Chosen Book 2 Twisted Fate by Kathryn Tracy - HTML preview

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 Chapter 8


 Liz shook her head furiously as if to  shake something off. When she finally opened  her eyes she looked at us horrified. “I’m so  sorry,” she told us. “I’m sorry.” “Who is  Wolvina?” we asked her. Liz stood and held  her hand into the air palm outward and fingers  spread apart. I wasn’t sure what was  happening, but I knew Liz was doing  something to us. “Liz…” I started but didn’t get  a chance to finish. I felt as though a veil had  been lifted from my eyes. It was the feeling of  just waking up, but then actually being awake  after morning coffee. “I’ll come back for you I   promise, ” echoed through my mind. “Ulrica,” I  whispered. My eyes were open but I saw  nothing, only Ulrica’s face. “Illusionist, what  have you done?” Dane stormed into the room,  teeth bared. His large chest heaved with  suppressed rage, and the heat of his fury  caused his sandy blond hair to cling to his  forehead with sticky sweat. “I’m sorry!” she  told us. I blinked and the room came spinning  back. I jumped in front of Liz in time for Dane  to crush his teeth against my armor. I pushed  him back, and he stumbled into a table. “Calm  down!” I ordered him. “Aaaagh!” screamed  Adam. He clutched his stomach in agony and  I noticed his eyes had turned yellow. I sucker  punched him and he was out like a light.


 “Quick thinking, Goldenflame, we don’t need  another dragon on the loose,” Carmen  complimented me. Honestly, I didn’t know that  Adam was about to turn, after all I didn’t see  him turn into a dragon the first time. I just felt  like hitting something, but I didn’t tell Carmen  that. I accepted her compliment with grace.  The room grew loud as several Reciliux  soldiers, Tio, Gonzo, and Cicero entered the  room while Carmen began barking orders,  “Dane,” she pointed at him. “Take Adam to the  medical wing, instruct the medics to keep him  pumped full of drugs so that he doesn’t wake  up anytime soon,” she told him. “Why me?”  Dane growled. “Because you are of no use  here.” Dane started to argue, “Go now!”  Carmen told him before he could object. Dane  was seething with anger, but he flipped Adam  onto his back as ordered, however, he didn’t  care enough to watch his head as it banged  against the doorway. “That’ll hurt in the  morning,” I grimaced. “Why are we drugging  Adam?” Liz asked Carmen. “Adam’s emotions  are completely out of control. I feel the  slightest disturbance, and we would be seeing  Mr. Red and Scaly again. We can’t chance  him in a fight right now.” Carmen told us.  “Casper, what are you doing here?” Liz spoke  to Gonzo, an apparition we had met when first  discovering our powers. “I’m here for Wolvina  actually,” he told her. “Yeah, well we’re  working on that,” I told him. “Tio, I want five of  your witches on the roof immediately,”  Carmen told Tio. Tio only stared at her. “What  are you waiting for?” I yelled impatiently. Tio  ignored me, “You know as well as I that these  witches are not as strong as you, Jade  Magician, yet you would have me risk their  lives over one wolf?” Tio questioned Carmen.  “That one wolf fought to protect Earth  you…you big horned twit!” I screamed at Tio.  “They can handle it,” Carmen answered. Tio  waited then nodded to one of her soldiers who  then ran off down the hall. “Breaking into the  Wind God’s strong hold means breaking the  truce,” Tio told Carmen. I saw Carmen’s  expression, saw her rethinking her orders. “I’m  going with or without you,” I got in Carmen’s  face, but she avoided my gaze. I didn’t care  that she was the leader. I left Ulrica once, I  wasn’t about to do it again. When Carmen  didn’t answer me I began to leave the room.  “Not necessarily,” said Gonzo. “What?” I  asked him. “Wolvina is wanted for the murder  of several humans. Therefore, under  supernatural law she belongs in Reciliux  custody. Your mission is to retrieve the wolf,  which does not conflict with this truce I have  just been informed about,” said Gonzo. I didn’t  hear the part about Ulrica being under arrest.  All I heard was that I had the green light to  rescue her, and that was all I needed.


