Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

I knew that Samuel wanted to think and sort things out. Alone! So, I told him to drop me off at home and we’ll talk more tomorrow. And, by the time he was gone for about a good twenty minutes, I wondered what the effect on the surprise would be. Samuel was so excited for tomorrow, giving me a special surprise to get my mind off of things. But, it wasn’t me who needed it now. After several months, this conversation opened my eyes. It told me that I never truly realized what July meant. It was giving me a lesson. All of this was.

The changes in my life tried to teach me that we don’t necessarily choose when we die. When we’re born and when we die are already set. It’s what we do between them that counts. Whatever else that happens is up to us. You’re parents probably tell you that everything you do affects the people around you. It affects the people that care about you more.

We’ll I can tell you; they’re right. And they might have said that everything happens for a reason. That everything in life teaches you a lesson. Right again. In life, you make mistakes. Many, maybe. That’s how you learn. Everyone learns to be a better person from the mistakes they make. Making mistakes is part of life. See, my mother never told me this. She didn’t learn it herself. She didn’t believe it because all she knew was her heart was broken. Again, I blame my father.

Learn your lessons. Learn from your mistakes. And learn what life is about. It won’t be difficult if you learn your lessons over time before you get older. It sucks having to learn all this at once. Having everyone mistake and lesson come to you in one year. That’s where I went wrong. It took me seven months and many horrible changes to learn that. And I’m sixteen. I’m more than sure that Samuel knows this, but I don’t know why he’s acting the way he is.

I’ll just let him cool off tonight and see where it leads us, tomorrow. Hopefully he’ll be back to normal. Ever since our conversation, I know I’ll be back to the old me. The Charlotte everyone knew before July. Well, a little, anyway. Now, I’m really anxious (and excited) to see what the surprise is. I hope its something to get his mind off of things.