I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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Chapter Three Police Search


My name is John Cuss. I would like to speak to a Police Officer in charge. I believe someone broke into the Orphanage here at St Williams. My name is Detective Needles. I will be there in 1 hour! It is because I have to stop to grab me a cup of coffee besides a muffin. You better hurry after that fat boy! If you have one to many coffees and muffins. Fat will be the least of your problems. The Heart Doctor Will. The lard in those donuts will be your downfall fat man. He then made the Sign of the Cross afterward. You better hurry Officer because he could still be here. And we have cupboards full of muffins and a coffee maker on the table, waiting. Why stop at Billy’s Bag a Donuts? Just come here and get them for free. You are real funny Father. You hear me just for that. I will stop for 2 donuts instead. Then, I will be on my way Mr. Cuss. I have one question for you? Don't you have a serenade of Officers that work for the Orphanage? We sure do Detective. We don't have time to search because were under manned. I get it Mister Cuss. I am on my way with another Detective. I Will bring 2 more Police Officers to help in that search of the Orphanage? Mister Cuss hung up the phone. He returned to his desk to talk with Dorm Guards. I will need all available Officers to return to the Orphanage to help in a search of someone that might be hiding on the premises. I will make calls John so we can fix that broken window in the process. Okay Will, I will send what remaining Officers into the Orphanage. I need the entire place searched for thieves or criminals. I Pray to God he isn't anything that preyed on Children. He reached for his radio. He ordered every available Officer to search the premises then the ground outside. Just in case someone broke into the Orphanage earlier that night.

 Several Officers some off duty Policemen other Security Guards rush into the Administrator's Office. The Orphanage is 4 stories high it has 8 Dorms on the main floor that were used. There were exactly 33 Orphans in each Dorm, which meant they were responsible for over 200 Children. I need the Orphanage search. I have Police on the way to St William’s Orphanage. Yes Mister Cuss I will help in the search for Bums or Homeless People that look for a place to sleep. I will take the cellar. I have been down numerous times. I know my way around. He turned to face his partner. He smiled yelled let's go Paul. Don't forget the cellar is filled with sewer rats. Last time I was down there I saw 100s of them, everywhere. And I found dark deep holes in the concrete. If you do not make it back partner. I know where to look in a hole in the ground.

Both Off Duty Police Officers disappear into the Orphanage to look for anyone suspicious or that might have broken into the institution. Mister Cuss continued to go over what he heard from one Officer who did search for another name John Sandman. Once he reached his desk. He sat down before he reached for an intercom button that fed the entire Orphanage. John Sandman if your anywhere in the Orphanage please contact the Administrator, Mister Cuss. He released the intercom button. He sat down at his seat after he reached for a stapled piece of paper.

 He turned to cameras that were scattered throughout the Orphanage. He decided to search for him by himself. One Officer who did watch cameras throughout the Orphanage. He did watch from a tiny Security Office a few yards from Mister Cuss's Desk. Should I call him back to his Office or should I leave him to his time off. He gave it a moment before he decided that it isn't that important yet. No one is missing, none of the Children were hurt so there is nothing else to do but wait. Allow Police to search through the Orphanage for someone or something that broke in through a window.

Mister Cuss is in his late 50's he has light colored hair and blue eyes. He stared out over his massive desk made of redwood and told himself it had to be the rain. He reached behind he pulled on a shade so he could look outside at the condition of the weather. He walked back toward the Security Office so he could sit to watch any camera footage. He looked for a rewind button that usually sat on the right hand side of a Computerized Security System. It sat behind a door by itself a few yards from his, desk?

 He zoomed in on Dorm B-2 where Children slept after a window broke. He found a broken branch that fell off a tree. It smashed into a window from what it looks like. He rewound the camera tape back? He felt it might have begun? He sat down so he could watch from his wooden seat in a tiny Office the size of an 10 X 10 room with a high ceiling.

 Mister Cuss carefully watch a tape from the time the rain started. A light in his Office started to flicker on then off. Mister Cuss turned to face his desk, which sat in a tiny Office space. He did not see anything except a flicker that came from a light, overhead. He turned back to look at the Computer at a face that only a mother would love. He slid his roll away seat back several feet. He stared back at a screen at something that is looked solid black. It looked straight at him from the camera like it did not know he was there.

