I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Ten #A83445


 Detective Shoes finally reached his vehicle. He climbed into the front seat. He slammed the door shut behind him. He reached forward so he could slip a key into the ignition. After he started his auto. He shifted into drive while he stared up at the rooftop at what he believes we're statues. He turned left he drove toward the entrance away from the Orphanage. On his way through he reached for his radio. He had to press a button on top. I need to know where is Captain Bowles? What Hospital did he go too? Wait one-minute Detective. I will have that answer for you in a minute. If I am not mistaken. I believe he has been taken to Mercy Hospital. Here you go Detective. I have that answer for you. It is St William's Hospital. It is a Hospital that he wanted to go too. I will talk to you later. He released a button on the radio. He turned to the right instead of his left. He stepped down on the pedal. His foot slammed down so hard that it hit metal. He turned his head to the right. He stared directly at the Orphanage covered in a dark cloud. He noticed something fly into the clouds than back down. They we're only shadows or silhouettes. Then again it is already 2-AM in the morning. He continues to stare at dark shadows. Again, he turned to face that road this time something slammed into the right side of his car. It hit him so hard that his entire car right side left the road by several inches. Detective Shoes lost sight of what happened. He regained control of his auto after he steered it back onto the road. He tried to pull over. He remembered something is out here in the dark, hiding. Only seconds before he noticed a handful of black feathers that clung to his windshield. Quickly, he pulled to his right. He heard gravel roll off his back tires before he came to a complete stop. Before he removed his weapon. He remembered seeing something in the clouds. Something that resembled a winged creature. Maybe even an Angel. The only question he did have if it is a good angel or a bad one. He withdrew his handgun anyway. He aimed his flashlight into the dark barren land on both sides of the road. It is pitch black, he does not see a thing it is as black as night out here. He walked around to the driver side door. He searched for that handful of black feathers that clung to his vehicle. It had to be a buzzard from the size of its feathers. It had to have lost an entire wing from the looks of it. Then something on the ground rises from the dark. It slammed Detective Shoes Body into the sky, forced him across the road into the field. His auto turned over like someone lifted it and flipped it upside down like a pancake. Detective Shoes felt lucky whatever happened it did not break anything because he found himself in a patch of thick grass unharmed. His handgun and flashlight is somewhere else. He does not know what happened. He does not see anyone parked outside his vehicle that could help him. He sees a beam of light coming from a thick patch of grass. Where is my gun? I need my gun! He crawled toward the flashlight on his belly. He reached for it. It is just a few yards from him. He slid his hand over a grassy area to search for his handgun. He does not feel it, anywhere. Again, he tries, again he does not find his handgun. He knew something hid in the dark. It waited to kill me or it would not have flipped my car over on its belly. I need to know what happened. He started to crawl toward the road to search through the thick grass for his handgun. Now he is just 55 feet from the road. He stopped long enough to search the immediate area just in case his weapon fell near the road. When he raised his head. He sees something rip his car apart. It looks like several shadows in a form of a cloud. It resembled a dark being with one wing that clung to the left side of its body. That is what that thing is looking for. A wing that stuck to his windshield after it slammed into my car door. That is what he is looking for '' he mumbled. Maybe it cannot see straight or it does not have night vision.

He continued to crawl toward the road. He kept one eye on that thing that ripped his car door off his vehicle. It looked like it crawled in through his windshield. It probably looked for its other wing. He stopped crawling after it scared the living shit out of him. He had a real bad feeling about that thing that ripped his car apart with its bare hands. He reached back into his sock to remove a handgun. Raised it up over his head so he can shoot. He aimed it up at a dark figure with one wing that clung to its body. The sound of raw iron, something like it ripped it apart piece by piece, sent it echoing throughout the immediate area. It kept him from rising or coming face to face with something much more powerful than anything human. It had to be something from another World. An Angel from Heaven! What I would rather believe is an angel from Hell. Something that lingered underneath the Human Race or above. It kept him on his belly, hiding. He could watch from there while it ripped his car to shreds. Then his vehicle explodes. It turned into a ball of flames. That beast or dark angel climbed to its feet in a ball of flames. It stared back into the field through the fire. Detective Shoes for the first time in his life felt he had come across something much too big for him, any man or his entire Department. A male beast that stood 6 feet tall with its head tilted back like it talked to the darkness that blanketed the skies, overhead.

