Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 7


 Why are wings so beautiful? Are they  just perceived that way because they can soar  to the sky where only mere humans can  dream? It was so bright. Where did all this  light come from? I felt overwhelmed with a  white radiance. I was about to cover my eyes  to shield myself, but found that I couldn’t  move. I had no idea where I was or how I had  got there. Even squinting seemed impossible.  I could not feel my body. I could not feel  anything, but I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I felt at  peace. “Remember,” echoed a voice. Was the  voice somewhere nearby or was it merely in  my head? “REMEMBER,” it was definitely in  my head and all around me. Remember?  That’s right! I had to remember who I was,  and how I got here; quickly before I faded into  nothing. “Where am I? Who am I?” I asked the  echoing voice. I was thankful I still had my  voice. “You are in Limbo,” answered a  different voice. Two doors appeared on either  side of me, and my mind began to clear a little  bit. The doors were large and a bit imposing.  The one on my left had an ancient rendering  of a winding staircase carved into it. The one  on my right displayed a large circle cut into  fourths. In each portion was a symbol that I  seemed to recognize, but I didn’t know from  where. There was the Egyptian, Celtic,  Japanese and Afghan symbol for life, but each  door had a hand print on it. I looked at my  hand…is that where it goes? Am I supposed  to choose? “Who am I?” I asked the voices.  “You are Goldenflame, a warrior of the Three  Kings of Jupiter, planet of the Gods…us,” a  third voice told me. I had heard about them  before from someone named Tio I think and  Gonzo. Even met them once when I was  sucked into a book but what is a Goldenflame  and what was I suppose to do? “Choose the  door on your right,” it was the first voice that  had spoken to me, the one that told me to  remember, but I didn’t know what I was  supposed to remember. “Where will it take  me?” I asked. “It will bring you back to life. We  don’t have time to train a new Goldenflame,  so we are bringing you back, so you can  protect Earth,” a voice answered. I was still  confused. “The one on my right will take me to  Earth, and the one on my left will take me to  heaven?” I asked. “Heaven, hell, even we do  not know what lies beyond that door,” they  answered in unison. I looked to my left. You  know in books and a movie when given a  decision, the character always chooses to  come back to life. What if I was different?  What if really they were just afraid of  something new? I materialized, but I knew it  wasn’t my real body, just an image I created to  help me cope. I took a step towards the door  with the winding staircase. What if I liked  feeling at peace? “Emma Carter,” said the first  voice. I stopped, “Is that my name?” I asked it.  “Yes,” it answered. Images flashed into my  head. My name acted as a trigger. I remember  there being people three girls and a boy in  my…I think, my life. I remember fighting and  pain…so much pain. I remember being afraid  and hating everything. “I don’t want to go back  to that,” I told them. Liz, Carmen, a third that  my mind was foggy about, but I knew existed  somewhere, and Adam, I remember them and  they are better off without me. I told myself.  Didn’t I deserve peace? I took another step  towards the door with the winding staircase.  “Goldenflame, stop!” they shouted. “We need  you back on Earth.” I turned, angry now that  my memories had returned. “I am not just a  Goldenflame! Some tool to be used by you.  My name is Emma Carter. I am a sixteen year  old high school student who lives with five  brothers, my father and his stupid girlfriend. I  have three best friends and love to  skateboard. You give me a title and think you  can control me. I am more than just a pawn,  some reincarnated soldier. I am done playing  by your rules! Even in death, you’re saying I  don’t have a choice? Well, I am choosing, and  you can’t stop me! What if I choose peace?” I  placed my hand on the door to heaven. A  bright light appeared through the crack as I  pushed the door open. “Then you wouldn’t be  my daughter.” I stopped breathing. The voice  that occupied my memories…the voice that  soothed my heart and made it ache with  longing. It was my mother. I ran and squeezed  her tightly, afraid to let go. “Mom,” I squeaked.  She patted my head. “It’s ok to be scared,”  she told me. I shook my head, “I’m not scared,  mom, I’m choosing the unknown. I’m choosing  death,” I told her. She looked at me as if I  were three again, “My little lady bug,” she  smiled. “You and I both know this isn’t what  you want,” she told me. “You are a fighter,  Emma. To break away from that would be  breaking you. If you chose heaven you would  spend the rest of your existence in self  loathing. Leaving your friends when they need  you the most isn’t who you are. I wish you  would have picked a safer hobby, but if  fighting makes you happy then you should do  it, but for your reasons not anyone else’s and  don’t try denying it. I know you feel more at  peace fighting than anywhere else.” I tried to  protest, but she stopped me. “Even when you  were little, you always took the tougher path.  You let people think you’re dangerous and  cruel even when being kind is easier and gets  you farther in life. You could give up and let  your friends do all the fighting for you while  you sit here peacefully in the afterlife, but  you’re choosing to go back,” She told me. I  sighed and looked at the white ground. “I’m  sorry, mom. I do want to stay with you, but I  can’t abandon my responsibilities even if I am  given permission to do so,” I told her. “I try so  hard to deny it don’t I?” I smiled at her. “You  are a fighter,” she told me. I nodded. “Even if I  hadn’t shown up, I knew you would have  chosen life, but I wanted to see you,” she told  me. “And I’m glad you did,” It hurt to let her go  and turned to my right. “I will see you again,” I  told her. I sighed again and shook my head.  Why do I have to be so stubborn? But this  was me whether I agreed with it or not, I could  never stop being me. “So how does this  work?” I asked them. I grinned to myself; at  least I got to scare the crap out of those stupid  Gods Bishamon, Chokaro, and Fukurokuju.  “Wise choice, Goldenflame. After all, you did  promise someone you would come back for  them,” said a voice. I rolled my eyes, what are  they talking about? “Place your hand on the  door to life, and you will regain your body,”  they told me. I stopped just before my hand  touched the stone. “What is it?” the deepest of  the three voices asked me. “I am not leaving  until you answer my questions,” I decided.  “How do we defeat Fugin? Is Liz still under his  control? How did that fireball pierce my  armor? Why is my mind foggy, like I am  forgetting something?” I hesitated on my last  question, “Was Fugin the cause of my weird  dreams?” “All your questions can be  answered by Illusionist,” answered one of the  voices. Liz? “She doesn’t remember  anything,” I told them. “Make her,” they told  me. “Why do you Gods have to be so  mysterious? Why can’t you just help me do  my job!” I screamed at the empty room in  anger. They didn’t answer. I paced for a few  minutes to calm myself. “Bishamon?” I called  out. “You are the one who created me right?  What am I?” I asked in a calm voice but really  I was dying to know. I wanted to know if I was  evil, if I was a good person. If I would ever be  happy or if I was just living to live; because it  was my job and choosing the afterlife now I  wouldn’t feel like I deserved it. “You are more  important than you realize,” said the deepest  voice that I took to be Bishamon. I decided I  hated these Gods.


