I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Four Sister


Early the next morning Sister Alaida ordered her Children into class so she could teach, Catechism. I would like to talk to Chucky in Dorm B 2 unless he is now in another Dorm because there of a broken window. I think they placed him in another Dorm Sister. I think he is in either C-2 or E-2, I am not sure. Where were you Billy? Did you see him last night after the window broke. I was in E-2. I think the Officer told me he was in C-2. Okay, is anyone from Dorm C-2 so I can ask them where Chucky Chipps ended up? I take it his Dorm is next. I better get going without them. Okay classroom turn you're papers over. I have several words to add. I have new Readings from The Bible that I will read to you Today. Holy Angels are The Supernatural Soldiers, Messengers and Sentries of the Living God. Sister, I have a question to ask you? I had a dream of a dark almost black angel. He chased after me in my sleep. I don't know, I have no idea what he wants. I have lots of dreams Sister. I don't know why I dream of him or what it wants from me. I dream of fallen angels. She sat in a half metal and half wood seat made of fabric. She stared back at him unsure what he meant to say or if he tried to joke with her. I am not sure what he wants either Billy. She continued to search his face for expressions. First, she smiled at him then she seen something else in his face. I think it wanted to kill me Sister. I think we're all in danger if it is true. I think it isn't going to stop until it catches up with me Sister. I think I should re often before it is too late. Okay Billy I think you should say a little Prayer. I think you need to go to Church. Another Sister remained close. She waited until Sister Alaida asks her to take Billy to Penance. Billy climbed to his feet. He waited to be escorted away from his Classroom. I should be okay Sister. I want to say thanks for listening to my dreams. She hesitated after a tall skinny kid walked away with another Sister in wonder what it meant. Sister before I leave class do we have a personal guardian angel that God Issues to Children or Believers? I have a Reading that I found in a Bible which has something to do with Guardian Angels. Here it is I found it. It is all about Angels and what they do if you Believe. We should always focus on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Sole Provider and Protector. Never focus on Angels of God as such. Yet, Angels are the Ministering Servants of God, and so, Scriptures do indicate that God assigns a ‘personal’ Angel to every Sincere Believer, that always seen the face of the Father. Who is in Heaven? Although Scripture do not state this emphatically. We can accept that these angels are personal’ guarding angels of the highest rank. Such Angels are Servants of God Whom He “sent forth to Minister to those who will inherit Salvation that is, the sincere Believers of Jesus Christ. Are you Sincere Sister? He remained near the entrance door with a look on his face like he knew what he wanted to say but held it back. Billy, before you go to Pray. I would like to ask you another question. What does it look like that thing that you see in your dream that you think is out to kill you. It is big, black and I think he works for Satan because l heard him say something that scared me. He told me he had to find and kill me because his father told him too.

 Sister Alaida climbed to her feet she waved to a Sister who stood close. Allow me to take him to do his Penance. I would like to hear more of what he has to say. I would like you to finish reading to my class Sister Maria. I will take you to do your penance instead. She Reached for his right hand.

 Sister Maria sat down in her seat. She lifted a Holy Bible from Beneath. While Class Watched Billy Disappear behind a Classroom door. I would like you to tell me everything that you saw in that dream. Sister Alaida walked off with Billy Seals. She wondered what he meant to say. She felt he had something else to say. What stopped him after he mentioned he had a nightmare. There is something else hidden in is mind that he did not want to mention. Sister Alaida continued to walk with Billy down a Hall toward a small Church that the Orphanage had in its Facility. Why is your hand so warm Billy. She turned her attention to the top of his head. She noticed thin gold hairs that ran along the top of his head. Angel Flakes '' she thought '' his hair is dark brown and long. She Smiled down at him after she noticed angel flakes. Tell me Billy where or should I say what happened to your Mother. She Died Recently, his head turned toward her. He stared up at Sister Alaida with a look of fear over it. She stopped in the middle of the Hall. She turned her attention to Billy. What really happened. You can tell me. I am a Sister you know. He turned his head to the right then to the left. Then he came face to face with hers. I think you should tell someone Billy. If you do not tell anyone what really happened. No-one can help you. He raised his head he stared up at a ceiling made up of solid rock. He searched the skies from an open corridor that attached a courtyard underneath. He could see blue skies from where he stopped to look. Where he tried to remember. Remember that black angel that I talked about. He killed my Mother! He stabbed her to death before he tossed her out a window from the 3rd floor where we used to live. My Father happened to be at work when that did happen. I hid underneath my bed. I saw him he had black skin and a short knife in his hand that looked like a pitchfork. It had 2 points 1 on each side of that knife. A jagged blade lied in the center. I saw deep grooves in the knife but I couldn't tell you what it is or what it says. A black angel Billy? I think you have a wild imagination. This is what I think. I think you need a double penance which is what I think. I also think you should stop telling me stories about black angels from hell. They were no good. God Did not like them because they do not like to take orders. He sent them to a hell that they would enjoy, instead. I do not know why a black angel would want to hurt a young boy especially you, Billy. I do not know why neither Sister. I watch him search our apartment like he looked for me instead. I don't know how or why. I do know that I felt something ran up my body like the woollies. You know when you watch a scary movie and you feel those bumps run over your skin that is how I felt. I had that feeling that same feeling you get when you're scared. I hid with a stuffed animal that had the same color hair that I did. He stopped in the doorway. He raised his head like he stopped to smell the air in my room. He watched me instead. He followed me throughout the apartment. He wanted to hurt me. I could see it! He wanted to cut my head off with a knife that he killed my Mother with. You have a wild imagination kid. I think you better do your penance, instead. Sister, I think you will be sorry that you did not believe me! He turned to face the open corridor in front of him. They reach a small Church inside the Orphanage which is covered in painted glass. She allowed him to walk into Church while she sat down in a seat in rear. Billy walked up toward the first row after he passed 5 Benches on each side. A Small Alter just a few yards away from his seat faces him. A Massive Cross with Jesus Christ Across the face in Church faced him from the center.