 Within minutes it screeched like it is in severe pain. I finally got a good look at it through the tall grass. It remained in the middle of the street in 8 feet of fire like it bathed in the flames. I remember I blinked for a split second if that much before I reopened them and realized it was gone. Where did it go? He crawled toward his burning vehicle for a much closer look. His radio is a few yards away from what he can see through the flames. Maybe it flew back into the skies then again. I don't think it can fly anywhere with just 1 wing '' he thought. Maybe it could?

 Finally, after a few minutes, hiding. He climbed to his feet. He searched the immediate area for that wing that clung to his windshield. Or a dead demon that laid in the middle of the street in a blazing fire. First, he crawled toward the fire. His eyes fixed on a police radio that lay in the middle of the street near his vehicle which burned to the ground. The only thing that stopped him from making that dash for that radio is common sense. That thing might be lying on the ground waiting to kill or eat me. Unless it is dead and fell to its knees in that ball of flames.

 He waited another minute then another. He continued to crawl across the grassy field toward the radio. He continues to search the dark for a creature in massive wings that liked to stare back at its victims through the flames. Another yard then still one more finally he reached his radio. He grabbed it, he screamed in pure pain. It melted all over his right hand. He dropped it on the ground. He wrapped his hand up in his suit coat so he could stop the pain from surging up toward his brain. Now he could hear footsteps walk up behind him from the other side of his vehicle which still burned to the ground. Detective, where are you? He recognized the voice. It is a Police Officer. I am over here Officer. I am on the other side of the car in the grass. The same footsteps that he heard rush around his vehicle to his side. They find him holding his hand like it is in extreme pain. I need to search the immediate area first for a beast with wings. It attacked me while I was driving down the road to the Hospital to visit Captain Bowles. I will be right back Detective. I am going to have a look around before I help you to your feet. He reached for his weapon. He slid it out along with a massive flashlight. Don't leave me on the asphalt Officer. You might need some help. I got this Detective. I am going to have a look around before I help you to your feet. He vanished behind the car in a ball of flames. He yelled '' I don't see anything Detective. I don't see a damn thing in the car or on the ground. I don't know where it is Officer. I saw it standing in the flames like it’s looking for me. I think it is going to eat me? Because I could not stand up. It waited for me to stand up. I could not because of the impact that I took when I hit the ground. It lifted me into the air, threw me across the road 40 feet into the fields. This is when it disappeared into the flames. I don't know what happened after that. I didn't see anything afterward. He turned away from the burning car to return to Detective Shoes. He reached into the dark. He helped his fellow Officer after he grabbed him gentle like. He asked '' what happened Detective. He bent down he tried to help him to his feet. I saw it Officer! I saw a monster which is as big as a one car garage. It flies like a giant bird. I think we better prepare for Hell’s Creatures, Officer! He helped him to his feet, afterward. He placed his shoulder close to his. Helped him hop across the road toward his vehicle parked on the shoulder. I saw something burning! I wasn't sure what it is so I stopped to have a closer look. It's a good thing that I did stop because I might have slammed into that car burning in the middle of the road. He helped Detective Shoes into the rear seat because he had folders in the passenger side. I need you to sit in the backseat Detective while I phone for an Ambulance besides the Fire Department.

 He reached into his Police Car for a radio than radioed the Department. I found Detective Shoes he has been in a bad car crash. He has a broken hand. I think I better take him to a Hospital. I should be back in 45 minutes if that Captain. I will see you when I get back. I will be right back Detective. I will retrieve my shotgun which I left in the trunk. He stepped away, he moved toward the trunk. He used a flashlight to search through the dark. Detective Shoes sat down in the backseat to wait for the Officer to return. He stared back into the dark at shadows that look like they actually walk by them-self. The trunk door opened it popped. He heard it slam shut seconds later. He knew the Officer is on his way back to his vehicle. He cocked it or he placed bullets in the gun just in case. He came face to face with that killer or that demon. He searched the area for anything out of the ordinary. He slipped another bullet into the chamber and again, he cocked it forward. Officer, I think we better get going. I think I broke my hand I’m not sure. A shadow walked forward through the darkness. It surrounded the Car like a cloud of exhaust smoke. Detective Shoes sees it again. It’s that angel that had one wing that reached toward him through the dark. It grabbed the Officer by his hair like you or I would grab garbage. Slammed him into a metal door again and again until his face became unrecognizable He lied down in fear in a hurry on the backseat in attempt to hide from it in case it seen him. He searched for a gun that he lost somewhere in the ordeal. He realized seconds later that he didn't have a weapon to shoot with. He Does not hear anything outside, anymore. He raised his head to search for that beast that must have vanished in the dark! The Officer's Face clung to the car door and window glass. It slowly slid down toward the ground which left Detective Shoes trembling in his shoes. He reached forward, he flipped the car handle upward. It did not open. He forgot he had to climb into the front seat to unlock the back car door lock. There is a partition in between the back and front seat. He cannot climb over into the front seat. Instead, he lied down he started to slam both feet into the back window so he could shatter the glass. He stopped after he heard sirens grow closer and closer by the second. Exhausted after he slammed both feet into the window. He decided to stop trying to break the glass. Instead, he lies down on the backseat to wait for Police to arrive to save him. His heartbeat beat like a race horse that just finished running a race.