 “He has broken through the dimensional  doorway!” screamed a Reciliux soldier. The  crashing of rubble and screams of the injured  was almost too much for Carmen’s ears to  bear. “I can’t concentrate!” she yelled in  frustration. She was still drained from  Lynashia taking over her body. Dane was  digging through the pockets of a fallen soldier.  He found a pack of cigarettes. He lit it using  what was left of a burning building. Liz was  huffing, leaned over with her hands on her  knees to keep herself up. “We can’t stop him,”  she managed through huffs. “I’ve got nothing  left.” “I can’t bring Lynashia back. My body  won’t survive it,” Carmen told them. “We can’t  give up,” growled Dane breathing out a puff of  smoke. “What do you expect us to do!”  snapped Liz. “Don’t take that tone with me,  Illusionist,” Dane threatened in his Australian  accent. Dane got closer to Liz and used his  height to intimidate her, but Liz couldn’t be put  down that easily. With her short stature, she  had been dealing with tall smug jerks her  entire life. “What are you going to do about it,  fur ball? Sick your fleas on me?” she spat.  Dane snarled and raised his claws to strike Liz  but halted when he saw her expression. Her  jaw had dropped and she was looking behind  him paying him no mind. Slowly Dane turned  around thinking Adam had flown back for  another attack, but his arms dropped instantly  when he saw what Liz was seeing. “Holy  Cheez-its,” said Liz.


