Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 16

Waking up in the hospital, your head will absolutely hurt like you got hit by a truck. Yeah, tell me about it. But, that wasn’t the real reason my head hurt. I woke up to find neither Samuel nor Tom there. I was ticked, only because I was upset. That’s usually how it goes now-a-days. When I’m upset; or any teenager for that matter-o-fact, you get mad. Well, more like pissed.

Anyway. I was pissed to find Tom and Samuel gone. Samuel promised me he would be right there beside me when I woke up; just like he was when I went to sleep. I wonder if he had a good reason for leaving? I bet he didn’t have a good reason for breaking up with me. Or acting like an ass the past couple of days. I couldn’t get up at all.

My body ached and I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere with all this shit hooked up to me. This is all a pain in the ass to me. The accident, hospital, and Sam. Why can’t he just talk to me? It would be so much easier. I don’t care if he tells me the whole shit that’s going on. I just want to know what’s going through his head and what he’s doing. If only he would start a conversation and we can talk about all of this, I’d be fine.

But, he won’t talk to me at all; and I hate it. He’s never done anything like this before. What the hell? I’m leaving it alone. If he doesn’t want to talk, then what’s the point in trying? I didn’t know what day it was, or how long I had been sleeping. Honestly, I didn’t care much. I knew all I needed to know. I was in the hospital with no one around to care. Only nurses and doctors who took care of me, not really cared about me. That sent a sharp pain through my heart.

It hurt like fucking Hades was punishing me, for not reason what’s-so-ever. What the hell is this? Why can’t they just kill me now? End my suffering. It would be better than living this hell. I didn’t want to think about that anymore. I didn’t want to think about anything at all. That would just hurt more. I closed me eyes again; feeling so freaking tired from all of this.

I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew at this moment that my mind wouldn’t let me. Not with all the millions of things running through it. I did doze off for a moment though. Just feeling good that I got a little rest with everything reeling around.

I finally opened my eyes and saw him. You’re probably thinking Samuel, right? I know; that would be awesome, but no. And it wasn’t Tom either. The person who was standing in front of me was a man who shouldn’t have come. It would be better if he didn’t. Him coming just made things worse. I haven’t seen him in years and the thought that he was standing in front of me now sent chills down my spine. It gave me more of a headache.

My bones ached even more. I hated it. My heart kept skipping a beat. My breathing was ragged, but I couldn’t stop staring at him. I recognized him from photos I’ve seen. I’ve heard of him from stories I have heard. But, I don’t remember anything about him; except that he is my father. He smiled a big, wide smile that just gave me the creeps. He kept his eyes on me.

He looked at me like he never seen me before, which was basically true. I don’t know what his eyes held; and I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to know what the hell he was doing here. Or why he thought he could just come home and think everything was fine. Think that I would run into his arms, hug him, and yell ‘Daddy!’ because that wasn’t happening. I closed my eyes again; tighter. Hoping that this was all a dream. Or more like a nightmare.

I hoped that when I opened my eyes back up that he wouldn’t be there. I didn’t even care if I woke up to see Tom or Samuel. As long as he wasn’t there I was perfectly happy. I felt him touch my forehead as he moved hair from my face. I so badly wanted to smack it away, but couldn’t. I didn’t have the guts to. But thankfully he took his hand away a second later. “Hey, sweetie,” he said in a sweet (yet irritating) low voice, “I’m Stephen. You’re father.”