 Then again, it did he did not understand what the camera is doing. Something did break that window ‘' he thought. First, I should rewind it some more. He pressed that same button this time he rewound it a little bit further.

He watched it from the beginning. The camera rewound until the window exploded. Now he can see a dark male this time, he is thrown against a solid wall. Numerous large pieces of glass protrude from his face and head. He realizes whatever it is it is here at St Williams Orphanage in search of someone. It must be a Priest or a Sister. I doubt it is here for one of the Orphans. I hope it is not here for a child. He Raised his head up to the Heavens! Something told him to keep an eye on the Office just in case someone crept up on him from behind. Between him watching a computer screen for anything that walks. He trembled at the idea that something hid or lurked in the dark in the Orphanage.

 He pressed a zoom button on the computer. He wanted a closer look at a thing that walked around in Dorm B-2 late at night. He pressed the stop button at the best view. He watched it in slow motion. His eyes look like they were pitch black. That glowed like some kind of hyena. An animal in the night that searched for fresh meat. He pressed the zoom button inward. He watched it pull itself off a wall like a black bat. It removed one piece after another then something in a light colored cloak reached in through the Dorm. It grabbed him by his head and face. It pulled him through a window outside into the pouring rain. That's when he spotted another man that hid in the Dorm like it looked for someone in particular. He noticed it had to be either Chucky or Billy that slept in those beds. He climbed to his feet to get a better look like he would if he stood. He started to rise from his seat thinking only of both Children.

After one glance, he realized his Office light flickered off then on. Instead, he decided to return to his seat. He remembered there is a window right behind his chair. Slowly, he turned in his swivel seat to face the window besides heavy rain that slammed against the pane. Something stepped in front of the window. It opened its mouth. It roared almost as if it were a lion. A mouthful of disfigured sharp teeth appear. It reached in through the Office window. It shattered the glass first, everywhere. It reached into the Office through a broken window. It lifted him up from his seat like a stuffed animal. It pulled him into the pouring rain outside. It dragged him through the broken window like a lion that dragged its Prey away into a jungle. It held him by his hand instead of its mighty jaws and teeth. It leaped back in through that same broken window. Both feet slam down on a wooden floor. Light overhead continued to flicker like it knew what it wanted. It moved toward the tiny Office real slow. It slid his massive desk made of redwood several feet to his left like it weighed nothing more than a bag of apples. With just a light touch of its left hand. It flew across the Office Floor like it is a piece of paper. It walked across the floor into that same tiny Office where the Orphanage's Security System remained on top of a wooden table with several small compartments. It reached into the wall, ripped out a handful of wiring that protruded from a cable. It slammed the computer into a wall that broke into so many pieces that it left it unrecognizable. It turned around it faced the open window. Rain besides a cold breeze forced its way into that tiny office.

 Light overhead continued to flicker throughout the Office and tiny room, which is used for Security Purposes. It made its way back to that broken window like a cold, rainy, wind reached for him. Like it calls him into the cold freezing wind outside the Orphanage. Mister Cuss rises from the ground, dripping in blood. It sees him again this time it leaped back out through that same window. It grabbed him by his face. It dragged him away from the window. It pulled him by his head up against the Orphanage Exterior Brick Wall. Then, it pulled him up toward the roof. It disappeared after it reached the top. It vanished from sight along with the Orphanage Administrator. The cold wind filled the Office. It forced rain inside after it broke both glass and the wooden frame.

Several Detectives from Robbery drive up to the Orphanage. They park a 4 Door Sedan right outside both front doors. Rain poured down from The Heavenly Skies down on both vehicles and 3 Detectives in long dark colored coats. We’re looking for Mister Cuss “ he yelled “ from inside the pouring rain. The last time I saw him. He was in his Office yelling at several Guards. We're missing one Officer as it is. He is somewhere on the premises, I think. Unless an unknown beast dragged him away to eat too. I highly doubt that “ he replied. My name is Detective Needles this is Braggs and that is Bernstein.

 A tall male in a security guard uniform allowed 3 Detectives into the Orphanage. We have almost 264 Orphans that live in the Orphanage so please try to be quiet. Okay ‘' he whispered ‘ in a smart-ass attitude.