 I had woken up in what I assumed was  the Reciliux morgue. I was surrounded by  dead soldiers, and yes it was extremely  creepy. I checked myself for wounds but they  had all disappeared. I made my armor appear  and recede to make sure my powers were still  in good shape. Conveniently, my staff lay  beside me. I stood and looked around me, “At  least I am no longer surrounded by white,” I  spoke to the empty room. “Sleep well soldiers  it’s time for me to suit up.”


 When I stepped outside I was greeted  with one giant mess. How long was I out? I  swear there used to be a city here. I made my  way through the rubble when I spotted  Carmen, Liz, and Dane. Where was Adam? I  wondered. “Does anyone in your group ever  stay dead?” asked Dane. Liz gave him a dirty  look, “I was never dead you idiot.” Carmen  and Liz ran to me. “Where have you been?”  asked Carmen as she hugged me. “Sorry, I  missed the party. I was stuck in limbo; it was a  drag,” I told her. “Watch where you’re flying  from now on,” she scolded. “Yes, mom,” I  rolled my eyes and escaped her embrace.  “Well, I see you got an upgrade,” said  Carmen. She was right I noticed my armor  looked a bit different. My armor had turned a  darker shade of gold and on my chest there  looked to be an actual flame. The Sabatons,  which were just my foot armor, now had an  extra layer of metal and the armor covering  my lower arms were now riveted.


 “You’re late,” Liz told me but she kept  her face to the ground. “I’ll buy a watch,” I  responded. Liz ran to me hugging me tightly,  hiding the tears that ran down her face as she  nuzzled into my shoulder. “Don’t ever scare us  like that again,” Carmen looked at me  seriously. I nodded. “On the plus side, you  look bad ass,” Liz smiled. Dane came over  and shook my hand, “It’s good to have you  back, Goldenflame.” I was thanking him when  an image flashed through my brain of a  person, but I didn’t know who it was only that  Dane reminded me of her. I shook it off as  déjà vu. A loud crash interrupted my thoughts.  “What was that?” I asked them. “That would  be our big problem,” said Carmen. I noticed  they all looked exhausted, what was going  on? “I thought we had a truce with Fugin?” I  asked them confused. “We do,” said Dane.  “It’s Adam,” said Carmen. “He turned into a  dragon, and is destroying everything and  everyone that butts in ever since you, you  know…kicked the bucket,” Liz told me.


