Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

I gulped down a huge breath of air. This situation scared me as hell. I actually think its scarier than near-death experiences; or dying. I had those a lot, but its still not as bad as meeting my father after all these years. He raised his eyebrows a little, waiting for me to say something, but I couldn’t. My heart was lodged in my throat.

He went forward anyway. “What happened cupcake? Why are you like this?” I still couldn’t say anything. I just couldn’t get up the nerve to speak to him. He comes in like nothing has happened and starts asking what’s wrong; instead of saying I’m sorry I haven’t been there the past twelve years. Thankfully, but weirdly someone came in and saved me.

Samuel was still here. He came in with a tray of food and a smile on his face. That is until he saw Stephen. His smile dropped faster than an anchor falling from a cliff with 100 mph of wind falling with it. I could see the fear and confusion in Samuel’s eyes. And Stephen just stands there; still smiling like the little devil he is. “What’s going on here?” He hesitated a little bit (deciding if he should ask) but said,

“Who are you?” It took him a minute to respond, but he eventually did. “I’m Stephen. Charlotte’s father. You are?” Okay, I know I shouldn’t have opened my mouth and saying something like this, but I did. “Oh, shut the fuck up.” Both of them turned their heads to me; surprised looks all over their faces. I curled up my lips; knowing I shouldn’t have said it.

But, I can’t take it back. It was too late. Samuel (thankfully) was the first to respond, “Charlotte…I got you some breakfast.” Ohmigod! I thought he was going to yell at me or something, but he passed it off like nothing new. Then, he butted in before Stephen could say anything. “How are you feeling?” I nodded and sighed. He understood perfectly, but Stephen gave us a quick confused look. I smiled, “Thank you. For a minute I was beginning to worry you left me.” I smiled again to show a little tease.

I wanted to lighten up the mood a little. Samuel smiled too. “I’m always here for you, whether you see me or not.” I nodded to say I understand. And as Samuel set the tray of food on my lap, Tom came through the door with the same expression as Samuel had. It actually kind of made me laugh. I don’t know how I found it funny, but I did.

Tom stopped dead in his tracks as Stephen turned around. Tom is five years older than me so he knows dad better than I do. “Father…what-how-but.” He stopped speaking. I bet his heart is lodged in his throat just as much as mine was. Haha… How do I find any of this funny? “Son. Its so good to see you again.” Stephen walked toward Tom and held out his arms for a hug, but Tom just stood there; being stubborn. Point 1 to Tom. Seriously; what is going on with me? Maybe its just from the fall.

Or maybe because of the fall. I could have hit my head too hard on a rock. I don’t know. Back to the situation at hand. “What are you doing here,” Tom asked, his voice cracking. I could tell he wasn’t handling at all like I am. Somehow I’m finding all this funny. Are they putting something in my veins that makes me delusional? Stephen sighed and dropped his gaze to the floor. I could see a little of a frown. “I’m sorry. I know I’m barging in…but I heard that your mother had passed away.

Then, I heard you were in the hospital, I had to come see you children.” I don’t know if Tom was mad or just trying to understand, but his voice seemed harsh. “Why did you leave and come back twelve years later?” Nothing for a moment. Its as if he was coming up with a good enough excuse to tell us. He hesitated a while more before responding.

“I’ll tell you that later. I don’t want to make this situation worse. But, I came back because; even though I left, you are still my children.” No one said anything after that. No one knew how to say anything after that. So, we let it go for now and everyone went back on to me. Of course, as a parent, Stephen was asking a bunch of questions to sum up the last twelve years of our lives.