 Detective Shoes relaxed after he realized he couldn't break through the glass or reach the front seat from the rear. One Police Car pulled up alongside, still another. Together, they surround the burning vehicle. Officers step into the street, withdrew multiple weapons and flashlights. Take a stand in search of something in dark clothes besides a massive black wing. They find an Officer on the ground. His face unrecognizable his arms broken. They face the opposite direction one arm laid next to him like a string of celery. His face clung to the window. Strands of hair and skin slowly drip down from the glass to the ground. His body lay on the black asphalt like a bag of potatoes that someone ran over in a truck.

 Police Officers surround the burning car in the middle of the street. They search for clues which included a black wing that Detective Shoes claimed he seen. It supposedly clung to his bumper first now his windshield. An Ambulance driver noticed the Officer that lay on the asphalt, dead. There is no hurry to take him anywhere at this time. Instead, he turned to Detective Shoes who is covered in black smoke. He yelled ' I don't have anything wrong with me! Both Paramedics leave him to talk to himself. They decide to take the dead Officer instead to the County Morgue. Detective Shoes stares into the darkness at shadows at what he believes were shadows that move. He whispered '' God, Tell us what we're up against. Before it is too late for us Humans to fight back. He lowered his head he watched the field on both sides light up like lightning bugs except in human size.

 Firemen put out the fire! They search the wreck for a body or anything that resembled a giant wing. They do not find anything anybody or wing clinging to the windshield. Until one Fireman screamed I see something Officer. I think it is an arm or bone of some kind. He reached into the smoke. He grabbed hold of what looked like a thin branch. As soon as it left the windshield it burst into dust. He mumbled '' I guess it is like they say dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Police Officers stood by they watch his hand covered in dust slowly exit the smoke. I almost had it Officer. I don't know what happened. It just burst into a pile of dust. I think we better get this vehicle towed away before someone else slammed into it on its belly.

 Another Officer radioed a tow truck to tow it away while he wondered what really happened here! Detective Shoes continued to stare into the dark in search of that thing that flipped his car over on its stomach.

 I was on my way to the Hospital to visit Captain Bowles. I need a ride to the County Hospital. I better ride back with the Paramedics unless I take the Dead Officer's Car. He will not need it one Officer adds. If I were you I did not want to depend on anyone! That is a good idea I think I will take his car with me, instead. You radioed for a tow truck Officer this way. I will not have to worry who slammed into that parked car on the road on its belly. Yeah, I already phoned. He should be here in less than an hour from now. I better get going because my hand is on fire. It hurt like hell. It crawled into my broken limb with me. If you bump into Captain Bowles tell him that I send a greeting. Tell him hello from Officer Novas. I will tell him Officer. He climbed into the front seat real slow. He slammed the door shut behind him. He noticed a set of keys dangle from the keyhole. He turned the key to the right then waited. It started on the first try. He shifted into drive and pulled into the street. He beeped at Police Officers besides Firemen that stood around to search for a beast with dark wings.

 By now the car no longer burned. It attracted an enormous amount of bugs. Other than that it just sizzled. I will see you guys later Officer. I have to visit Captain Bowles in case he needs me. He drove away, he watched Firemen water down the burning smoke. Which had to be extinguished before anyone could tow it away. Detective Shoes continued to drive toward the County Hospital to visit Captain Bowles. The entire time he watched fields on both sides of his vehicle just in case it happened to him, again. That beast that slammed into his vehicle is still out here watching. Maybe it is watching me. Then again maybe it is watching Captain Bowles or it is waiting for that kid from the Orphanage name Chucky.