 I left the room and sprinted to the  rooftop not caring to see if anyone followed.  The witches Carmen had asked for were  already on the roof awaiting instructions from  the Jade Magician. “Open the portal,” I  ordered. Four of the witches took their  necessary positions. The fifth witch did not  move. “It’s ok, do as she says,” it was  Carmen’s voice as she entered onto the  concrete platform. The fifth witch then did as  ordered. “Goldenflame, you have to go without  us,” I looked to and from Carmen and Liz  when Carmen told me this. Was I the only one  who cared that Ulrica was back there? That  she could be hurt or worse dead? I’m so  stupid. I let myself fall for all of Carmen’s  nonsense about teamwork and sticking  together. Now she’s having me fight Fugin  alone. Wow, what a great friend. “Emma,” said  Carmen, but I stopped her. “Do not speak to  me so informally in front of the Reciliux, Jade  Magician. When this uniform is on..,” I  addressed my ensemble, “...we are team  mates not friends,” I told her coldly. Liz  illusioned armor around her hand that  mimicked my own and used it to slap me. It  didn’t hurt of course, but it sure had a touch of  the dramatic to it. Then she squeezed me  tightly, burying her head in my chest, “We are  friends first you idiot,” she told me. I was  thankful for my helmet; it protected me from  Carmen’s unrestrained gaze of  disappointment. I hugged Liz, “It’s my entire  fault you guys,” my voice broke, “Wolvina is  only there because of me.” “Goldenflame, I  have to stay here and keep the portal open.  These witches are not strong enough to  maintain it for too long. Taking Illusionist back  into Fugin’s palace will be like taking two  steps back. We just got rid of Fugin’s hold  over her. If she gets captured again that whole  mind walk deal will have been for nothing.


 Komodo is unconscious, which is how he  should stay. However, we will be sending in a  team of Reciliux foot soldiers to back you up.  Ok?” said Carmen. “They will only slow me  down,” I sneered. Carmen untied her cloak  and wrapped it around my shoulders. “What’s  this?” I asked her. “For protection,” she told  me. I started to protest, after all invincible  armor kind of speaks for itself. “Humor me,”  she requested. I accepted the cloak without  complaint. Guilt seeped into my soul. It only  took seconds for those nasty thoughts to  infiltrate my brain. How could I think so low of  Carmen and Liz? After everything we’ve been  through. I wasn’t a very good person. I left  Ulrica behind, and now she’s in danger and  even when my friends are doing everything  they can to help me, I’m selfish enough to  think that it’s not enough. Life would be so  much easier if I didn’t care. People think that  caring for others is a good thing, but it only  made me cruel. I care about Liz, so I left  Ulrica lying under a pile of rubble to help her. I  care about Cowboy, so when I found out he  was being put into the tournament I freaked  out on Adam. Caring about Ulrica is what  made me yell at Carmen and caring about  Carmen is what is making me feel like a  worthless worm right now. Caring is too much  Trouble.


 “Hurry back,” said Liz, “If Adam wakes  up and you’re not here, he’ll definitely grow a  tail.” Adam…more than anything, I wanted him  by my side.

 Sparks flew and the portal grew before  my eyes. Sharp wind forced many of the  Reciliux soldiers to lose their footing. At the centerfold of the witches was Carmen, in all  her strength. In the past year she had grown  up more than I liked. She went from a giggling  bookworm to commanding an army. I  remembered Carmen’s expression when she  found the sand bear in Fugin’s realm. She has  such a soft heart. I decided that if I had the  chance I would try and bring that sand bear  back for her. “You are on a retrieval mission  only understood? And this is a team effort so  do not go gallivanting off without the Reciliux  soldiers,” Gonzo told me. “What’s the matter?  Don’t you trust me?” I asked him. “Not  particularly,” he responded curtly. “Good,  trusting blindly is a sign of weakness,” I wasn’t  sure where that line came from, but it made  me sound tough. The wind was so loud I had  to yell into Liz’s ear for her to hear me, “Take  care of Adam while I’m gone, ok?” I told her.


 She nodded her head in agreement. “I’m  coming, Ulrica,” I spoke to the wind. In an  instant I was through the portal and in the  demon dimension.


