I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Eleven Fight to the Finish


It is almost 8 PM in the evening. Two Guards stop by Billy's Cell. I need you to pack your things we have another cell this time you’re going to 116 kid so hurry up. They move him again late at night to another cell after another guard is attacked near his old cell. I want this area empty from now on. I don't know what happened here, this is all. I want that cell empty. I want the next one empty as well. Do you hear me Guard! Yes, Captain I will move everybody from that corner wall for whatever reason over there.

 Billy is now taken to cell 116 instead. Given his personal belongings which he left in his old cell the E-Block. He mumbled '' I have a new Home. I better make the best of it because I have time to kill. Again, he found himself in a cell without a cellmate. Which he didn't mind because he kind of liked being alone by the way things look.

 No messy cellmate to make a mess or clean up after. Especially bother me while I watch my favorite show like the dating game. Or who slept in my bed just another television show that scared contestants into other People's Rooms after lightning or thunder strikes. I liked being alone so if I never leave here it will be okay. If I ever end up on death-row that would be fine too. Again, he dropped to the bottom bunk with a Bible that he found in his last cell.

He turned the page, he found numbers 166 in another words. They meant something, together. This is funny '' he thought '' I could take that in so many different ways. He closed the Book so he could remember some things that he wanted to remember. Like playing with his Son after School or taking turns with his video games. After all, I liked them best. He pretended to play with a video game while he laid in bed. He faced the bunk bed overhead.

He lay down he closed both eyes like he hasn't slept in only God knows how long. He curled up in a ball focused on the last days before he was incarcerated. He remembered seeing a black man or someone dark standing on a stairwell that looked like he watched or waited for someone maybe even me. Then, it hit him that night when he fell asleep. He remembered dreaming of something that always hid in the back of his mind. Unless it is always there watching. Maybe even waiting for me to step the wrong way so it could take me. Maybe even kill me! I know death comes for us all, all I ask that I have the courage I need to take it when it shows up! He remembered seeing its face before. I do not know what to make of it but I saw something that day that was black as coal with two piercing black but shiny eyes. He turned his head to stare down at the Bible and stares. He remembered hearing something amusing. The Devil broke free from his Prison. He left the Pitt for Hell like what is the difference. I think someone better call the Angels to help take him back to Prison. I think those things if they we're real. They we're going to need all the help they can get kicking the Devil's ass. If this is the Devil that I saw. He is one bad mother fucker. He is a beast with eyes the size of half dollars. I will Pray for you because this is all I can do for us Humans at the moment. I will see you again but I better write this down '' he thought '' just in case I ever write a story about past experiences. I will see you later before he turned away from the Bible. I found myself looking at several writings on a wall each one told me something different. Like, I have been here forever from the looks of it or that I don't think I will ever leave. But if there is a God in Heaven. I hope he showed us the way up from this living Hell. Soon before I never leave here at all! All of a sudden a knock at the iron bars startled him. Kid I have a job for you. I want you to clean the Guard's Office. Can you do that? I will buy you some Commissary. I can do that this is fine just getting out of my cell every now and then is payment enough. Grab your Uniform kid. I will be back in 5 minutes to release you from your cell. I do not want you messing around. I do not want you running or passing contraband to other inmates. Am I understood or I will find someone else to clean the Office. I will do it I already told you I would clean the Office. Can't you see I am already on my feet? What are you doing playing head games or just playing with me? I will be back in 5 minutes inmate. He walked away after he realized he is already dressed and ready to go. He slipped into his dark blue Uniform. Clothes that every inmate has to wear in Prison. Several footsteps on galleries overhead echo throughout the entire cell-house that told him that it had to be that black beast that he continued to dream about. He raised his head to grab both iron bars and held on. I think it is here! I think it is for me and again he raised his head. He stared into the dark outside through several dirty 8 X 8-inch glass window panes.