 The Sun started to rise. He could see a thin layer of light that slowly lit up fields that came from the west. It was to light out '' he thought. He didn't think these demons or beasts appear during daylight. It had to be at night something that appeared only in the dark. Only in our Minds, in our dreams or shall I say Nightmares! He had to keep driving. He had to know what happened to Captain Bowles.

 Something inside told him that he saw it. He had to have seen it. He had an expression on his face like he did see the Devil. He couldn't catch his breath. If he didn't die that only meant, he is still alive. And it also meant that he did see it. That beast that killed several Police Officers. He turned his head to his right. H stared into an empty field that resembled cornfields. A patch of corn 6 feet tall maybe 500 feet across lined the right side of the road. A scarecrow faced the road from somewhere in the center. He is covered in dark green military clothes and he wore a helmet that sat on top of his head. A bump in the road forced him to turn his head to face the road. After he found another patch of flat land. He turned back to steal another glance at that same scarecrow. It wasn't there anymore. He slowed down he wondered where did it go. He pulled over he shifted back into reverse for some reason or another. Something inside told him to drive back toward the scarecrow's last position. When he did he did not see anything not even a scarecrow. He did see a post where they were placed up against. Detective Shoes climbed into the street. He walked into a cornfield to look for a scarecrow besides a wood post. Instead, he stopped after he heard what sounded a lot like someone in severe pain, screaming. What is it '' he mumbled. He remained paralyzed with fear after he heard someone yell like they we're in pain. Who is that '' he shouted '' he continues to walk in between cornfields toward the sound of loud cries. It had to be a male from the way it sounded. Unless it is an animal that resembled a man yelling in pain. Hello '' he shouted '' he continues to walk inward toward the sound of someone that cried in a loud manner, in a whining cry. Then he stopped dead in his tracks when he came face to face with something half angel and half human. He stared up at a being in black wings that looked like he was crucified on a wooden cross in the middle of the cornfield. He lowered his head in disbelief. He stared down at Detective Shoes directly into his eyes. They were filled with blood. His hands bled from being nailed to a wood beam. His feet were exposed, they also bled from his ankles like he was nailed to a wood beam. When he opened his mouth. His facial skin slid back toward his scalp. His skin is almost perfect, his hair is long. It dripped down on both shoulders. If Satan is the most Beautiful angel of all. He would or could have been him. Five long black V shaped fingernails protrude one half inch long from his fingertips. Suddenly, it lunged down at him. It forced him to step backward deeper into the cornfield. He stumbles to the ground. His stare returned to that wood beam. It isn't there anymore. It is gone, he doesn’t see it anymore. It looks like that angel vanished into thin air. Oh my God '' he thought '' what happened in America. Is God Here on Earth or is he Sending Angels to Punish Angels that turned or turn against him. He raised his head yet again. He stared up at the darkness that hovered over him like a canopy. I think I better get to the Hospital, instead.

 He turned to face the road. He listened for that screech that whining sound that came from an angel that was crucified. The entire time he wondered why he would be crucified in the first place. What could he have done? What did he do to send Angels to find and torture him? I will Pray for you Angel. He continued to walk through fields in search of his vehicle that remained parked along the shoulder. Once he reached his vehicle. He climbed back into the front seat. He slammed the door closed after he slipped his arm besides hand into the open. He grabbed the door handle. He pulled it inward until he slammed the door shut. He shifted back into drive. His eyes focused on the cornfield that surrounded him. I know it is there. I know I saw something that looks like a real angel. Maybe he is not a real angel or a good angel. He is still an angel, nonetheless. He had wings I know for a fact. If I never see anything like this again. I will know it is an angel. A real angel with wings that only God Could Make. He drove back into traffic. He continues to drive toward the County Hospital. He reached for a radio. It isn't in the car or on his person. What he did have is his cell phone that he could call the Hospital with. He could find out what condition Captain Bowles is in '' he thought. He dialed 411 I would like the County Hospital. I would like it quick! Of course he responded in a matter of seconds after he connected him to the County Hospital. I would like to talk to a Captain Bowles. He was brought into the County sometime around 9 maybe 9; 30 this evening. And by the way he is a Police Officer. I don't know his first name. I really don't Miss but if you need his first name. I can get it by dialing the Precinct. That will not be necessary. I have Captain Bowles in room 100 Officer. Can you tell me if he is okay or do I have to drive to the Hospital to see for myself? I can tell you that he is stable for now. If you like he will be in room 100, waiting. I am on my way '' he added. I will see him when I get there. He tossed his cell phone down on the seat next to him. Whispered '' I am coming Captain. I will see you when I get there. He focused on the road in the middle of nowhere, into the City where the Hospital remained.