 All it took was for me to hear that it was  Adam for me to fly off like a mad woman. “He  opened the portal!” A Reciliux soldier  screamed. Portal? It took five witches to close  the portal. How could Adam open one? And  why…oh…no. Adam is going to try and attack  Fugin and break our truce! I willed my staff to  fly faster and hoped that I wouldn’t fall off. I  shot through the portal quicker than a Jimmy  John’s sandwich. I felt the tremor letting me  know I had entered another world. Last time I  entered the doorway; I had stumbled and  landed on my tush. This time I lost my balance  but managed to get it secure under my feet  before hitting the ground. With no powers, it  had taken weeks to get to Fugin’s strong hold.  Now that I didn’t care about mystic sensors I  was already to the desert, and in the distance  I saw a large red dragon headed towards the  palace. I jumped off my golden staff and threw  it with as much a force as I could muster  straight towards Adam. I landed hard in the  soft sand. It took me a second to shake off the  dizziness of my fall, but when I looked up; my  staff was flying through Adam’s wing. That  giant monster with its hatred and fire looked  nothing like Adam; yet somehow I knew. I  knew it was him. The great dragon roared in  pain and with blind rage he was headed in my  direction. “Oh crap,” I spoke to the wind. The  shifting sand made it impossible to neither run  nor get any sort of sure footing. Adam snarled  fire. He was close enough that I felt the heat  brush against my armor. I held my right arm in  the air. “Hurry up,” I mumbled. That dark  monster surging with hatred and anger grew  ever closer, getting bigger and bigger with  each flap of its wings. Adam’s claws were  nearly inches away when the golden staff  reached my hand. Adam’s thick claws hitting  my staff crashed against each other like  waves against a shore. My staff protected me,  but Adam’s shear weight and size buried me  in the sand. The weight against my chest  abruptly left me. I dug my way back to the  surface and found a giant sand bear attacking  Adam. I guess Carmen’s pet was good for  something after all. “Bubba!” I screamed.  Adam had just thrown Carmen’s pet across  the desert. I flew up to Adam’s snout and  punched him. I shed my armor. Crazy? Yes.  Stupid? Probably, but I wasn’t about to fight  Adam, no matter what form he took, it was still  Adam. Adam gripped his claws around me,  digging his nails into my body. A scream  escaped my lips. I took deep breaths to ease  the pain as blood dripped from my body  profusely. “You idiot, I told you I would never  leave you.” I started choking on my own  blood. “You should have trusted that,” I told  him. The dragon Adam only roared making my  hair rustle. “Wake up you jerk,” I yelled at him.  “Adam, its Emma, do you remember me? I’m  not going to fight you. Please come back,  please. You trust Emma, so you trust her  when she says she will never leave you. You  trust me?” Was I getting through to him? “It’s  me, Adam, its Emma. I know you are in there,  but you have to stop hiding. You have to come  back to me.” His claws tightened and his large  yellow eyes stared into me. The pain of his  grip made me scream again, “Let go now and  turn back into a human, or I will kick your sorry  butt,” I gritted my teeth. Adam’s dragon claws  loosened and he set me down. The dragon  roared an awful cry, but his size slowly  diminished. Adam’s human appearance had  returned. He was shaking so hard, and his  eyes were sad but hopeful. Tears stained his  face and he reached out to me. “Emma,” he  collapsed into my arms, and it was all I could  do to support his weight and height that  overpowered my own. His skin felt as if it was  on fire and all his clothes were gone. I had  never seen Adam cry before. It was a bit  unnerving to be honest, such raw emotion.  Steam radiated off his body. Carmen carefully  landed beside us. She took off her cloak and  tossed it on the bawling Adam. “Here we don’t  need to see Adam Jr., just saying.” Carmen  then turned her attention to me, “Oh God,  Emma, you’re covered in blood.” I felt dizzy.  These were the last words I remembered  before passing out.


 I woke up in the Reciliux medical ward.  “She’s awake,” I heard someone say. When I  sat up I saw Adam bawling in the corner now  in uniform. Liz was sitting on a table across  from me. Carmen sat on a chair beside me  and standing in the doorway were Dane,  Master Tio, and Cicero. “You passed out from  blood loss,” answered Carmen. “So we  brought you back here and retrieved Komodo  Dragon’s healing sword,” said Tio. “And how is  he?” I nodded towards Adam. Seeing me  awake Adam rushed over still in tears, “I am  so sorry, Emma,” he told me. Then he smiled  such a pure revealing smile. His facial  expressions and body language had  completely changed. Everything about him  was now exposed. The Adam I knew had a  crooked smile and let his eyes speak  wonders. He was so controlled in everything  he did that only the slightest changes could  tell me what he was thinking. This Adam, had  nothing hidden, like he had been stripped  away of some outer skin that used to belong  to the world, to now being this sensitive Adam  that had once only belonged to me. He took  my hand, “I’m so happy you are all right.” “I’m  ok, but how are you feeling?” I asked him.  “Everything is a bit hazy,” he admitted. My  Adam would have said he was fine. My eyes  got wide as I suddenly realized how much  time had passed. “Our truce with Fugin! “Did  we miss our time limit?” I looked to everyone  anxiously. “Illusionist’s silver tongue here has  managed to buy us some time,” answered  Cicero. Liz gave me a grin. “How much time?”  I asked. “One year,” replied Liz. A year. I let  out a sigh of relief. “Alright then what is our  next move?” I asked the room. “Actually  I…was kind of hoping to learn about limbo,” It  was Carmen who spoke, but the rest of the  group looked equally interested. I was  immediately the center of attention.


