Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 6


 The gust caused by the red dragon’s  beating wings forced Carmen to the ground.  “Lyn, what is that thing?” Carmen demanded  to know. There was silence in her head and  for a moment Carmen felt alone. “Lynashia!”  she called out. “I have never seen this happen  before,” said Lynashia. “But my guess is that  Adam has transformed into that giant red  scaled dragon above us. This is just a theory,  but the Komodo Dragon’s power comes from  his or hers heart. Goldenflame’s death caused  the Komodo Dragon to have an emotional  breakdown. I fear this is the result.” “Can he  turn back?” asked Carmen. “I do not know,  Carmen…I have never seen this happen  before,” admitted Lynashia. Carmen didn’t  even have a chance to take in the fact that her  friend was dead and her best friend was no  longer human. The screams and cries from  below stole Carmen’s attention. The red  dragon was running a rampage across the city  destroying everything and everyone in its  path. “You have to stop it,” said Lynashia.  Carmen looked towards the chaos, but  stopped. “I can’t just leave her here…not like  this,” Carmen looked at Emma. This was the  last place she wanted to be. Emma was gone,  that was merely a dead body on the roof next  to her, Carmen kept telling herself. “What is  left of the city will be gone if you don’t hurry!”  Lynashia’s urgency was so great it shook  Carmen’s very body.  Tio was by Carmen’s side in a panic.  Medical ninjas surrounded Emma and took  her away. “Contain that thing within the city  use any force necessary!” Tio commanded her  foot soldiers. “You can’t do that! That thing is  Komodo Dragon. You could hurt him!” argued  Carmen. “You see what that thing is doing! If it  breaks our truce with Fugin I will personally  make sure it is gunned down, understood?!”  Tio commanded. “Tio is right; we have to stop  that dragon. It’s killing everyone that crosses  its path; besides, we don’t even know for sure  if Komodo Dragon is still in there,” said Liz. Liz  had yet to hear the news about Emma. Should  I tell her? Carmen wondered. “Tio that was no  ordinary fireball that struck Goldenflame. It  broke through her armor far too easily. How  do we know we still have a truce with Fugin?”  Carmen interrogated Tio. “Until a betrayal is  proven, I am not risking Earth’s future now go  down there and stop that dragon at all costs  before more of our allies’ lives are taken!” Tio  was furious at their hesitation. “Goldenflame  was injured? How bad?” asked Liz. Carmen  didn’t dare answer; she couldn’t answer  because saying it out loud would make it real.  “Goldenflame is dead,” Tio answered without  hesitation and instantly dismissed it for the  matter at hand.


 “Komodo Dragon isn’t even a real Angel.  He was created from a servant God. Do you  seriously believe that is your friend?! No fake  angel could have that kind of power,” Tio  pointed to the sky. Liz spoke up, “Even if it  isn’t Adam, how is it supposed to break our  truce with Fugin? I mean Fugin is in a  completely different realm after all.” A medical  ninja spoke before Tio had the chance,  “Dragons have the power to enter through  dimensional shifts. If that thing figures out it  has the ability to do that then we are…as you  humans say …screwed.” Liz watched as they  pulled Emma away on a stretcher. Was she  really dead? The scene hadn’t processed  through her mind yet, and she wasn’t going to  let it because if it did she wasn’t sure if she  could function.


 “We have to take down that dragon,  question is how?” Liz asked the question that  was on everyone’s mind.


 “Lyn take over…please I’m begging  you,” Carmen called to her. Carmen felt only  hollow. “I cannot be the leader. Everything I’ve  done has turned into a mess. There is no way  I’m strong enough for this role. Liz was  brainwashed, Emma is dead, and Adam, as  far as we know, has turned into a rampaging  monster. This is the result of my leadership  skills. I always knew Emma should have been  the leader. She was so much stronger than  me,” tears stung Carmen’s eyes, but she held  them back in fear she was being watched.  Lynashia finally spoke up, “You and I both  know that taking over your body could kill you.  It has been a privilege occupying your mind  and body, and to be honest you are the first  Jade Magician I would like to call “friend'. If I  have been harsh, it is only because I know  you will die, and I will simply live on cursed to  be a mentor for eternity. Attachments only  make my job harder. You are right.  Goldenflame is very strong, but you are  stronger and smarter. The Gods did not make  a mistake in choosing you, and frankly I’m  disappointed in your lack of confidence. I will  not take over until it is absolutely necessary.”  Lynashia’s calm voice disappeared and grew  bold and harsh, “Stand up straight and lead  this team! It is your destiny!” Carmen still felt  hollow, but she refused to show it.