 Several cornfields disappear into the rear view mirror behind him. Again '' he whispered '' Angels, I can't believe it. I never saw an angel in my life. Now I have seen 2 angels. If this is what they really look like, boy are we in trouble!

IN a matter of minutes, he found himself leaving his Police Car. He parked it in front of the County Hospital he left it sitting next to another Police Car. A large round clock told him that it is almost 6-AM in the morning. It hung on a wall 6 feet off the floor that faced the street.

After both feet touch the concrete ground. First his right foot then his left. He stepped toward two doors that also faced the street. Both windows were made of solid glass. Once inside he searched for a desk or information center that could tell him where room 100 lied. He searched the immediate area. He found a desk besides a Nurse. He moved across the lobby toward a desk that sat in the middle of a massive room that faced an entrance. I am looking for room 100. I need to know where Captain Bowles may be if it isn't too much trouble. Of course not Officer. I know exactly where that room lies. It is exactly down this hall to the end of the hallway then turns right. It should be there if it isn't it should be to the left of the hallway. Thanks '' he called out '' he rushed down that hall toward a wall that turned into a T than turned into 2 different directions.

Detective Shoes continued to rush down that hall toward a back wall. The entire time he visualized that black angel that looked like it was crucified. Then again, he wondered what kind of angel or creature could crucify another being unless it is of a vicious nature. A mean and vicious angel from hell could! It had to be from hell! I could not think God or a Supreme Being would do a thing like that to another Angel unless it is a Devil.

 Within minutes he found a door with the number 100 across the face. He passed two Nurses on the way to his door and smiles. Both Women stared back like they had seen the Devil! He waited until they turn around to face the hallway that waited. Before he reached forward for a doorknob made of satin like metal. He turned it to the right. He pushed it open just a few inches before taking a long look inside. It is his Captain alright. He knew it the second that he saw his face. His face is still filled with shock. Unless he is dead '' he thought. He allowed the door to close. He stepped toward his bed which remained a few feet from several massive windows that lined his bedroom wall. An expression on his face made him reach for a phone that sat on a desk near his bed. I would like someone to check on a patient. I think something is wrong with Captain Bowles. He dropped the phone on the floor. He reached over to check on his heartbeat. By placing his ear down on his chest so he could hear it beat. His bedroom door flew open. A Doctor stepped into his room. I can see from here that his heartbeat is still beating. I think you better leave or just be quiet. He will need his rest. He cannot be disturbed by guests from this moment on, Officer. I understand Doctor. I will just be quiet, instead. He stepped away from him very slow like. The Doctor walked back into the hallway along with a Nurse. The door closed behind them. Detective Shoes found his way back to his Captain's bed. He stared down at him but he remembered every wrinkle every line in his face. What happened Captain would you like to talk about it or would you rather talk to a head doctor? Windows line the wall from the opposite side of his bed which forced him to walk around. He wanted a look outside but he needed to take his mind off things while he waited for Captain Bowles to wake after being attacked by an angel or something that resembled one!