 “Well…um…it was really white,” I stammered.  I sat back trying to remember, “The three  Gods that created us were there, Bishamon,  Chokaro, and Fukurokuju. I couldn’t see them,  but I heard their voices. They told me they  didn’t have enough time to train a new  Goldenflame, so they were bringing me back  to the living world.” I refrained mentioning the  part about my mom and how a large part of  me wanted to stay dead. “Were you scared?”  asked Liz. “No. It was nice actually,” I smiled  at the memory of the soothing peacefulness  that limbo had brought me. It had calmed the  storm that was my heart but didn’t cure it  which is why I am still here. “What did the  Gods say to you?” asked Adam. I closed my  eyes trying to remember, “Ah... I asked them  questions, but none of them would give me a  straight answer…they said…they said all my  answers lay with Illusionist,” I looked over at  Liz not sure what to expect.


 Liz looked from one of us to another  with a clearly surprised expression. “I don’t  remember anything,” she shook her head  disappointed in herself, “Sorry guys.” “The  Gods told me I had to make you remember,” I  told her. “And how do you suggest we do  that?” asked Tio. “We may have an idea,”  spoke Carmen. By “we” she was referring to  her and Lynashia. “Lyn knows of a spell that  allows a person to enter another’s mind.  Maybe we could retrieve your lost memories,  but it is an incredibly personal experience,”  explained Carmen. “The spell will not work  without a willing participant, so it is up to you,”  she told Liz. We need her to say yes, but if it  were up to me, I’m not sure I could go through  with it. Having someone enter my private  thoughts? I would feel so violated. Just the  thought made me shutter. We waited patiently  for Liz’s answer. Finally she sighed, “If what is  locked inside here..,” she tapped her  forehead, “...will save all of you, then I am ok  with it,” she answered Carmen. Carmen  nodded, “Ok, we need everyone to leave the  room.” “Maybe they can figure out how to  sever the bond between that wind guy and  you,” Cicero encouraged Liz before he left the  room. Carmen stopped him, “Can you bring us  a jar of salt?” Cicero nodded.


 When they were finally alone Carmen  made a circle using the salt Cicero had  brought them. She instructed Liz to sit within  the circle cross legged. Carmen did the same  facing Liz on the cold stone floor. “Now lay  your hands on top of mine. We have to  establish a connection,” she explained. Liz did  as she was told. “Ok,” said Liz, as she shifted  her weight to get comfortable, “Now wha…,”  Liz started but never finished. Her eyes  burned a bright blue. Carmen breathed  steadily, “Elizabeth Matthews, keeper of the  ring of endless light, burdened by the gifts of  Illusionist: let me in,” she spoke softly. Carmen  could feel her mind reaching out to Liz.  Carmen’s mind searched to touch Liz’s  thoughts, but there was a barrier keeping her  out. “Let me in,” Carmen repeated, stronger  this time. Carmen continued to push and push  until finally she had made her way into Liz’s  mind. Everything appeared to be jumbled  together. How am I supposed to find her lost  memories in this? Carmen was distressed.  Being the leader is a lot of work, she groaned.  Liz’s mind was like a busy city with no one or  nothing taking notice of her presence. Carmen  observed what she assumed to be Liz as a  child. Another slightly older version walked  through her. This must have been before Liz  got her punk rocker attitude and style. Her  younger self was wearing jeans and a t-shirt  with Rugrats on it. Images flew by Carmen.  Liz breaking into houses and stealing. Liz on a  playground. Liz dancing with her and Emma.  Liz kissing a boy. Liz drawing. Liz crying in an  orphanage. Liz learning to ride a bike. Liz  running from the cops. Liz helping an old  woman. Liz sleeping on the streets. Liz  smiling. Liz laughing with her, Emma and  Adam. Liz painting. Liz dancing at the Teen  Center. “There is so much, Lyn. How do I  make it stop?” Carmen asked her mentor. She  felt overwhelmed. “Breathe. Try and sort  through them to the time she spent with  Fugin,” advised Lynashia. She saw past the  bustling city that was Liz, to shadows that  reached the far corners of her mind. Maybe  her lost memories are in those shadows?  Thought Carmen.