 I see the black skies which were filled with millions of stars and a Full Moon. It must be nice outside if I can only get my mind on escaping this place. I would already be free. He heard those same footsteps draw closer and closer to his cell. He knew it had to be time to clean up an Officer's Office. Maybe even make a friend. I could sure use something to break through this Prison. Maybe, I will find it in there. He raised his head, he found an Officer unlocking his lock. It is time to go if I catch you passing contraband out you go back to your cell like an animal you got it! I already told you I heard you the first time now let's go guard. He laughed he led the way down a hall toward an Officer's Office. The entire time inmates whisper I need you to do something like make a delivery. He doesn’t say anything because he remembered what he told him while the officer warned him. One inmate snarled back at him. I know you hear me partner. I need something done now. He turned toward his cell to face him. He sees a black male that is awfully tall and muscular. A shank is stuffed in his waistband. I know you see that gallery boy. You better step back this way or I will find you later on. Maybe on the gallery in chow or maybe all alone on the yard. You better stop here after you get some free time you hear me '' he yelled. He never answers he stepped toward the Officer's Quarters so he could find what he needed. The guard stopped that guy that threatened you. He has a lot of friends in here. You want some advice stay away from him he is nothing but trouble the kind that will never see daylight ever. I hope you listen to me kid because some People never get a second chance. I don't know how much time you have but I will tell you this. Don't blow it in Prison. That is true Officer you don't know. I have almost 10 Years left to go. I will be lucky to get out alive after all this I am in a maximum prison. Your right, there are no second chances not in here not in a place like this. By the way I need some brooms and mops to sweep and mop floors with. You will find everything you need in that broom closet to the right. I don't want to see you going through doors or you will never mop floors again on this gallery. Okay Officer I will keep that in mind. He walked toward the closet a door inside the Office. The only door in that Office other than a door that they walk in or leave through. A wooden desk with what laid inside really got on his nerves so much so that he just had to stare for a second. He turned the doorknob real slow. He looked inside at a small room no bigger than a tiny closet. Something that you would keep a broom in and nothing bigger than that. A plastic bucket sat on the floor with a mop inside and a broom hung from the ceiling.

 He reached into the closet. He removed the broom first, the bucket followed. He reached back into the closet to remove a mop from the floor after he slid it into the Office. A bucket of floor cleaner lay on the floor near the entrance. A poster on a wall of a criminal that tried to escape through a hole in a wall that he made while he used a sharp pointed object. Several Prison Guards carried automatic weapons well they waited outside the wall. He noticed a laundry tub inside. He used a small container to fill the bucket with hot water. He poured a cupful of floor cleaner into the bucket. He remembered the most important ingredient is water. Without it what would he use to mix it with '' he thought '' there is nothing else. Again, a wall of doors grabbed his attention. He needed to know what lay inside. It bothered him so much he squirmed toward the desk just to steal another glance. One door lay open one inch which made it easy to open?

 He crept toward the desk one-eye on the entrance the other inside that tiny opening. His heart raced he knew if he got caught that he would be sitting on death-row. He decided to mop the floor instead after he heard voices outside moving close. He knew if he got caught with his hand inside the cookie jar that he would never get another chance. He focused on mopping the floor instead. He did not want to lose that one move that might make every difference in the World.

 That one guard that walked the walkway overhead is the only guy standing in between me and freedom. I know there is a way around him. I will find it! I just need time to be free to think everything through. He slammed the door shut. He kicked it after he told himself that he probably tried to outsmart me. Not this time flatfoot. Not this he slapped the floor with the mop. How are you doing kid? I need you to check garbage cans after your done mopping the floors. I got it boss! I am shaking it. He giggled after he remembered where he got that phrase from. I am shaking it boss. He smiled at his own choice of words, afterward.

 He stepped back into prison. He dropped the mop on the floor. He noticed several garbage cans throughout the prison main gallery. He needed a box of garbage bags but before that I better clean up the mess that I left behind. He placed a bucket, broom besides mop back into that tiny closet inside. He stepped back into the gallery so he could change garbage can bags. He watched a guard up on a steel walkway walking back and forth. I will never get out of here '' he thought '' the only way out of here is by doing my time or a body bag At that moment he knew the next thing that he would dream about that it would change everything including the lives of many.