 Finally, the door closed shut behind the last Detective. One Detective stopped after he noticed black ash in the form of footsteps on the floor. Needles '' he called out '' I see something that you might be interested in, footsteps. He stopped moving, he turned around long enough to see for, himself. Several footsteps in what resembled black ash, which led straight down a hall into a wall and disappeared. Unless, that thing can climb up walls. It just disappeared into that wall right there. Call Forensics tell them we have a problem. Tell them to bring their little plastic containers, smarts Education, and their abilities. We have something that looks like he walked straight out of an incinerator into an Orphanage. Then it stopped in front of a wall either that it climbed or vanished in like a ghost.

 Several Detectives stop to take a glance before moving any further toward the Administrator's Office. A Security Guard led them into the Orphanage to look for John Cuss. I better have a sample of that stuff lying on the ground. Make sure you have some in your pocket just in case someone sweeps it up.

 One Detective returned to take a sample of what lied on the floor. Footprints in black ash that look like or resemble the remains of a burnt down body or building. It’s like someone walked through a burnt down building than into an Orphanage to leave nothing but footprints. The other 2 Detectives follow the guard to the Administrator's Door. He heard the sound of wind pass through from somewhere in the Administrator's Office. He raised his hand to knock on a door. He reached for the doorknob since he got no response. He twisted it to the right. He found an Administrator's Office in turmoil. A broken window, his desk slammed up against a wall. Then, he sees a trail of blood that led from his desk to a window. He withdrew his weapon. He pointed at both doors that led into another office. He sees a computer that looked like it might be broken into pieces. He found open wiring everywhere. It is all over the place in shambles. Someone or something pulled out the wiring. He realized someone or something could still be in the Orphanage. Why '' he thought. Detectives, we company! He looked into the freezing rain outside through that broken window. I think I found the Administrator. He is right outside the window. I think he is dead from the way it looks. Both Detectives walk toward the window. They take a quick glance outside in the pouring rain. They find his dead body! It lied on the ground, which looked like something or someone ripped a piece of his face off. Maybe a wild animal broke into his Office. I cannot think of anything else other than that. We do not have any wild animals living in this area do we, Detective. Maybe a wild dog, I cannot think of anything else other than that. Both Detectives take another glance around in his office. He reached outside into the pouring rain. He turned his head to his right. He noticed what it ate his entire throat. Whoever or whatever did this. It ripped his throat out with a mouth full of teeth like a lion. It ate part of his face Partner. Call Homicide instead! I think we have a murder not a wild animal attack. Detectives stood around to watch. They search the Office for fingerprints and clues. While they wait for Homicide Detectives to show up.

 The other Detective that took a sample of black ash or some kind of dust off the ground, returned. We did find the Administrator. He is confirmed, dead. He lied on the wet ground outside from the looks of it he is gone. At least that part is over now. What do we have ‘' he replied ‘' and a corpse.

 A Security Guard returned from his count. He spoke to a Detective than the other. I heard whatever it is that paid us a visit. It is looking for a young boy name, Chucky. I think we should have a word with him. He raised his shirt sleeve. It is almost 12; 30 at night. I am positively sure that he is fast asleep Detective. Maybe Early Tomorrow Morning. What happens if that thing returns for him tonight? I may never have another chance to talk to Chucky? I will see what I can do Detective. I will check up on him. He should be in bed by now fast asleep. Okay, by the way what is your name guard? I don't like using that kind of wording. It’s Klinger! My name is Kris Klinger! He turned away after he gave both Detectives his name. Detectives stand inside the Administrator's Office in wonder of what happened.

 The Guard name Kris Klinger. He reached Dorm C-3 in search of Chucky Chipps. An Orphan at Saint William's Orphanage. What do we know about Chucky Chipps. First of all one Detective wondered? After, he took a quick glance. He realized there is probably no way to find out neither. Someone ripped the Computer System out. He realized there is no way to find out unless they have another set of records. He continued his search in the Administrator's Office. He knew there had to be a reason why someone would want to kill him.

 The dorm guard reached C-3 afterward. He stepped into the dark in a hall that separated both rows of beds. He waited a minute before he moved toward Chucky Chipp's Bed. According to the chart his bunk is number 33which is right here. It should be the last bunk down the aisle in his Dorm. He reached Chucky's Bunk. He pulled a blanket down toward his feet than gasps huh. He isn't in his bunk so he reached for his radio instead. He started to yell that we have one missing Child! He is a Missing Orphan! He must be in the Orphanage, somewhere. He has to be hiding in here or taken by a predator. After that hair raising experience. I repeat I have a missing Orphan! I have a code blue! Several Security Guards rush into the Administrator's Office after they receive orders, for details. Kris Klinger returned to the Administrator's Office to talk with Security Guards about an Orphan. Chucky Chipps is Missing. He disappeared in the Orphanage somewhere or he has been kidnapped. Security Guards grab walking sticks besides flashlights. They disappear into the Orphanage to look for anything or anyone that raises their eyebrows.