 “We have to disable the dragon’s wings  so that it can’t move. Tio is right we are not  certain if it is Adam, so until we know for sure  all our fire power will be used to stop it but  NOT harm it,” Carmen made sure to put great  emphasis in Adam’s safety. In all honesty, she  hoped it was Adam and that maybe somehow  she could get him back. Below them on the  ground, Dane’s wolf pack attacked heavily  against the red dragon but was a mere  nuisance against its raw size and power. It  was like watching ants trying to break a rock;  utterly pointless. Flames breached the sky,  and it let out a mournful roar.


 Liz was so young and Emma was her  hero. Fighting was probably the best  distraction Carmen could provide for her at the  moment. “Illusionist, I want you to put chains  around its talons and glue it to the ground  while I attack from above. We will cripple this  beast,” ordered Jade Magician. Liz was ready  and eager. She slid through the concrete  jungle by creating a slick bridge to the battle  below. All of Fugin’s minions had been  incinerated by the dragon, so she only had to  focus on protecting the Reciliux. When she  reached the ground, she set up a huge barrier  against the soldiers and the dragon, keeping  herself within the confinement. Liz waved her  arms and a blue and purple glittering light left  her hands and wrapped itself around the  dragon’s feet like smoke. The glittering light  turned into cold hard metal chains, but before  she could attach them to the ground the  dragon whipped its tail out and slammed into  Liz. The dragon made a noise that she  thought was a deep throated snarl and had  her pinned against her illusioned barrier. The  dragon’s huge head peered down at Liz and  she felt its hot breath make her sweat. Flames  erupted from the sky and seared the dragon’s  wings. This distraction allowed Liz to make  her escape. Carmen had flown from above  using all her fire power against the dragon. Liz  was about to run to higher ground when she  stopped. The dragon wasn’t snarling at her…it  was crying. “Jade Magician! Jade Magician!”  Liz began screaming and waving her arms to  get Carmen’s attention. “Ugh,” thought Liz.  She shook her head, “Carmen, you never  listen to me.” Liz spun round and round  encasing herself within a silver chrysalis when  she began to glow like her ring of endless light  the chrysalis hummed with the rhythm of her  heart beat until the shell she had created  shattered and emerging was Liz with blue,  purple, and black patterned butterfly wings.  The surrounding soldiers gazed at her in awe.


 Carmen was going head to head with  the dragon, but its fire was overpowering her  own. Red flames escaped her fingers, but it  was all she could do but to defend herself  against the fiery breath of the great dragon.  Over the howl of flames, Carmen could just  make out Liz’s cries. Carmen’s fire could not  compete with the dragon’s breath. Flames  licked her skin and knew she was about to be  consumed when a bright light appeared and  the wind stirred in an eerie fashion. Lynashia  had taken over, her eyes turned white and the  flames from her hands grew brighter than ever  before. “Ahhhhhh!” Lynashia screamed with  power. Her flames erupted into the sky and  shot the dragon back like a cannon. It lay  defeated on its back. Liz let out a whistle,  “Remind me not to piss you off,” she flew up  to what she thought was Carmen. Liz slowed  her speed as she approached Carmen she  could feel the change in her aura. Carmen’s  eyes were pure white the wind stirred around  her a silent cyclone. “You ok?” said Carmen,  but the voice was not hers. “I’m ok, Lynashia. I  wanted you to know that the dragon is really  Adam. I saw him crying. What happened must  have triggered something primal,” Liz  addressed Lynashia. This was the first time  they had ever officially met. “I didn’t know you  had that kind of power,” she admitted. “You  can break down now,” said Lynashia. “What  are you…” but Liz couldn’t finish her sentence.  Tears flowed without her permission; she  could no longer hold them back. She became  a blubbering mess. Anything she tried to say  didn’t make sense, yet she continued to try  and talk. Lynashia flew to her and just held  her until her cries and shuddering began to  die down. “To be honest, I don’t know how to  comfort. Your past lives were never put  through such pain,” said Lynashia. “Yeah, I get  it. They were much stronger,” said Liz bitterly.  Lynashia shook her head, “It’s not that they  were stronger, but that they had more time to  let their powers progress, and their obstacles  were nowhere near as great as the Gods have  put your team through,” she answered. “I am  no longer needed here. I should return  Carmen’s body,” Lynashia told Liz. With the  dragon either dead or unconscious everything  began to calm down so the Reciliux came out  from their hiding places. Unfortunately, there  wasn’t much of a city left to protect.