 He noticed several Guards talk. He knew that he better be funny from now on. If he wanted a way out of prison. He knew then this is the only way out. He smiled back at Guards that stood around smoking cigarettes while walking passed after another. I’m shaking it boss ‘he said ‘in a smiling like manner. He knew this is the way out, l had to earn their respect or l would never get out alive. Hello Officer it is a really nice Night isn't it? He continued to walk by them. His mind on his Son which he felt he needed to be with if this thing is still hiding in the dark. On his way toward the end of the gallery. He heard that same familiar voice yell back at him. Hey gallery worker! I told you I had things to do. I want you to make a few runs. I can't right now! I have a few things to do before I walk back this way. I will not tell you again boy. I told you to get your ass back here so I can get my stuff done. I told you I can't and continues to walk away back toward a garbage can. When I catch you boy. I will cut you up into little pieces like sushi. I will feed you to the little fishes then I will throw you into a garbage can. He continued to walk by without paying any attention to his threats. Until another inmate stopped him with words of caution. I will tell you something that is the black mob boss. They call him the fat of his army. He has pretty much everything sewed up in this cell house. Everyone that crosses him usually ends up dead. I would think about it worker if I were you. He watched a beam of bright light shoot down from the skies into the prison yard. Damn '' he whispered '' I cannot believe it. My ship has finally come in for a change and smiles.

 He reached the first garbage can. He forced a heavy bag up from its container. He found a handful of bags at the bottom of the can so he reached into the container for a bag. He realized that garbage cans all had their own bags at the bottom. He knew now he had an easy job after all. He also remembered he had 33 garbage cans from what the guard told him. He had 10 galleries to clear the garbage off before he would end up back in his cell.

 I better get to it '' he thought. He turned to face that shooting star that fell from the skies. He whispers for some strange reason that he lives. He dragged the bag of garbage toward a back door which is when he heard him again. I warned you punk! I hesitated for a moment I knew eventually that I would come face to face with him. I cannot right now I remembered. I got fed up so I walked over to his cell. What do you have for me to do? I waited for him to pass me his stuff. It is a bag of weed that he wanted me to drop off for a 10-dollar bill. Where would an inmate get 10 bucks from '' I thought '' but I got 10 bucks for it after all. He dropped his money off in a hurry. I told him I have to finish my work. I don't care about your work. I want you to keep moving my stuff you hear me! I can't right now. I will get back to you when I come this way again. You better watch it partner? I will have someone on another gallery throw you off. I will be waiting for you partner. I have work to do and I walked away. I started on the second gallery. I could feel inmates watch me like they wanted to shank me on the spot. I had another dream. I had to get Home or I might never get there. I had to see my boy that lived in a Catholic Home for children. I did not have time to mess that up, not for him or anyone else. All of a sudden an inmate dropped a shank on the gallery floor he whispers. I have a funny feeling that you might need it kid. That guy expects you to do all his dirty work. If I were you I would cut him into little piece before he does that to you! I remember listening with every breath. I knew that guy is one big dude, I mean big! He had to be in a weightlifting team or something that gave him the look of someone on steroids. He was all of 6 feet and then some maybe 220 pounds of pure fighting machine. Yeah, I might need this thanks by the way what is your name, Mimz. Everyone calls me Mimz if you need another one I have plenty. Anyway, I do not like him he is a piece of shit ” he said. He sounded like Scarface. I really do not like him. There are a lot of us that do not. If I were you, I would tell the guard to move you from the bottom cell which is where he is strongest. His boys were on the main floor. I would move to the fourth, fifth, sixth or even the tenth gallery. He does not have any friends up there. I will keep that in mind Mimz. Good to know, he reached into the garbage can for a bag which is almost full.

 He walked down the second gallery to the end. Where another garbage can sat near the Officer's Quarters. He heard his voice again. I better not catch you, boy! I will shank you when I catch up to you after I get you punk! I will get back to you when I get to the main gallery. The entire time he is thinking that I have no idea what I got myself into this time. He dragged both garbage cans toward the stairwell so he could take them downstairs. His mind on that shank that hid in his waistband. Which told him I hope they don’t search us on the way to our cell? He grabbed another bag off the bottom of the can before dragging them toward the stairs. Another voice yells up at him. I told you to drop them over the railing. You do not have to drag or carry them down the stairs kid! I told you to drop them over the railing. Or you’re going to make me think you’re up to no good. You hear me kid drop them. Or I will rip them apart when they get down here so drop them. Okay, okay already, he grabbed one bag before he tossed it over the railing then the other. I have 8 more galleries to clear Officer. I will toss the garbage cans down from now on. After he gave it a minute of his time. I think I must have done at least half almost half '' I thought '' maybe not!

