioned me to enter. I went ahead and obliged him but with my claws extended and my canines at the ready.

The security officer put his patrol vehicle into DRIVE and then took off, driving at a steady pace. He motioned me to fasten my seat belt. I thanked him for the reminder and did just that.

The security officer appeared anxious, not uttering a sound afterwards for the following few minutes. Then, he began to converse with me in earnest.

“Kitty, how are you?”

“I‟m fine, thanks, and where the hell is everybody?”

“Kitty, I‟ll repeat what I‟d told you earlier but with a bit more elaboration. The police have issued a total city closure. There are three extremely dangerous individuals named Ace and Stud on the loose, these two are being hunted down but the third‟s exact identity is still being sought.

A brutal gang-rape occurred at the Lansing University fraternity house sometime late last night. Carmella and Laura Anderson are still in a coma following their being drugged by the assailants.

Kitty, they were drugged, induced into a coma and were mounted. Worse yet, they were taped. Someone used an iPhone to tape everything that happened.”

“Huh, but I didn‟t ... I mean, what if the person holding the iPhone didn‟t know that the act was a rape. Maybe, he thought they were making love.”

“Kitty, fat chance, there‟s no way in hell that any crown prosecutor or judge in any province in Canada would even imagine that kind of scenario. The guy holding the iPhone is as guilty as sin. By law, he‟s an accomplice. Besides, any crown prosecutor who‟d accept the scenario you conveyed would be unemployed within twenty four hours, really!

It‟s like this ... hypothetically, Ace and Stud are the bank robbers and the third guy is the driver of the getaway vehicle. Now, you tell me, is he as guilty as they are?”

“I guess the Canadian legal system will think so.” 123

“Kitty, I apologize for not formally introducing myself.

I‟m Hank Franklin and I‟m glad to meet you.

Kitty, I remember you from yesterday. As a security officer at Lansing University part of my duties is to drive through the campus.

I was asked to do a double shift today because of the heinous act. You‟re lucky I saw you.

Actually after I drop you off, I must get back to campus.

I‟m not supposed to be driving around here. My jurisdiction lies only within the university campus.

Getting back to me seeing you, I saw you in front of the fraternity house lawn yesterday afternoon. You were seated with two girls. I hope they‟re not the victims.”

“Oh, Oh, oh ... Cough! Cough! Cough! No, thankfully, they‟re not.”

“Hank, what do they know about the third assailant and how did the police ever get their hands on that iPhone that I ... I mean the assailant used to tape the gang-rape?”

“The assailant forgot the iPhone in Room X. A person who was on that floor took the iPhone, for whatever reason and viewed the act. Naturally, she phoned the police and things progressed from there.”

I‟d remembered then that I did forget to take the iPhone with me. Ace and Stud probably knew this. If captured, they would likely make a deal with the crown prosecutor. Being a cat, I‟ll probably become the hapless fall guy.

“What exactly do the authorities know about the third assailant?”

“The police are calling members of all Lansing University fraternities and sororities, questioning them about the identity of the assailant. Furthermore, two strands of hair were found on the iPhone. From what I know, the hairs appeared to be unusual in structure.

The two strands of hair were taken to the police lab. It‟s only a matter of time before they discover the true identity of the third assailant.

Judging from Hank‟s tone of voice and his mannerisms I think he either knew or suspected that I was the third assailant but for some reason he understood that I really didn‟t know that it was a gang-rape when I filmed the act.

“Kitty, I‟ll tell you something very important but please do not quote me otherwise I‟ll be out of a job and the police may press charges against me. The standards and rules for Lansing University security officers are different from those of regular civilians.

If I was the third assailant I‟d skip town. I‟d move somewhere far away and never come back, ever. The police, mayor 124

and the Premier of Ontario have already gone on television sending their best wishes to the families of the victims and also stating that the three assailants will be punished to the full extent of the law.”

In my deep concentration on the subject at hand I‟d forgotten to see where we were. Hank had taken me out of city limits. In fact, he‟d taken me close to the entrance to a Junction leading north.

“Kitty, do you need some money? I‟m a bachelor and have no kids so it‟s easy for me to save money.”

“Oh no, Hank, but thanks anyway.”

Without saying another word Hank dropped off me across the street from Junction 555 North.