 Both Males that disappeared earlier search the Cellar for anyone that might be hiding in the Orphanage or on the grounds outside. Both Guards John and Bobby made it to the Cellar, which is almost as big as the entire Orphanage. It had to be almost a block long 150 feet wide, filled with storage units besides 15 to 20 bedroom size rooms.

 John reached the Cellar first. He reached for a light button on a wall that did not work right. That is funny because it worked when it wanted too. He reached for his flashlight. He pressed a small black rubber button, inward. A light appeared he aimed it to his right. He found a wooden table that hugged a wall 40 maybe 50 feet across. He turned it to his left. He heard a screech that sounded like a large black sewer rat. And, by the loudness of its screech. It had to be a very big rat by the way it sounded. Look Bobby. Look at this it is the biggest blackest rat that I have ever seen.

 Both Males walk around it, instead. They talk about its massive size. It had to be 8 pounds of black sewer rat that stood on its hind legs. It looked back like it wanted a bite or to eat. It must be the king rat that ran things down here. Maybe I should ask permission to search its domain. Did you see the teeth in its mouth? It had teeth like a miniature lion. If it were a carnivore. It would be a lion that lived in a dark basement. Damn this is one big bad black rat, John. I Pray to God I never get bit by something like that. Me neither Bobby! Me neither both Males continue into the cellar to look for anyone missing or hid in the Orphanage.

 I will take the left side John. You take each room besides storage unit on the right. I think this is more than fair Bobby. I will take the left and you take the right because there were more rooms to search on that side. Okay John you can have the left side of the Cellar. I will take the right because you are one big sissy. Thank you I will take that too!

 Both Security Guards Separated. John stepped to his left in the room. Bobby to his right. He started with a storage unit up against one wall, which is 4 feet high. It hung in midair at least 3 feet. He popped 1 door open after another to look for anyone that could be hiding, inside. Bobby found one room to his right. He reached for a thin rusty metal handle that protruded from the door, outside. He pulled it inward to look inside at an almost empty space. It is maybe 10 X 10 feet square. He allowed the door to close behind him instead after he finds nothing. He stepped back into the aisle in between rooms on both sides.

 John continued to search several storage units that remain overhead on the 8th unit he falls. It’s like the floor underneath his feet gave out. He found himself falling into a hole in the Earth beneath his shoes. The concrete broke his weight. He went right through a thin concrete ground straight into a tunnel, yelling help! His body hit a few feet of water before it splashed so loud that Bobby heard him in the cellar numerous yards away. He rushed toward the sound of his Partner yelling. John what happened to you? Can you hear me? He aimed his flashlight down into the dark. He sees something. He is not sure what it is that he looked at. I see something John. I do not know what it is that I am looking at. John ‘‘ he yelled ‘‘ he tries to yell again and again until he reaches for his radio. He realized it is almost 35 feet deep. It is too deep to climb down in that hole to get him.

 Instead, Bobby reached for his radio. He started to yell into the voice box, I need help! John fell into a hole in the ground. He will need medical attention. He fell unconscious! I need help to pull him up from a hole in the Earth that is at least 35 feet deep. Bobby raised his head he sees a shadow of something in the cellar with him. Whatever it is that thing looks like it has wings. He stared at a wall at a shadow that passed by him in the dark like a ghost. Bobby climbed to his feet. He stared into a massive cellar filled with nothing but darkness. I saw you '' he mumbled. He reached for a stick that Police use to apprehend criminals with. Wings '' he mumbled '' what is going on in here. He raised his stick in one hand. His flashlight in the other. I’m going to beat you to death '' he shouted. He stepped toward a shadow that came from a place somewhere in the dark. A sudden grunt like an animal stopped him from moving any further, forward. Instead, he stepped back into the dark. This time, he looked for a sign of an animal a beast of some kind. Then, the dark cellar erupted into 100s maybe 1000s of squeaks and screeches from that sound, alone. He tries to communicate with the Orphanage’s Security again. There is no answer still. He tried to run backward. He stumbled on an edge in the hole that his friend John fell into. He misses the hole in the ground by falling to one side. He dropped his flashlight that rolled away. He reached for it with his right hand. He used his right hand then he stopped after he felt something heavy step down on his 4 fingers. His hand stopped dead in its tracks. He tried to pull it back screaming. He screamed so loud that his ears rang. He tried again and again to pull his hand back. It would not budge. He reached for a flashlight instead with his other hand. He pulled it back toward him. He raised it several inches. Something grunted then kicked him in the face. Whatever it is that kicked him it kicks him again and again until he rolled several feet away in pain. He tried to rise to his feet again. This time he is knocked to the ground. He tried to slide toward his partner in a hole in the ground from what he can tell, unconscious He avoided the answer if he fell in that hole in the ground. There would be 2 dummies in a hole instead of just one.