He continued up to the third gallery but after he finished. He started on the remaining galleries. By the time he got to the tenth gallery. He found himself out of breath and exhausted. He needed to stop for a break. He needed to rest his bones after he dropped almost 33 garbage bags of garbage over the railing. An empty cell on the tenth gallery grabbed his attention. He stepped inside to take a piss. He could not hold it anymore. He had to go and he had to go that second. Something in that cell touched him from behind. It tapped him on the shoulders. Something that he could not see, hopefully an Angel, anything but the devil. I would even welcome a ghost. Whatever or whoever it is he is too afraid to turn around to take a look. After he felt its soft touch '' he whispered '' ask him why he wants my Son. That is of course you are a guardian. He finished peeing in the toilet. It is soft it is almost angelic but he did not want to turn around. He did not want it to stop. That feeling of angelic power made him feel like a real Angel even if it is just for a moment. I remember I turned around after I felt him leave. I then knew whatever is going to happen that it would come soon. Maybe like a hurricane or just a soft breeze but whatever or whenever it comes. I Pray to God that he gave me courage that I need to face my enemies on a battlefield. Even if they we're giants much bigger than me. This is all I need before I leave. He flushed the toilet after that. He turned around he came face to face with a guard that must have been watching him. I was just checking on you kid. I think you better get back downstairs because I counted 33 garbage bags already. Yes, Officer I am right behind you. He followed him down the gallery. He stared into several cells at inmates watching television.

 Prison may be a place where bad People live. I put myself in here. I am just glad that I did not end up on death-row. Maybe I could be so unlucky or maybe it just isn’t my turn? That much I remember when he reached the staircase. He followed him down the stairs. That one guard came back into view. He sees him walking by carrying a shotgun. One shell from that gun and I would definitely be in pieces. He filled his lungs with one deep breath. He turned to his right after he reached another gallery.

 Both Males reach the main floor. He is then ordered into his cell. But first I want you to grab a tray of food. Make that two trays since you worked hard today kid. Sounds good Officer I will take that. This way kid I need to frisk you before I send you back to your cell. All of a sudden he heard that guard in the Office yell. Officer Duggs I need you to step into my Office but first get rid of that inmate. I will be right their Lieutenant. I have to take an inmate back to his cell first. Hurry kid I have to meet up with Lieu. He has to sign my worksheet. He unlocked the lock to allow Billy Seals into his cell. He locked him in his cell before he turned his attention to his Lieutenant. I will see you tomorrow kid if you like. You can do the same thing. I have to go kid he walked back down the gallery toward the Officer's Quarters. Billy hugged several iron bars and stared up at a falling star in hope he would see another flying across the skies, soon after. He turned to the Bible this time. He remembered Reading that Satan had fallen from Heaven in the form of a falling star. This is where the words Fallen Angel came from. He wondered what it meant. Other than the Devil made his way to Planet Earth like an Alien Exiled from another Planet in search of a new Home. He did not see another falling star just the skies, filled with stars and a Moon. I will be back '' he whispered. He noticed the light overhead in his cell darkened. Something, a shadow or some ghost finally made its way pass and vanished. His silhouette lay in a window pane across from his cell. Three Numbers 116 were visible overhead. He stepped back into the darkness in his cell to wait to listen.

 He crawled into his bunk to lay down with one thing on his mind, Billy. He placed his left hand down on the Bible and Prays. I Pray that God helps you in your mission against Evil Father and me in mine. He closed his eyes before he turned to face a steel wall that separated him from another cell or room on the other side. The same wall where he found several writings. For some reason or another he made a fist. He punched the steel wall with all his might and curled up in pain. He placed his right hand into his blanket. Bit down on his jaws like he gritted his teeth in pain. Before he tried to open his hand. He exposed his open palm for bruising. It was not broken just in pain so he opened it and closed it several times. He slipped his left hand into his waistband. He removed a 3-inch shank made of steel and wood. He slipped it underneath his mattress. I Pray that God hears me!