 Adam and I were waiting in the corridor  just outside of the room Carmen and Liz were  in. Adam smiled across from me, “I missed  you,” he admitted. I just smiled back. “I really hope this mind walk thing works. Especially  since Liz agreed to be held captive in  exchange for giving us a year. If we can cut  that hold he has on her, she will be saved.” I  was only half listening as he went on and on.


 It took me a minute to process what he had  just said. “What!” I interrupted him and jumped  up. “How could she make a decision like that?  That stupid…” I clenched my fists then  reached for the door handle. Adam stopped  me, “We can’t disturb them right now,” he  said. He was right; Carmen had ordered us to  wait outside. I stepped away from the door,  and he relinquished my hand. The feel of his  skin against mine had stopped my breath. It  was only for a moment, but I held onto that  feeling. I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt it  too.


 As Carmen neared the shadows of Liz’s

 subconscious she felt as though she were  walking through a fog. Suddenly she was  aware of sounds; the sounds of a belt cutting  into the air and hitting a hard surface. Then  sounds of a small cry that a wounded animal  might make came after. Through the fog  Carmen saw a young girl cowering in a corner  and a woman beating her with a belt, swinging  it around like a nut job, and screaming nasty  words to the child. “Stop it,” shouted Carmen.  “It is a memory…you can’t stop it,” Lynashia  told her. “I had no idea,” said Carmen. “Keep  going,” said Lynashia, “Don’t forget why we  are here.” Carmen headed deeper into the  Fog.


 The fog turned to sunshine and Carmen  was suddenly in a minivan. “Welcome, we’re  glad Georgia’s on your mind,” was written on  a large blue sign with a picture of a peach on  the side of the highway that the minivan she  was in just passed. In the van was a man in  the driver’s seat with short brown hair and  sunglasses. In the passenger’s seat was a  young woman with long pitch black hair. In the  car seat next to Carmen was a baby with skin  as white as the moon and hair the color of  midnight. That baby was Liz. “But Liz said she  had never been to the south,” thought  Carmen. “She didn’t lie to you,” said Lynashia.  “This fog contains Liz’s repressed memories.  She doesn’t remember ever being to  Georgia.” Carmen couldn’t help but realize the  striking resemblance between the woman in  the passenger seat and the present day Liz.  The man and woman were laughing about  something, an old 90’s song came on the  radio, the dice on the rear view mirror swung  back and forth, and the front of the van was  torn to pieces. An eighteen wheeler had tried  to switch lanes and didn’t see the small van.  The back of the semi hit the van head on,  causing them to swerve uncontrollably. The  memory was so strong, Carmen could smell  the burnt rubber, hear the crunch of metal  against metal, and feel the sickening speed of  no control and when it stopped only the back  half of the van was left. It was just Carmen  and the baby. The front half of the vehicle was  probably fifty feet away in a ditch. The couple  had died on impact. Carmen blinked and was  surrounded by fog once again. “This is getting  us nowhere, Lyn,” Carmen complained in  frustration. “Keep going,” encouraged  Lynashia. The fog grew so thick Carmen  couldn’t see. “Lyn, where are we?” Carmen  called out loud. “That is it,” said Lynashia.  “Oooff!” Carmen tripped over something.  Purple smoke weaved its way in and out of  the fog to form an image of a man. The smoky  man held a smoky rope tight in its wispy  claws. The rope was wrapped around  Illusionist’s neck. Carmen had tripped over the  figure of Liz. “Fugin literally has his claws  wrapped around Illusionist,” said Lynashia.  Carmen created a fireball in her hand and  threw it at the creepy purple smoke…which  did nothing of course. Liz was on her knees  head hanging down with her eyes shut. This  figment of Liz looked unconscious and  helpless. The smoke figure with hollow eyes  and long winding fingers stood behind her with  an iron grip. Carmen continued to uselessly  through fireballs. The smoke would dissipate  but would always return to its original form.