 If these Reciliux soldiers had any  delusions about me babying them they were  shattered the moment we all stepped through  that portal. I started running and didn’t look  back. I sliced a path through the jungle using  the blades protruding from my staff and the  foot soldiers trailed behind me. My first time  through this jungle I bumped into every tree  imaginable until Adam carefully guided me  through. I didn’t have time to find my way, so I  just hacked at everything in my path. At this  pace it wasn’t long before I reached a painted  desert. I could easily fly across these red  canyons and sand pudding. I turned to the  soldiers layered heavily in black padding and  already exhausted. If I didn’t find a way to  make them stay in the jungle they would die of  heat stroke before I could blink. There were  twelve soldiers in all and they were huddled in  a large group collapsed onto the ground to  rest. “Everyone stand up. I have an  announcement,” I instructed. The brain dead  soldiers followed my orders obediently. I  swiftly beat them over the head and tied them  to the trees using their own belts. “This should  keep you safe until I get back,” I spoke to the  unconscious soldiers as I tightened the last  belt. I shot into the air like a cannon. The three  fiery inferno spheres above me drained all the  energy I had. The heat was so intense I began  to feel dizzy and weak. If my staff had  feelings, I think it would be in pain. I thought  the faster I went the more I would cool off but  even that neglected to help. It took energy to  control my staff and keep me balanced in the  air…energy I no longer had. I could see the  palace in front of me, “I’m coming, Ulrica,” the  words barely escaped my dry throat and  cracked lips until I crashed into a pillow of  course sand.


 “Claudius, wake up,” called a man with  an Indian accent. “What did that bitch do to us  Ujesh?” asked Claudius. The other ten  soldiers slowly began to wake. “My head is  ringing like a hammer,” groaned a man. Soon  they were all struggling against the bindings  that secured them to the trees. A few of the  belts broke while others had to wait to be  untied by their free comrades. The day had  turned to night and the Reciliux soldiers were  cold and confused. Stars lit up the sky like the  lanterns of a Gorgon festival. “Where do we  go?” asked Ujesh. “I don’t see the Angel,” said  Joseph, the soldier with the red bandana. “It’s  so cold,” complained one of the twelve. “Let’s  get going. We are wasting time. We have to  retrieve the wolf,” said Claudius. “Um sir,  perhaps we should wait for the Angel here? I  mean, we have no idea where we are or how  to find the palace,” suggested a soldier by the  name of Ryan. Claudius beat him down with a  club, “We are on a mission that will be  completed without fail. Anyone else want to  back down?” he challenged the rest of the  squad, but no one dared to speak up.


 The Reciliux slowly began their climb  down to the vast canyon below but when they  finally reached the ground they found  themselves surrounded. The group of twelve  drew their weapons in defense. The Reciliux  soldier’s main choice of weapon was chains  that when wrapped around an opponent would  electrify them. They were cornered against the  canyon they had just descended. A large  sleuth of what appeared to be bears intruded  through the night. Oversized course brown fur  was everywhere. A Reciliux soldier burst  forward for attack but was smacked backward  by the large paw of a sand bear. “Wait!” said a  soldier. “I can speak to animals,” said the  man. He had the gift of tongue. “What do you  want with us?” he asked the bears. To  everyone else it just sounded like a deep  throated growl. “You are looking for the  palace?” Asked the bear that stood in the  middle of the group. “Yes,” said the man.


 My heart was racing. It was dark; I now  understood a person’s fear of darkness. It was  not the dark itself, but the idea of dark that  was truly frightening. I couldn’t remember why  I was here or where here was exactly. Was I  back in limbo? No, limbo was bright. I was  engrossed by thick black muck up to my waist.  My pace was that of a slug’s while I continued  to sink slowly into the muck with every step. I  screamed for help. Shockingly, I got no reply.  The darkness then consumed my body. I  wondered if maybe I was actually in some  giant monster and was about to be digested.  After being sucked into the black goo I landed  in a cold red liquid that smelled of blood. A  familiar slim figure appeared before me and  reached out a hand. Friend or foe? I  wondered. As I was pulled to my feet I  recognized the smell of pine needles and  jasmine…the smell of Ulrica. Then I saw her  face perfectly unharmed and flawless. Her  long blond hair only inches from my face and  her silver wolf eyes bore into me. It was her…  it was really Ulrica. “You left me,” she said  hollowly. “I know, but I’m back, I’m here to  take you home,” I told her. The sound of metal  came from my rear and when I turned around.  Adam was there, sword drawn. “You left me,”  he said right before stabbing me in the chest.  “What are they saying?” asked  Claudius. The one gifted with tongue did not  answer. “Are you here with the girl in armor?”  asked the bear. “You’ve seen the Angel?”  exclaimed the man in English which he quickly  changed back to bear tongue. The Reciliux  murmured amongst them with this new  information. “If you are here to help the girl,  then come with us,” replied the sand bear.


 “Why should we trust you?” he answered.


 “What choice do you have? You will never  catch up on foot,” the furry creature roared in  impatience. “What are you suggesting?” He  asked. “We will allow you to ride on our backs.