 The sound of shifting rubble stirred  below. Lynashia’s eyes returned to its pure  whiteness as she hurled herself and Liz swiftly  to her left. Where they had been levitating in  the air, a stream of fire now took its place.  Lynashia set Liz to the side, “That thing  should not still be standing,” said Lynashia  angrily.


 Despite her tear stained face, Liz  managed to recover quickly. I have to be  strong…like Emma, she thought to herself.  Liz’s butterfly wings glittered in the darkness  illuminating the night. Liz attempted to illusion  ice breath and blew ice daggers unto Adam.  When she realized the ice daggers had no  effect on Adam’s hard scaled skin, she flew  closer and covered Adam entirely in an icy  fortress. This prevented any movement on  Adam’s part. “Something tells me that won’t  last long,” said Liz. As the words left her  mouth, Adam shattered the ice fortress and  snarled with fury. Liz landed on a rooftop and  began puking her guts out. Lynashia flew  down to check on her, “What is wrong?” asked  Lynashia. Liz groaned, “I think I ate too much  candy before this fight,” she barfed some  more. “That thing is in pain. We have to calm  its anger, or it may be unstoppable,” said  Lynashia. “Stop calling him a thing. Adam is  still in there,” snapped Liz. Lynashia simply  ignored her but decided to change her  wording, “If I can get close enough, maybe I  can drain the anger from it…uh him,”  suggested Lynashia. “Is that possible?”  questioned Liz. Lynashia paused before  answering, “I’m not sure. I’ve never tried  something like that before.” “And how are we  supposed to keep him still long enough…I  have an idea,” said Liz. Lynashia raised her  eyebrows all ears.


 Angry angry angry angry angry angry  angry angry angry angry there was so much  anger he couldn’t even remember what he  was mad at. His mind was fogged up. He  acknowledged that his body was moving, but  where and why he didn’t know. He had lost  control of all action. He felt blindfolded, though  didn’t care. Beneath the anger he felt pain. It  was excruciating, so he ignored it and let the  anger consume him. The floating girls only  fueled the volatile hate and anger boiling over  into a fury filled blood rage; destroying  everything in sight and with his crushing  outbursts became ever more vicious. “I need  to fight,” Adam thought. “Why do I hurt so  much? What is this pain that my anger can’t  subside?” He then became angry at not being  angry enough. His body was a gasoline  canister and though he couldn’t remember  what triggered it there was a spark. That small  spark erupted with an unquenchable thirst for  destruction. Angry angry angry THWAK!  “Something is on my leg,” thought Adam. He  looked down but didn’t see his leg in its place  was a red scaly thing with a werewolf  attached. Adam was about to snatch up the  wolf and crush it to pieces when he froze.  Below him was a girl standing in the street  staring at him. He wasn’t sure who this girl  was, but she seemed to have a paralyzing  effect on him. Despite the cold rain she didn’t  shiver. The girl wore jeans and a purple  hooded jacket. Strawberry blond ringlets ran  down her face across blue eyes. Adam  lowered his head to the ground. The girl was  so small compared to him. A flicker of  recognition crossed his mind…Emma. The  excruciating pain lessened along with his  anger. The dragon that was now Adam let out  a moan and breathed hot air on the girl, but  she didn’t flinch. Emma. Again the pain  lessened, but then a breeze blew towards him  carrying the girls scent. His eyes flashed, and  he attacked the girl. Anger raged hotter than  before, and he grew twice as big with hate.