 “Hey remember,” Adam put his fingers  on his head to imitate horns. “The one with  the...?” I made a weird face and laughed.  “Yeah,” Adam chuckled. “Exactly, and when  you...,” I didn’t finish my thought instead we  just laughed some more. I loved that we were  able to share our war stories with such humor.  “Oh!” I gasped excitedly. “We forgot about the  troll!” I smiled at him. “What troll?” he asked  confused. This only made me laugh harder.  “The one that yelled at you for not noticing  him!” I cackled. Adam shook his head  laughing so hard he could barely get his  words out, “I still don’t,” he laughed,




 Carmen huffed. She had found Fugin’s  hold on Liz, only she had no clue how to  relinquish it. Carmen could feel the wind  God’s power wrapped in Liz’s subconscious.


 “What has he done to you?” Carmen thought  out loud. “She has been infected,” answered  Lynashia. “Infected with what?” asked  Carmen. “A Hirudinea, once implanted into a  person, it has to receive energy from the  owner over a steady period of time. The  longer the Hirudinea has been implanted the  stronger the control over the infected will be,”  explained Lynashia. “That explains why Fugin  posed as Liz’s boyfriend, he was slowly  gaining more and more power from her by the  day,” Carmen felt like an idiot. She was  responsible for Liz, yet she just sat by while  Fugin dug his nasty little claws into her.  “I guess I didn’t think this far ahead,”


 Carmen groaned to herself. “Think, think, what  do I have to work with?” Thought Carmen.  “Power lies dormant in your signs,” said  Lynashia. “Huh?” said Carmen. “Illusionist  bares the ring of endless light, you have the  necklace of Lynashia and the wrist of roses,  and Goldenflame holds the shard of two  moons. Even the fake Chosen Angel has the  Dragon Sword.” she explained. Carmen rolled  her eyes, “We all know that you are powerful  you don’t have to brag, but what does the scar  I have on my wrist from a rose bush have to do with anything?” The scar on Carmen’s wrist  wrapped nearly all the way around but not  quite. It was a red angry mark where thorns  had gripped her when her and her friends had  ran away from a warehouse after being  kidnapped by a hobo. Carmen’s second sign  of the Jade Magician was the necklace of  Lynashia which held Lynashia’s spirit so that  she could guide Jade Magicians throughout  the ages. Carmen stood there staring at the  smoky figure that had its claws clasped  around the figment of Liz’s neck. Carmen  knelt beside Liz and began to place the  necklace of Lynashia over her head. Lynashia  began to protest, “Carmen, stop I ca…!” The  necklace glowed and Liz’s mind grew just as  bright to the point it was blinding.


 CRASH! Adam and I ceased our  laughter. We shared a glance then burst into  the room to find Carmen and Liz on opposite  sides of the room as if they had been thrown  into the wall. “Ow,” Carmen stood rubbing her  head. Liz let out a groan letting us know she  was ok. “What happened,” I looked angrily at  Carmen. “She’s free. That’s what happened. I  got rid of Fugin’s hold on her,” Carmen  pointedly answered me. Liz sat on the floor  head in her hands and faced scrunched in  pain. The necklace of Lynashia still around her  neck. “Then what’s wrong with her?” I asked  Carmen. “Her memories must be coming back  too fast…kind of like when you slurp a frosty  too fast, Emma,” she told me. Eeek, I hate  that feeling. “Liz you ok?” Adam placed his  hand on Liz’s back to comfort her. “Oh  God…Wolvina…no.”