 Bobby crawled toward the entrance on both his hands and knees in a desperate attempt to escape that beast that beat him to a bloody pulp. He crawled 35 feet before he searched for a beast that followed him around. Again, he grabbed on to an edge of a wooden table. He Tried to pull himself up again and again. Again, that thing that beast in black clothes grabbed him. Flung his lifeless body like a rag doll 35 to 45 feet into the cellar. This time he found his flashlight on the ground just a few feet from him. What do you want from me '' he shouted. He raised his flashlight so slow? He Pointed it up at a dark beast that walked toward him that grunted in his direction. What is it '' he mumbled “ to himself. He stared up at a 6 foot Male in a dark long coat. It dripped down around his ankles just inches from the ground. It looked like a pair of black combat boots without shoestrings. Unless it had feet that resembled black leather and hardened mud. Again, he raised his flashlight. He looked directly into its face. It had no sign of feeling in its eyes, whatsoever. Bobby knew he is about to die! It reached down than just like that it broke his neck.

 Detectives enter C-3 Dorm after a guard that worked for the Orphanage found Chucky Chipps. After several attempts, they whisk him away from the Dorm down a massive hall that connected Dorms. They wake him by force. Detective Needles threatened him by raising his voice. I think you better tell us what happened kid before I have to take you Downtown to have a long talk with you. He shook his tiny head from side to side. He removed a wave of hair that dangled in front of his face.

 I saw a black man in the Dorm. He looked for someone I do not know, maybe me? I’m not sure Detective he is very ugly. I do know something outside that window slammed into the glass. Someone or something broke the glass with its fists. He shattered it with his arms too. Glass exploded everywhere after that! It flew into a black male that look like he wore some kind of armor or plate. He stood near my bed. He looked down at Billy first. He then moved toward my bed. I think he could be looking for me. Glass protruded from his head and face. I saw his head slam into a wall too. He sounded like an animal after he got hit by a broken window. I hid underneath my blanket after that. I do not know what happened. So I hid from him instead. I peeked for a second, which is when I saw a man that Billy thinks is a guardian. He grabbed that black beast by his throat. He tossed him back outside through that same broken window like he is a basketball. I hid underneath the blanket just seconds before it reached me. I think you better grab some things kid. I think you're coming with me to my Home. Anyway, I have a Car coming from Homicide. They should be here in a matter of minutes. If those things come back for you kid. I think you should be with me at my Home where you will be safe. Okay '' he answered '' I better grab some things then. He remembered he had Billy's Clothes on and his stuffed bear. Billy felt he got too big for that stuffed animal which is no bigger than a shoebox.

 Detective Needles followed him back into the Dorm to wait. He followed him back into Dorm B-2 where his personal things, waited. Detective Needles searched the Dorm this time to look for a sign of a Devil, anywhere. He followed footsteps on the ground that resembled black ash from hell, something that burnt to the ground.

 The Detective followed the same footsteps to a wall where a black male supposed to have hit his head. He does not see any blood on the wall. He does see footprints in black ash. It led straight to that broken window right across from his bed? He continues to investigate that scene.

 Chucky Chipps grabbed an armful of clothes besides a small teddy bear that Billy's Father bought him before he disappeared from sight not long ago. I’m ready to go Detective Needles. I have 3 pair of pants, shirts, underwear and socks. He did not see anything except a small beige colored teddy bear 8 inches tall. He held tight in his arms. Okay Chucky we better get going. He found a small suitcase sitting on the edge of his bed. Detective grabbed the kid's suitcase. I think we better leave before Homicide Arrives. Another Detective removed his suitcase from the edge of his bed. Where should I take it Needles or would you like me to carry it in my hand until we leave. Both Detectives freeze after they hear something hideous outside the window. Detective Needles ordered Chucky into the hall with the other Detective until they return.