 We will take you to the girl in armor,” it spoke.


 The soldier relayed the bear’s message to the  rest of his squad. “I don’t trust them,” said  one. “We don’t have much time,” argued  another. “Stop, all of you,” Claudius hushed  the squad. “Our mission is to capture and  return the wolf into Reciliux custody,” said  Claudius. “Then let us ride,” said Ujesh  I woke up screaming and searching my  chest for wounds. I relinquished my armor and  buried myself into the cloak Carmen had  loaned me for warmth. I walked with my staff  for support, hobbling towards the palace.


 When I reached the entrance, I leaned against  the doors for support. Please don’t let there be  guards. I shook my head. I needed strength I  needed to save Ulrica. I needed water. After a  few deep calming breaths I decided I was  ready to face whatever came my way. With  my armor now on I thrust against the giant  doors with all my might, but they refused to  budge. I clasped my staff and attacked the  doors. I didn’t even leave a scratch. I forced  the blades out of the ends of the golden staff;  something I hardly ever do even in a fight, but  that was also to no avail. I screamed and  punched in frustration. I then collapsed  against the doors holding back the tears that  stung my eyes. That was when I noticed a  window on the top story far above me to my  right. I grinned wildly; flying up and crashing  through into the palace. I made it in! After  shaking off the glass I realized I wasn’t alone.


 Five guards the size of a Victorian statue with  spears stood at the ready. “Let me pass,” I  demanded. I loved that I wore a helmet  because I wasn’t sure I would have been able  to hide the surprise on my face when they  moved out of my way. 'Trap?' was my instant  reaction. I ignored my instincts and began  searching the palace. The palace was a maze  of corridors and random dead ends. “Bloody  hell, Harry, the stairs are moving,” I was ready  to return to Fugin’s guards and demand they  tell me where they were keeping Ulrica when  the smell of blood reached my nose.


 My heart tightened and time slowed. I  grasped the door handle in front of me tightly  and thrust the door open like a mad woman.  Lying before me was a large silver wolf. Its fur  matted and wet with blood. It was chained to  the wall. Around the wolf’s neck was a collar  placed so tightly that it dug into her skin. I  recognized the wolf to be Ulrica. I skidded to a  halt and kneeled beside her. “Please don’t be  dead,” I pleaded. I released my helmet to lay  my head on her chest, covering myself with  blood and straining to hear a heartbeat.


 “Ulrica,” I whispered into her ear, I gasped as I  heard the sound of a slow steady heart beat. It  was small, but I couldn’t mistake the sound. I  nuzzled my face into her matted fur. “I’m  here,” I told her. I unchained her and slowly  lowered her to the ground. Her wolf head  looked up at me. A hint of recognition  glimmered in her eyes and she returned to her  human form. That was when I saw them. The  lacerations, burns, bruises, and other marks  covered her entire body. Her leg was twisted  into an unnatural position. She had a black  eye and a cut lip. The rest of her body was  just too gross to put into words. I draped  Carmen’s cloak over her hoping it would help  somehow. “This might hurt, but I don’t know  how else to move you,” I told her. I managed  to lift her unto my back and started searching  for an exit. The corridors were dimly lit though  some had no light at all. I followed the lights  wondering where they would lead me. My  question was answered sooner than I thought,  as I entered the main hall and was greeted by  Fugin himself. Well a smoky image of him at  Least.


 “Hello Angel. It’s nice to see you…alive,”  he whispered beautifully. I started shaking. I  was scared, more scared then I had ever  been in my life. Why did he affect me so?  Because he is a God that has the power to  squish me like a bug, that’s why, I answered  myself. “You are always taking care of people,  Goldenflame, when they obviously don’t care  about you. Pretending nothing is bothering  you, just so you don’t put a damper on their  day. Going out when you’re sick just because  they said please. Loaning your skateboard out  because someone’s bike breaks leaving  yourself to walk home, but you didn’t tell them  that because you didn’t want them to feel bad.  Going without food so your brothers could eat.  You spend so much energy on the rest of the  world. Have you ever noticed that they never  ask how you are feeling? Do they come to  your house and take care of you when you are  sick? Do they go out of their way to cheer you  up when you are down?” his wind  encompassed me. I managed to overcome my  fear enough to speak, “Maybe I just like  making people happy,” I answered. “Because  you are not,” he stated flatly. “Shut up,” I  snapped. When you died, your friends went  on with their lives, didn’t even take time to  mourn and when you returned they put you  straight back to work. “Shut up!” I yelled, but  he didn’t listen. “It feels good to be bad,” he  crooned, “Stop pretending you are just a shell  of an ill mannered girl named Emma and  embrace your destiny…embrace  Goldenflame.” My breathing grew quick and  shallow. Before I could respond to Fugin,  Adam appeared in front of me. My eyes were  wide. What was he doing here? He was  supposed to be unconscious back in the  underground Reciliux base!