 Early the next morning. He heard a loud clanging sound like keys banging against each other. He opened his eyes to stare into faces of several Guards thinking he is about to be raided because of that shank. Come on kid you work for us now you have 5 minutes to get ready. We need to pass out food. I need you up from your bunk now. Leave his cell unlocked I want to see if he wants that job. If he doesn’t rise from his bunk in the next 5-minutes lock him back up inside and call on someone else. I think he is already up Lieutenant. He stepped into the gallery like he looked for food trucks. They're on their way here kid. I need you to stay right here when they arrive. Alright Lieu I will wait right here. He stepped back into his cell after he sees a handle of his shank protruding from underneath his bed. He kicked the handle inward. He forced the knife underneath his bed even further. I will be back '' he whispered. He stole another glance at that knife that protruded from his mattress. He does not see it he is alright for now. Again, he stepped into the gallery. He looked both ways first but no one, nothing. Then, that voice from an inmate that threatened him late last night over and over again, yells. I warned you gallery worker. I want two dishes of food or I will visit you in your cell when I get out you understand!

 Billy did not hesitate this time. He just stayed away from trouble like the guard told him to do. I have other plans anyway '' he thought. I will go this way because they know him and they do not know me. He heard the sound of food trucks pour into B-Block Cell house. He could hear inmates yelling throughout the galleries that it is time to eat. Wake up everybody. Wake up! He stepped toward a giant wheel barrel that carried what look like 100s of food trays in foam plates. Another food truck followed from behind yet still one more after that. I knew I would eat well today. I had several food trays running through my mind. Because gallery workers always receive the leftovers from what other workers told him. I will have plenty of cookies, cakes and meats for dinnertime or after I get done working. Take a food cart with you. I want everyone to take a gallery and pass out trays. A Guard stepped back yells I don't want to see you slipping food into your cells until your done working am I understood. Several yes's follow before he walked away after he left orders behind. He entered his Office after he ordered Guards underneath to follow orders by ordering inmates to pass out food.

 Billy had the fourth gallery. He pushed his food cart toward the staircase, the entire time his nose grabbed a whiff of food. We were having scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. Besides, two cartons of grapefruit juice to go with. He stopped at the staircase to reach for a carton of grapefruit juice after he pushed a food cart. It made him so thirsty that he drank down two cartons one after another.

 After he grabbed six more trays. He rushed up the stairs to the fourth gallery. He passed out the first armful of trays. He descended back another armful. Within an hour he is done passing out food and descends to the main floor to catch his breath. Again, he heard that black male yell at him that we will meet again partner! I guarantee it! He allowed three trays of food to take with him back to his cell. But he stopped halfway down the gallery to share food with that black male that threatened him. Here partner I have some extra food why don't you take this, instead. He shoved a tray into the door where a big enough opening for a tray to fit, laid. I do not want your food partner! I want you to run my errands because I can't do it myself. I cannot do that anymore partner or I will be the one that cries because I cannot leave my cell. And I have plans to do something while I am here. I just cannot do it anymore. He walked down the gallery toward the cell. He heard that tray of food fall from the doorway to the floor. I am still going to kill you when I get out of here kid! You remember that partner! Billy reached his cell once again. He stepped inside but he knew that he better gain some weight or muscle and in a hurry. This is a big inmate! I do not have time to play hide and seek games with Paul Bunyan. He stepped back into his cell. He slammed the gate closed before, it locks. He reached for another carton of juice this time he sat down on top of his bunk. While sitting there he slowly unfolded both ends to that flap that allowed juice to pour free. He swallowed it down one chug after another until it vanished. Then, he reached for another foam tray. It is filled with scrambled eggs and grits. Several packets of sugar, salt, pepper and jelly. Two pieces of toast that he smothered with strawberry jelly and jam. Before a guard walked by he heard his door slam shut then a key that locked him, inside. I will be back at lunch and you better be ready or someone will. You hear me kid! Yeah, I heard you Officer! He slammed his spoon up against the tray. Scooped up a spoonful of scrambled eggs into a shovel looking utensil. He sat there he ate one tray filled with food then he started on the other. Damn it is pretty good. I did not think prison food is this good. He shoved both empty trays in between both iron bars. Before he turned to face his bunk bed that waited to carry his full belly. He decided to lie down so he could rest his body after running up and down 4 flights of stairs all fucking day.