Billy made the Sign of the Cross. He knelt down on the floor in an aisle before he slid into his seat. Again, he knelt forward he placed both hands together so he could Pray. Sister Alaida stared up at the Cross. She continued to look at Jesus Christ in awe. She wondered what he meant that you should have believed me! She reached forward she removed a Holy Bible from a pocket in a front seat. Opened it to a page that almost opens by itself which exposed a handful of words. Throughout History Messengers will come, some with faces others without. The anti-Christ has many faces this part is true. Every time Satan heard a messenger might be born. He is most certain to send a handful of demons after that child. Even before he has a chance to make his stand or make his changes on Earth. The Bible slipped through her hands down on the floor in between her feet. Quickly, she bent forward to reach for The Bible on the floor. Then she stopped after she sees something like a vision. Dear God what does that mean '' she mumbled. She sees something black that resembled a very dark angel. It had massive wings that engulf its entire back. She sees a black angel! She sees something that resembled a black demon in a nightmare. It raised its head she sees a face. It is filled with black ash and thin tiny streaks of fire. Fire that continued to burn deep inside. Then, both wings open before it leaped upward into the dark, into the skies like superman and disappears.

 She raised her head she had to gasp for a breath of fresh air but still in shock. She whispered '' Billy. She Fell face first down on the floor in a pew.

 Billy continued to do penance. He continued to Pray without knowing what really did happen. He kept his yes closed while he knelt down to face an Alter. After he finished a Prayer. He realized that he had to use a bathroom.

 He slid toward the aisle. He knelt down again he made the Sign of the Cross then rises. He noticed two black shoes in the aisle where Sister Alaida sat, Praying. Sister, he screamed, he found her lying on the floor. He rushed into the hall to look for someone to help. Billy ran into the corridor. He stopped at a threshold to search for someone to help. After a quick glance in both directions. He started to scream for someone to help. Then, he noticed something black on a roof across the courtyard watch or wait. He wondered should I hesitate after he sees something black kneel down in a crouching position. A light skinned male with long dark hair, hung down alongside his face on both sides. It dripped down on both shoulders. Suddenly, a Priest appeared in a doorway. Somewhere in the center in that corridor. Did I hear someone scream '' he shouted. Billy tried to steal another glance. He raised his hand he pointed up at the rooftop. Yes Father, Sister Alaida is on the floor lying in between 2 pews in Church. Billy shouted “ Look Father the Devil has sent someone. He hesitated to stop you from doing God's Work! He turned his head rather slow. He stared up at that rooftop across from them. Where is Sister Alaida? I need to help her? I do not see anyone Billy. He turned his head he does not see him anymore. There isn't anyone on top of that roof neither. The Priest Disappeared into Church in search of Sister Alaida, instead. Billy searched the entire rooftop besides courtyard. He did see her or anyone including him anywhere. The Priest yelled “ I need you to phone 911 for an ambulance. Wait a minute I think she may be coming too. He bent over so he could resuscitate her. She opened her eyes she stares into Father Dominoes. I have seen the Devil before. He is everything that The Bible says he is! He is pure evil. He is coming to the Orphanage. I do not know why he is here in Church with us right now! He walked into my mind like he owned every thought, controlled every move I make. He isn't here anymore Sister. He isn't anywhere here from what I can see. He's been vanquished from your mind. Let us Pray Sister Alaida. He knelt down on the floor in that same pew where he found her body semi unconscious. She made the Sign of the Cross. She knelt down on the pew. Father Domino knelt down alongside her to Pray. Billy joined them he reached for a Small Bible that sat in a pocket inside along a bench so he could pray. I saw him Billy '' she whispered. I saw the Devil Now I know what you mean! He is here at St Williams Church. I do not know what he wants or who. I do know he is here somewhere in the Orphanage. Billy opened his Bible he raised his head high enough so he could stare up at Jesus. A Cross maybe 7 to 8 feet tall remained several yards in front of him. Billy had to take his mind off the Devil because he knew Sister Alaida had to see him. He remembered shivering the first time he saw him that was then. Now it is like I try to stay 1 foot in front of that thing which is a task. Billy began to Pray! He slid down on a pew so he could say a Prayer that his Father Shared with him a long time ago. That he would return for him sometime in the future. He continues to pray in hope that Sister Alaida did not see him ever again. Billy raised his head after something appeared to move from behind that massive wooden Cross. A mouse crawled up on the Cross and slid across his right arm like it looked for food. He lowered his head instead. He returned to The Bible to Pray for his Sister and his Father. Sister Alaida whispers in Billy's Direction. If you like you can join us. I am okay Sister. I will stay in my seat until you're ready to leave than I will leave with you! I saw him Billy. I think you should stay close to Father Domino just in case he returns. Where did you see him Sister? I saw him 15 minutes ago. He crouched down on that rooftop in the courtyard. Where did you see him '' she whispered. I would like you to show me and Father Domino too.

