Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

The next day, I didn’t get up at my normal time for school. Samuel said he had a surprise for me and we won’t be going to school at all. Even after our conversation, I just hoped he was okay. I hoped he was still going to give me my surprise. I called him about twelve times and text him probably several times. He never answered. After a while, I gave up on reaching him. What was he doing? I thought he had a surprise for me. Where is he? Why hasn’t he come over yet? I was now really mad at him.

Sure, I’ve been mad at him before, but not like this. I was becoming pissed. Never before did I get pissed at Samuel. My brother and his wife were at work so when I got angry I punched a wall. Half the day I sat in my room, watching romantic movies and chugging down ice cream. All I could do was hope Samuel would finally come and get me.

Come to apologize and give me my surprise. I couldn’t believe how upset and angry Samuel was making me. I’ve never been this bad before. Yeah, I’ve swore and felt upset about a guy. But, this was something different. Finally, I calmed down and I just laid in my bed, thinking. It was probably about 11:30 that morning when Samuel text me back. This is his reply to many, many worried and angry texts. ‘Hey, sry I didn’t txt u. in skl. Turned my phn off.’

And there went my mind. In school? Like nothing happened? Everything is fine? AHH! Wait for it… One, two, “AHHHHH!!” My voice was so high pitched and girly that it scared me for a split second. But, that wasn’t important. Usually Samuel would be at home, thinking if things were this bad. Not at school like nothing was wrong. Especially since its me. And especially since he had a surprise for me and needed to cheer me up.

But, no. He’s being an ass and pissing me all the way to hell. Screw him! Then, a text came in. Half of me wanted to check it, the other wanted to throw my phone against the wall. Reason: I knew it was from Samuel. Then, another text. That puzzled me, but I didn’t care much. You want to know what side won? After a minute of thinking, I grabbed me phone…and opened it.

‘Babe I did some thinking. A lot of thinkin actlly. I wnt the bst 4 u. U r my world. I luv u 2 death. Tats y if I tell u wats goin on I will hurt u and I dnt wnt tat. I wnt u’

It stopped there and I started to get angry again. But then, I remembered there was another text after this. A run on.

‘2 b hpy. I fallen in luv w/ u the day I met u in 2nd grade. I’m sry my luv but I can no longer b w/ u. I will only hurt u. im only doin this 2 save u. I hope u can 4 give me’

I stood still for the next five minutes, thinking all about the text I just got. I realized that I was holding my breath and my heart was racing. I still couldn’t get a grasp on what Samuel had sent me. I read the text another four times before I knew what he meant.