 I have no idea what that is Partner. I think we should check it out before we leave. Both Detectives head for a window with a weapon in one hand just in case it is right outside. I will climb out first Needles. I’m a little skinnier than you and much faster.

 Officer Bernstein is a much taller Male. He is every bit 6'2 and much thinner. He decided to take the lead. He climbed into the drizzling rain. His head turned every, which way in search of that screech. He placed both feet on the wet ground first. He reached back in through that window for his weapon. He also reached back inside for his Partner's Weapon Needles. Before he climbed in through to the other side, whispering. Where should we start '' he asked right outside the window?

 They find several small buildings that resembled outhouses and tool sheds? I have no idea Partner. Both Male Detectives stand real close, together. They both stare into the drizzling rain for something to move. They wait around for another screech except nothing appeared. They continue to wait until Needles Walked away. I say we should go this way Bernstein. I think it came from this direction. Bernstein stopped Needles before he moved any further away from the window. He found footprints that look like something walked around barefoot. Look Partner the footprints were not on the ground. They go straight up that wall to the roof. Look '' he shouted '' I found 2 sets of footprints. They crawl up next to each other. And the other set looks much bigger. He must be a giant by the size of his handprints. I’m not going up there Bernstein! I have a funny feeling there isn't anything up there waiting for us except, death. Do you have any idea what kind of beast or thing can climb up a wall with its bare hands. I could not begin to imagine anything like that Needles. I do know whatever it is that waits up there. I am sure it can fly too. I never gave it any consideration, Bernstein. I do not think I would like to know the answer to that neither. A voice startled them both.

Detective Needles we are from Homicide. My name is Williams and he is Guardo. I heard you have a murder at the Orphanage. I’m here to do my job which is to find a killer. He is on the premises. I know exactly where you can start right here. Take a good look at this. He climbed in through a broken window into the drizzling rain to have a look at what they looked at. He noticed handprints and footprints that crawled up a wall without using a rope. That is amazing Needles. Who or what can crawl up a brick wall. This is why you're still standing here wondering, yourself. This is why I stand here. I look at what could have climbed up that wall. Homicide Detective Williams stepped toward that wall to have a better look. He tries to imagine how in the hell did they do it. He stepped closer this time. He pressed his fingertips into crevices into a brick wall. I can barely grab my fingertips. I have no idea what can climb up using a half an inch of brick. There isn't enough leverage for a human unless you're as thin as a toothpick. He removed a radio from his utility belt. He ordered his Partner to bring a ladder tall enough to reach a roof. You got it Williams just as soon as I can get a hold of a maintenance man. Sure it is almost 2-AM in the morning Guardo. I do not think we have time to get hold of a maintenance man. And I did not bring a ladder with me from Home neither Guardo. I will see what I can do okay Guardo '' Williams replied. I will be right here unless something crawled down that same wall and kills you. I will be right back. I will go into the Orphanage through that broken window.

 Detective Williams vanished in the Dorm after he carefully climbed in through that same broken window to look for a maintenance man. Before he vanished from the window. He aimed his flashlight at his Partner he tells him. I’m okay? Detective Guardo scaled the walls with his flashlight. He searched for a rope or a thin wire that might pull them up. He does not find anything so he continued to walk along the Orphanage Wall outside to look for footprints or hands. That is impossible '' he thought '' that cannot be. No-one or nothing can scale a brick wall without some form of climbing apparatus. He walked another 35 feet. He stopped long enough to turn around to face a broken window. Something hit the hard wet ground. A Security Guard hit the wet ground outside 2 feet in front of him. His hand slapped him on the top of his head just before he hit the wet earth. He reached for his radio '' he mumbled. I think I found John Sandman or a guard. He is dead too! He stared down at his name written on a small plastic card that resembled a Driver's License. It hung from his shirt pocket after something ripped his throat out including his Adam’s Apple. It is completely missing! He raised his head he stared up at the rooftop which is 4 or 5 stories high. I don't know Partner. I think you better forget about climbing up to that roof. I think whatever hid up on that roof. I think it could be very dangerous. It tossed a