 He continued to stare into the parking lot. He heard someone mumble in the background. It had to be his Captain. It did not sound like him. Before he turned around he stared into the glass. He sees something tall black and covered in gashes. Slowly, yet hesitantly he reached for his handgun. He removed it ever so slow so not look like he moved. Without ever taking his eyes off the window pane. He turned around one inch at a time. He lowered his handgun to his side. It rubbed up against his pants leg. Just before he came face to face with a beast that could only come from one place, Hell! It could not be Human in the slightest? His hands started to sweat then it dripped from his forehead down on his chin. When he stared directly at Captain Bowles surroundings. It wasn't there anymore. He turned left he stared back at the window pane to search for that creature that isn't there anymore. Where did it go '' he thought '' his right hand still sweated profusely down along his gun? His nerves vibrated so hard he could hear them on the outside. A deep breath then still another finally he fell into a seat nearby and exhaled. What is it '' he mumbled '' he slipped his handgun back into his holster. Which he found on the Officer that died last night on the street. By that same thing that he believed he saw seconds ago. He raised his head still again. He stared up at the ceiling. His mind is in another World. It’s like he took a peek up at Heaven. Or at what he believes Heaven would look like. What will we do God or do you have a Master Plan for us, Humans. If Satan organized an army of demons to take over Earth. A Bible sat on a table not far from Captain Bowles that suddenly opened. Detective Shoes watched pages flip open all by themselves. He wondered what does that mean. I never read the Bible before. Or from a Bible. If it were not for Samson and Delilah. I would never know it even existed. Slowly, he climbed to his feet. He made his way around Captain Bowles Bed. To a table that sat just 15-feet from his seat. He reached for that small wood end table where he remembered seeing a Book. It looked like a Holy Bible so he opened it while he imagined what Heaven might look like. He lowered his head he stared down at a page full of words. Many Humans disguised as Prophets will Come, to Earth to fight for Man's Survival! Still one man will be an angel, not a Guardian from Heaven sent here to Earth. But an Earthly Angel! One to help fight for Earth's Existence. Another because the Devil will send one of his own to fight against everything that Heaven sends. Kind of like a counter attack. Only thing that Angel will have the power to intervene in Man's Survival and its Existence. He better hurry Father. I think they're getting stronger by the day. And that black angel that Satan sent. He is dropping Cops like they were falling leaves. Again, that Bible started to flip pages and again he lowered his head to start Reading. Satan will remain imprisoned for a thousand years! Mayan's say the same Year that the Mayan's Believe the World will end. Maybe God will release him from the Pitt? Detective Shoes raised his head after he heard that the Devil might be released from the Pitt. Lucifer also waits for his return. His only friend and yet his own real enemy. Heaven did not feel that Satan is a threat not anymore. Or that he could be to the Heavens. Heaven is surrounded by 1000s of Angels in Armor it says in the Bible. They we're waiting for him or for Lucifer to attack Heaven at all times!

 The Hospital room door opened. It forced thoughts from his head to run free into the hallway. He found himself coming face to face with Captain Bowles, Doctor. I see your still here Officer. I take it he didn't make any more moves did he. No, he did not Doctor. I want to talk to him. I think he needed protection, not visitors. When I stop to see him. He hesitated after he realized his Doctor would not understand. I saw someone yesterday or something, Doctor. I think what I will do is phone the Department. I will have an Officer sit outside his door in case he returns. Not that he will do anything other than get himself killed. I will still phone the Department so someone will stand outside his door and wait until he wakes. I do not have any idea what you’re talking about Officer. If I were you I would do what I have to do to save your Captain's Life.

 Detective Shoes reached for his cell phone. He dialed his Precinct Number. I need to talk to the Commander. If he isn't in his Office tell him, I have reason to believe that Captain Bowles is in trouble. We've encountered some form of an Alien from another Planet which we believe knows him. Commander Cross here what is it Detective. You have reason to believe that an Alien is targeting Captain Bowles. Why would you think that Detective? I need you to come to my Office so we can talk, Now. Wait a minute Detective! I will send a Police Officer. I would still like to talk with you in private. Yes, Commander I will be there as soon as he arrives. Your Officer that is. He is on his way Detective. He hung up on that call after he heard his ultimatums.

 He waited until the Doctor checked his Vitals before he followed him into the hall. I will wait until that Officer arrives before I leave Doctor. Good enough Officer, I will make sure I keep a close eye on him from now on after I heard that. I would appreciate it Doctor if you could. Could you tell Nurses the same thing? I sure will Officer. I have work to do! You do what you do. I will do what it is I do!

 Captain Bowles disappeared into the Hospital somewhere. Down a hall inside another Hospital Room probably to check on a Patient's Vitals. Detective Shoes felt that beast is on his butt. He marched back into his Captain's Room. I better stay or that thing I saw earlier might still be here hiding in plain sight.

 He remembered there might be an answer in the Bible. I better take that Home with me, maybe. I might learn something, after all. He forced the door wide open. He still expected to see