 “Run, Illusionist, run!” screamed  Lynashia. Quick as lightning, Dane carried Liz  out of reach of Adam’s ferocious claws. Liz  had taken on the form of Emma in hope that  she could bring Adam back to his usual self.  That plan obviously backfired. “You only made  it worse,” growled Dane. “Bite me,” said Liz,  shoving him off of her. “Plan B” said Tio.  “Brute force,” said Dane. Lynashia and Liz  nodded in silent agreement. The four jumped  into battle with new found enthusiasm.  Lynashia lay on the flames once more. Dane  latched his jaws into Adam’s scaling outer skin  and Liz created a giant axe the size of Adam  himself and swung it around like it was  nothing. Adam was cornered three to one, but  their attacks barely scratched him. With a  thrust of his wings Adam flew to the sky and  knocked the three into the ground. Liz  managed to have them all land on a  trampoline. “I don’t get it,” said Lynashia.  “What?” asked Liz, out of breath and still  bouncing from the fall onto the trampoline.  “The Illusionist’s power is all about deception,  and yet you don’t lie, so how is it your still not  a half bad angel?” Questioned Lynashia, she  vaguely remembers someone else saying the  same thing. Liz sat there trying to figure out  the answer to her question. “Maybe I’m  actually the biggest liar of all,” said Liz. “The  truth is people see what they want to see.  Some see me as some punk kid while others  like…Emma saw me as something more. I’m  such a good liar that I am even capable of  fooling myself. Artists use lies to tell the truth.”  This answer seemed to satisfy her. “Prove it,”  said Dane, “In battle.” Chit chat time was over.  It was time to put Adam down for good.  Lynashia’s eyes lost their white sheen and  returned to Carmen’s bright green eyes.  Lynashia collapsed unto the trampoline and  Carmen regained her body. Meanwhile, Adam  was thrashing into buildings and blew fire into  the air. Carmen was still unconscious, so  Dane wolfed out and torpedoed himself into  Adam’s dragon form, causing them both to  collide into surrounding buildings. In wolf form,  Dane’s features changed. His nose and mouth  grew larger forming a snout with sharp teeth.  He looked like a giant wolf with dark brown fur  except his hind legs were shaped so that he  was capable of walking on only two legs if he  wanted to. This made him faster and more  agile. “Carmen…Carmen…wake up!” Liz  Insisted.


 Liz wasn’t able to lift Carmen’s  unconscious body by herself, so she called  out to a Reciliux soldier. Together they carried  her to the underground base. Liz wondered  how much damage Lynashia actually caused  to Carmen’s body. From what she could tell,  Lynashia was astonishingly more powerful but  such power came with a price. Tio stood over  Liz who was kneeling beside Carmen’s cot,  “This is chaos. Illusionist, you are the only  Angel left standing. What do we do?” “You’re  asking me?” Liz was surprised. “You are an  Angel, you must know what to do,” said a  medical ninja attending Carmen. “I am not the  only one left,” Liz stood, “Jade Magician just  needs to rest, and Komodo Dragon…Komodo  just needs some Midol,” Liz rubbed her  forehead waiting for a brilliant idea to emerge.  “Stall,” said Carmen who was still dazed. She  tried to sit up but was forced back down.  “What?” Liz asked her. “If we do not meet  Fugin in time he wins. We have to buy time,”  said Carmen. “How are we supposed to  reason with that egotistical prick?” asked Tio.  “That’s it!” exclaimed Liz. “Huh?” Carmen was  confused. “His ego, we will strike him through  his ego,” answered Liz. “I hate to break it to  you, but we don’t even know how to reach  him,” said Tio. Liz sat there contemplating.  “Give me your cell phone,” she held her hand  out to Carmen, but Carmen wasn’t even  strong enough to lift a finger, so Liz dug  through her cloak. Liz didn’t have her own  phone so she would always borrow Carmen’s.  Liz dialed the number she used to talk to  Fugin when he was masquerading as her  boyfriend “Fu.” “Seriously?” asked Cicero,  who had just entered the room. Liz shrugged it  was worth a try, “Got a better idea, Cowboy?”  Cicero’s cheeks turned red, “My name is  Cicero…” “Shhhhh it’s ringing,” Liz interrupted  Him.