Both Father Domino and Sister Alaida follow Billy into the corridor. It remained attached a Small Church in the Orphanage. Billy led them through a corridor down several yards toward an opening that allowed access to a courtyard. He pointed to a rooftop that can be seen from a concrete corridor and courtyard, below. Father, I would like you to find a ladder and climb up on that roof for a look around. Maybe, he left something behind, a clue a piece of himself on top of that roof. Since you saw something, I will take a look Sister no not a child. No, I would say otherwise. I should listen instead. I say exactly what I should when I am supposed too. When I should be listening to anyone who has seen a sign of the Devil. I will take care of it myself Sister. I will find a ladder and search for clues. He turned to look into Billy's Eyes '' he asked. Are you sure you saw the Devil? He raised his head he looked into his eyes than nodded yes I did. Father Domino searched for a maintenance man that worked in the courtyard. After he located him, he ordered Pedro to bring a ladder into the courtyard. I need to climb up on that roof. I need to look for the Devil whom I believe hid up there with a smile. He agreed to find a ladder that he kept in a shed right underneath. After he unlocked a small lock on the door that kept tools that the Orphanage needed and used safe inside. A short Hispanic Male in a Uniform placed a ladder up against the roof. Held it firm against the shed so Father Domino could climb up on the roof to look for the Devil! Father Domino waited until Pedro pressed both hands up against the ladder besides utility shed. He made the Sign of the Cross. He started up the ladder one step after another. Before he reached the roof which is 15 feet off the ground. A cloud of cold frost air stopped him dead in his tracks. It almost knocked him off the ladder and sent him to the hard ground. He bypasses that cloud of freezing air on his way to the rooftop, overhead.

 He Touched a rough surface that felt like sandpaper so he removed his hand. He turned both hands over to look. He stared down at his open palms. He did not see anything on either hand. There isn't one mark on either palm. He did not feel any pain, whatsoever. He retouched the rooftop by using his index finger. It isn't hot so he realizes he is up against a force that he has never come across before. The Devil played with the Elements. Father Domino hesitated, he is afraid to reach the roof and find himself on fire. He touched it again and again before he placed his right foot on top of the roof. He pulled himself up using both hands to shove him off that ladder onto the roof. He moved toward the peak in the roof. He turned toward the corridor across from the courtyard he yells. Billy, I need you to tell me where did you see him last. Where was he? He was right where you are if you step forward about 5 feet that is more or less where he was. Father Domino stepped down approximately 5 more feet before he stops. Yes Father he was right there. Right where you are now standing. Father Domino Raises his head for a look around. He made the Sign of the Cross. He stared across the courtyard into the corridor where both Sister Alaida stood along with him. Billy raised his head he stares up at Sister Alaida. He whispered “ he is with the Devil in hell. Both feet explode into 2 balls of fire that burn Father Domino from his feet to his head like a Witch. God Help me he screamed! He fell down on both knees. He rolled on the roof down into the courtyard still on fire. Sister Alaida turned away after his lifeless body hit the concrete ground. Billy ran down a corridor. He found the stairs that led him downstairs into the courtyard. He found Father Domino and a maintenance man that tried to turn out the fire. Father Domino '' Billy yelled '' suddenly the fire disappeared. Billy '' he whispered. You must live or nothing will ever change. Father '' he shouted '' he stared down at a Priest Barely Alive. His eyelids melted over his eyes, his teeth were visible his skin still sizzled. Billy raised his head, he felt that thing overhead watch. It isn't coming from the rooftop. It came from a dark figure that hid in our courtyard. Sister Alaida also sees something that rushed down the stairs into the courtyard. Billy, I need you to come here! I want you to meet me back in Church. She rushed down the stairs. She watched steps disappear in front of her. Billy rushed toward her, she grabbed him by both shoulders and whispers dial 911. Tell them that Father Domino has been burned that he is badly hurt. Yes Sister he rushed upstairs to the top in search of a Sister or Priest to phone. Sister Alaida reached for her Rosary. She held it with her left hand and made the Sign of the Cross with her right. She continued to look at that same area in the courtyard for a dark Being that hid. She yelled '' Billy, I need you to phone an ambulance and hurry. I am on my way Sister. He ran down the corridor screaming help, help?