 Liz paced back and forth in the medical  wing of the Reciliux underground base. Dane  stood in the corner watching her as he  smoked his third cigarette. Liz continued to  pace when she ran into one of the moving  beds which she kicked over in her frustration.  She was in her Illusionist uniform and her  hands shined a sparkly blue color. “We  haven’t heard from Emma in over twenty four  hours and now Adam is missing!” she ranted.  “Why are you so messed up? It’s not like the  love of your life is in danger and the rescue  mission is being performed by someone you  don’t even trust. Calm down,” Dane growled.  He wore his brown leather jacket and dark  blue jeans. His black t-shirt clung to his  muscles making him look intimidating, not that  he needed any help in that department.  “Calm? You wanna see calm? I’ll show you  calm!” Liz proceeded to tear the room to  shreds at least until Dane was able to subdue  her. He pinned her to the wall and waited for  her anger to die down.


 Adam’s sword was drawn and he stood  before me with fiery anger in his eyes. For a  moment I thought my nightmare was about to  come true but then he turned to face Fugin.  His skin started to turn red and lizard like  scales appeared around his eyes. I placed a  hand on his shoulder and said his name softly.  His skin returned to normal and he sheathed  his sword. Adam took Ulrica and cradled her  like a baby in his arms. “Let’s go home,” he  told me. We left the entrance hall to the giant  doors that had given me so much trouble  earlier now opened with ease. For once I was  happy to feel the sand under my feet. I knew it  meant freedom and leaving that palace  suddenly a weight lifted from my chest. It had  felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my  shoulders now that Adam was here. “How did  you get here so quickly?” I asked him. “I  convinced one of the witches to help me,” he  answered. In other words, he either  threatened or flirted with her until she caved.  “Do Carmen and Liz know you are here?” I  questioned. “No,” he said angrily. I guess he  knew that they would have prevented him  from coming…just as I had. “Sorry about  hitting you earlier,” I said meekly. He turned to  me in shock. “What?” his expression made me  feel insecure which usually lead to me getting  pissed off. “Nothing…it’s just I don’t think I  have ever heard you apologize before,” he  told me. “Whatever”, I said pushing past him  into the desert. Fugin has somehow managed  to drive fear into my heart, but I was still me. I  was still stubborn and brash and incredibly  annoying.


 A cloud of sand threw my promenade off  guard. Behind the cloud of sand that blurred  my vision was the unmistakable sight of  Bubba the sand bear and he had brought  some friends along with him. “It’s ok,  Komodo,” I told him as he tensed up. Then I  saw the Reciliux soldiers riding on the backs  of the sand bears. “Hey fellas?” I greeted,  “Have a nice nap?” They didn’t find that too  funny. The twelve good little soldier boys  hopped off their rides to glare at me, but  instead of a smart retort or a lecture about the  rules they ignored me and advanced on  Ulrica. “Ulrica Daciana aka Wolvina, you are  hereby under arrest for unlawful actions  committed in the human world,” Claudius  spoke senselessly to Ulrica’s unconscious  body. When he reached for her, I freaked out.  “Do not touch her,” I spoke slowly but surely  with as much menace in my voice as possible.  I could see the cogs and wheels turning in  Claudius’ mind working through whether or  not I would really hurt him or if it was an empty  threat. We played who would blink first for a  few seconds until Claudius moved away from  Ulrica, still glaring at me. “Fine,” he said, “But  when we get back she’s ours.” As if, I thought  to myself. The bear I recognized as Bubba  walked over to me and nuzzled my shoulder  so that I would pet him. “Hey buddy,” I smiled,  “I’m glad you’re ok,” I told him as I stroked his  thick course fur covered in sand. Our reunion  was short lived as Claudius and the other  soldiers pulled out what looked like a taser  gun from their cloaks. Together they formed a  circle and by releasing a shock wave they  created a portal. “Um why couldn’t we use that  on our way here?” I asked them. “It only works  when we know where we are going,”  answered a soldier. I was relieved to know our  trip back would be much shorter. The sooner  we got Ulrica medical attention the better.