 “Hello?” said a windy voice. “Fu? Erm I  mean Fugin?” asked Liz. “Elizabeth, how good  of you to call. Are you trying to back out of our  deal already?” he asked her. “That is some  hefty service,” noted Tio. “Who knew?” agreed  Cicero. “Put it on speaker,” ordered Carmen  with ragged breath as she was still trying to  regain consciousness. She was finally starting  to regain some of her strength back. “We have  been doing some thinking, Fugin, and we  were wondering if you wanted to make this  tournament a bit flashier?” asked Liz. “I’m  listening,” replied Fugin. “We think the world  deserves to know of this tournament and of  your power. It would make Earth much easier  to dominate once you show them you can  defeat the Chosen Angels,” said Liz. Tio shook  her head hysterically, “No, no the world cannot  know of our existence,” she whispered so  Fugin couldn’t hear. “It wouldn’t be the  Reciliux. It would just be us Angels,” Carmen  whispered back. “What are you playing at  Elizabeth?” asked Fugin. “We want you to set  up an arena and invite everyone in this realm  and yours to watch our epic battle. We want it  set up as an official match.” Liz got straight to  the point. Liz was hoping that Fugin’s ego  would get the best of him and that he would  agree. His arrogant, conceited nature would  be the end of him. “That would take some  time,” Fugin finally responded after a long  pause. “What is more important, Fugin, the  timing or the presentation?” Liz asked him. “To  invite Earth, my realm, beings from other  planets, not to mention selling the tickets and  setting up a stage would take at least a year,”  he told us. We didn’t reply, instead we waited  for his answer. “This will be the greatest show  in history,” said Fugin. “Yes it would,” agreed  Liz. “Alright, Elizabeth, in one year our  tournament will begin, but until that year  arrives you will be in my care,” he told them.


 Carmen managed to sit up, “Not a chance  Fugin. We had a deal,” she seethed, “When  evoking the Oath of Chi, you said that no  harm will come to Earth if we arrive for the  tournament on time and until the tournament  is decided,” spoke Carmen. “And no harm will  come to Earth or the Chosen Angels, but I will  take Illusionist back. She is still in my control.  There is nothing you can do about it,”  responded Fugin. “When?” asked Cicero.  “When will you take her?” “Whenever I feel  like it I suppose,” Fugin laughed and hung up.  “I’m sure we will be hearing from him soon,”  groaned Carmen. “He can’t really do that can  he? Make me stay with him and brainwash  me. I won’t let him,” said Liz. Carmen didn’t  say anything, but she knew there would be  nothing Liz could do to stop him. “You idiot!  This tournament is just a fluke all. Fugin really  wants is fame, and you are giving him that  while revealing everything we have ever  worked for in the process. Do you know how  hard it is to clean up after you Angels? You  always leave a mess and the Reciliux is  always there to clean it up!” ranted Tio. She  was fuming and yelling at Liz when Cicero  stopped her. “That Angel just kept Earth safe  for another year. You should be thanking  her…ma’am,” said Cicero. “You should be  more grateful for your life, Master Tio,  because I have no problem eliminating  obstacles that are in the way of our overall success,” Carmen stared down Tio. “Is that a  threat, Jade Magician?” questioned Tio. “Take  it however you like,” she replied curtly. Tio  then left the room leaving Liz, Carmen and  Cicero to sort through things.