I remember lying down on my bunk that day. I felt the night slowly turn into daylight. Breakfast began at 6-AM in the morning for B-block by 7 AM I was fast asleep. I could not get up it is like I fell asleep and there is no way that I was going to wake from what was about to come! Doors rolled one morning after a riot ended. Although, I felt something funny that day. Like my world was about to end or the world of someone close to me! Something told me I better write my letters and ask those I hurt to stop and Pray for me as well. Something or someone is coming but I could not see it or stop it from reaching its destination. Maybe, I could follow my hunches like take good care of myself from now on. I might need to do this, instead. He reached underneath his bunk for a shank that an inmate gave him days ago. For some reason or another he felt that I would need it but something else is missing but what. I did not know what it is or could be but I needed to know that much I knew. A loud sound awakened me from my bunk. It is lunchtime kid get up this is all I remember hearing.

 Back to passing out food, maybe this time I will get the third or second gallery, instead. That fourth gallery is a mother alright. I still cannot feel my legs. Hey guard I cannot climb up the stairs again. I need another gallery like the main floor. I will give you the fifth gallery this time kid for telling me that you do not want the fourth gallery. Damn '' he yelled ''still it is better than not having a gallery at all '' he thought '’ this is right. I better get moving. I have a lot of work to do so fifth gallery it is Officer. Billy heard several gates open. He stopped when he saw a black male that continuously threatened him. Suddenly, his door opened. A young tall white male 6 feet tall, blond hair and blue eyes stepped forward. He had a black eye besides that, he walked funny like someone or something raped him. I saw it the second I walked by. He was still in his cell. He watched me and I continued watching him. I knew he was not a nice man or any kind of man whatsoever just an animal in a cage. Someone or something that preyed on weak and the meek but could not take care of them-self in a jungle like this. I walked by I grabbed my food cart. I pushed it toward the staircase that led me to the top floors. I had several things to do. I had to deliver 80 trays of food. The fifth gallery had the most inmates too. I had double work to do it looked like. That inmate in the black male's cell. He broke down and started crying that he could not explain what happened to him. Inmates listen to him cry. The other inmates started to laugh and start laughing even from the top galleries. I felt sorry for the male. I had no idea what he tried to say. I could see it happening. Guards whisk him away they take him into the Officer's Quarters for a talk.

 Within a matter of minutes a small army of Guards appear. They open his cell and take him into custody by placing handcuffs on him. They take him to the hole until this matter is resolved. I am going to kill you white boy he yelled! You hear me! You remember my face! When you see it you know I am going to hurt you real bad boy! You will have nightmares for the rest of your life. You better remember what I tell you because you will be sorry you did that to me! You should not have done that! They take him to the hole. He is forced by several Guards down a gallery to a place for new crimes. When you get out of here hoagie! You will be looking forward to another life sentence. This time you might make it to death-row. I heard that white boy has Family in the Judicial System. When they get done with you, buckwheat. You will be looking for reruns on spanks’ channel. When I get out of the hole your Family will be looking for a plot to bury you in, Officer. They drag him away from his cell while he screamed that I will kill you, punk. You’re going to be sorry '' he yelled. They take him behind a steel door before everyone vanished.

 Billy carried several trays up to the fifth gallery to pass to inmates for lunch. If they didn't they could easily pass their food to another inmate or simply toss it into the garbage. Still Billy had to carry 80 trays to the fifth gallery to pass to inmates for lunch. That kid that look like he deranged. He had more than emotional problems '' he thought. He better see a psychiatrist before he is released into the world or he might hurt someone maybe even, himself. Again, he climbed back down the stairs to the main floor for another armful of foam plates filled with food. He stopped by cell 558 and looked inside at two inmates cooking something. It looked like noodles maybe even a bag of re-fried beans. I could not tell what they we’re eating but I did see a television. The News had a Special Bulletin. It had something to do with St Williams Orphanage which is all he knew. I missed the whole thing '' he mumbled. Hey inmate what is that about? They say they saw a ghost at an Orphanage and that he killed several Police Officers in the process. Both Hispanic inmates laughed like they enjoyed hearing that Policemen were getting their asses kicked by a ghost. He had to be more like an assassin. I could not think of anything like that especially killing a Cop. Since when do ghosts kill Cops '' he shouted. He was missing a front tooth which made him smile back at him. I have got to get out of here '' he thought '' that beast might be waiting at his doorstep. I have to find a way ou