Death by Alex Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

Tom went first, letting me rest a little. But, I wasn’t resting. I couldn’t rest with all that’s happening now. I only pretended to sleep, hearing the conversations between the three. Stuff like our lives, mom, and Samuel and my relationship (which ended). That conversation I couldn’t have lived without. “So, who are you, son?” “Samuel. A friend of Charlotte’s,” 

Tom’s voice was hesitant and shaky. “A friend. Samuel’s her best friend since they were six. And recently became her boyfriend.” Tom budged in on this conversation for a reason no one knows.

“Oh, is that so…?”

“Well…we-uh. We broke up a few days ago.”

No responses; no gasps; no sighs. Hmm?

“Oh, why is that, boy?” Was my father interrogating Samuel? If so; he has no right. He hasn’t been here for most of my life. He has no right to do anything as a real parent. Tom didn’t say much to that. He just added, “That’s a shame.” “Why is that? We are still friends.”

There was a puff coming from someone, I didn’t know. But then, Tom spoke. “Friends? You two barely talked to each other. I hadn’t seen you around since. Samuel, you’re in love with her. I can tell, so why be distant and…stubborn.” Half of me hated Tom budging into our problem. Half of me appreciated it. “There’s something that she doesn’t know. But; I can’t tell her.

It would just break her heart. Make things much worse than they already are.” I opened one of my eyes. None of them were looking my way, so I was okay. I saw Tom nod. “Samuel…her heart is already broken. Nothing could get worse than that.”

Samuel looked down. I could tell he was thinking. But, Tom was right. My heart is broken. Broken from Samuel breaking up with me. Broken from my father leaving. And broken from almost everyone I love: dead. Tom explained that to Samuel. But Samuel still protested. “But, I don’t think hearing that someone else she loves might die.”

Samuel stopped a moment but went on in a different tone of voice. “Or that you two will leave her. She can’t handle that.” Tom nodded and Stephen was just standing there watching the two converse. Same as me. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” Tom watched Samuel closely just as I was watching them closely. Samuel looked over at me and saw I was awake, so he smiled. That got Stephen and Tom’s attention, as well. They came over to me and started asking how I felt.

That night, the doctors gave us news that I’m going to need surgery. After that I will be staying in the hospital for longer. Tom’s reaction was not knowing if we could pay for the surgery. Love you too, bro. Samuel didn’t say anything. He was still lost in his own world. Lost in that conversation, just as much as I still am. My father’s reaction was feeling upset. Hell no. Upset? About me? He’s not fooling anyone.

He really expects us to believe that he came back after twelve years because he missed us? No fucking way! My father has made me go speechless, to laughing, to pissed off in one day. That’s talent. I can’t say the same for Tom though. I think he’s just trying to find out why he’s back. Or what the hell for. Who knows? Turns out that we can pay for the surgery and I’m going in tomorrow. Woo-hoo! That’s great. (Sarcasm) Stephen says that he’s going to go ‘home’ for a few days.

When he says home, he means our house that we lived in ever since he left us, until he came back. Stupid ass. That’s what I think. I shouldn’t be judging, though. I’m not the kind of person to judge much. So, I’ll get to know him first, then judge; haha. Samuel came over to me and held my hand. He didn’t say anything for a moment. He just looked into my eyes, still thinking about everything.

“Charlotte. I need you to know something; before you have that surgery.” He waited for my reaction (which was raised eyebrows) and went on. “The reason I’ve been acting strange is because I have something to tell you. My parents and I found out that…I have a type of cancer. They don’t know how bad it is, but I could possibly die; if not treated correctly. I’m sorry I haven’t been honest with you.”

When I didn’t say anything, he kept explaining. “The truth is, I didn’t tell you because I was scared and I didn’t want you to be upset. Char…I’m in love with you and I can’t be without you. You’re my world and I would die without you. I’m sorry for everything.”

I still couldn’t speak. I didn’t know how to react to that. I ran my fingers through his thick, dark hair and pulled him closer. I tilted my head a little and as he got closer I parted my lips. His lips met mine. They felt soft and the kiss was passionate. It was our first real kiss. It had every bit of love in it than either of us could possibly say or show. It was amazing. I felt as if I was walking on air. I didn’t want it to stop. I never wanted to let go of him. But, that ended when Tom and Stephen stepped into the room.

Tom cleared his throat to let us know that they were standing there.

Samuel broke the kiss, but didn’t look away from me. He had a huge smile on his face that warmed my heart. And that kiss. That kiss put my heart back together. Most of it anyway, I still had my surgery and deaths to deal with. But, he definitely made it better.