I thanked Hank, unfastened my seat belt and then leaped out of the window not even glancing back. Inside me was a slight fear. What if Hank were to suddenly change his mind? Or what if he found out there was a hefty reward for my capture? There was no way I was going to allow him to know exactly where I was going.

I crossed the street and began to walk on the junction until Hank‟s security car disappeared. That‟s when I turned back and then headed to the highway.

It was now dark out thereby aiding me in my walk on the shoulder of the highway. Although I understood that the police and highway patrol would soon be searching for a cat I had a short window of opportunity to travel fast and far. The best place for that was the highway.

It took me roughly thirty minutes to reach the mouth of the highway heading eastwards.

But this time around I decided to change my tactics. I didn‟t want to take any chances with someone turning me in or later calling the police and telling them that I was heading east.

My original plan of walking on the shoulder of the highway was aborted. I decided to crouch down beside the entry ramp into the highway and then pounce on a designated vehicle. I‟d have to think like a predatory lion pouncing on a victim.

I waited patiently for roughly ten minutes before spotting a good target. An elderly couple were driving very slowly towards the entry ramp. Thankfully, they were driving an old model Chevy station wagon with railings on the roof thereby aiding my grasping.

I squatted low and prepared for an incredible pounce. As soon as the station wagon was in the right place I leaped onto it and then held the railings really tightly.

I stayed low for the following twenty minutes. The driver was going perhaps 55 mph or slower. The last thing I needed was 125

for the driver to be pulled over by a highway patrolman. Then, I‟d be in big trouble.

But after holding on to the railings for nearly minutes I decided to slither into the back of the station wagon. I figured the elderly couple‟s senses weren‟t very acute.

I cautiously slipped through the right rear window opening without being noticed.

The first thing that I saw was a large cooler beside me and several unopened bags of chips. I was now beginning to feel a bit hungry. Following the basic law of the jungle I decided to eat now rather than wait until I was famished. In the latter case scenario I had no guarantee of where I‟d be or if I would even have access to food and water.

But before I could get to my food and water source an important news bulletin was announced on an FM radio station.

“This is an important announcement for all residents of the Lansing, Ontario area and also encompassing a radius of one hundred miles in all directions.

Two of the notorious gang rapists of Lansing University have been captured. Ace and Stud as they are commonly known were apprehended a short while ago.

As many of you listeners know Carmella and Laura, two sisters were raped while they were in a coma. The act was caught on film via an iPhone.

The third perpetrator is now believed to be a cat, notoriously referred to as the iPhone kitty.

A DNA sample has proven that the third perpetrator was indeed a cat and the Lansing Police are cooperating with the Ontario Provincial Police to capture the iPhone kitty before he harms anyone else.

Descriptions, mostly anonymous for obvious reasons are being given to authorities. The iPhone kitty was drinking it up, and having a good time at the fraternity party where this heinous act was committed.

It‟s only a matter of time before he‟s captured. Our sources tell us that Ace and Stud have confessed and that in exchange for a plea agreement they‟ve agreed to help authorities capture the iPhone kitty.

It appears that the iPhone kitty was the mastermind of the whole operation. Who knows why a cat would do such a thing?

Perhaps it was an act of vengeance against humanity. Or maybe it was the classic power complex. Cats are smaller and weaker than humans; the iPhone kitty may have gotten a power rush from viewing and recording the incident.

From what we know as of this moment, the iPhone kitty has left Lansing and is most likely on the highway or a junction.


The iPhone kitty has an athletic stream-lined body, is very cute, intelligent, conniving and has tiger stripes on his body.

The iPhone kitty is Anglophone (English speaking) and is of European stock. Do not forget that this kitty is highly dangerous! If you see him or think that you‟ve seen this kitty call the police and under no circumstances should you or anyone around you try to be confrontational or appeasing.

The iPhone kitty knows that he‟s a wanted criminal and there‟s no telling what he‟d do to survive.

A last comment, we at ADRF 65.5 FM in Lansing have just received word from the Ontario Provincial Police that the radius of danger has been extended to 500 miles. And sadly, both victims who are sisters, Carmella and Laura Anderson have just died making this case a double homicide.

And thank you for tuning in to ADRF 65.5 FM from Lansing Ontario.”