I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Twelve Till Then


 Billy received a letter from his Father that says we will be together again but until then. Father Finnegan will watch over you Till I can! One deep breath is all I need to be there. He rushed over to his friend's bunk Chucky Chipps to show him that letter. His Father sent it from some unknown place. He could not find an address anywhere. Where will I send it '' he thought. He read it again but it says give it to Father Finnegan. He will get in touch with me. He will know where to send it. I will be waiting for your letter Billy. I will talk to you later love, Dad!

 Father Finnegan followed his Children into the yard through a back door that led into a field behind the Orphanage. After he ordered everyone to be ready. He told them they would have a little playtime enough for one hour, outdoors. His Son Billy hid his Father's Letter in a book that he kept underneath a pillow so he could join mail.

 Billy joined the other boys he ran toward the entrance in his Dorm to have a look outside first. He stopped in the doorway for some reason or another. It is like he looked outside into a cool wind before he even reached the back door. He did not feel like going at first until Father Finnegan assured him that it will be fine it will be okay.

 Okay Father I believe you. He walked into a cool breeze behind Chucky Chipps. Along with several other Children that ran into the cool air behind each other laughing and playing.

 Billy stopped outside the door after he caught a glimpse of a massive storage building to his right. A massive crow flew overhead. It squawked down at him like it froze him in place. Slowly, he turned his head toward the rooftop to his right. Father Finnegan watched his head turn to his right. He followed his eyes to that same rooftop. But he did not see anything except a round metal vent. Then, an 8-foot brick chimney made of solid rock. He is about to turn away when something a thin black sheet glided across the rooftop. Father Finnegan grew cautious then. He knew that something mysterious has been happening at St Williams Orphanage. He yelled ‘‘Billy, I would like you to step into my Office. I would like to read the Bible with you. Billy sensed something that he did not know what it is at the moment but his head turned. His eyes focused on the roof. He knew whatever it is that Father Finnegan seen that it had something to do with him. Yes, Father, I understand. He turned to face that doorway that led back into the Orphanage. He felt something that instant so he hurriedly made it to the back door behind the Priest. Before he entered the Orphanage he stole a glance. He Made the Sign of the Cross. He hesitated before he entered the Orphanage through that back door. Yes, Father '' he whispered '' I will be right behind you. What will we read today Father. I hope it is something new. Something, I do not already know I hope, anyway. He started to laugh, I am not sure yet Billy but I am sure we will find something new to read. Okay Father, he followed him into his Office. His name across a glass door read Father Finnegan. Take a seat Billy I have something that I would like to ask you if you do not mind. Do you have nightmares? Do you see bad things like demons or monsters in your sleep? No, I do not have bad dreams but once that I remember. I was asleep when I dreamed I was falling. I fell from a third floor where we then lived. I never hit the concrete ground. I think someone or like my Father told me my Guardian Angel woke me. He told me he caught me in his arms before I woke up and woke me himself. He placed me back in my bed before I woke up and to sleep. When I did wake up. I was out of breath like I could not catch it because I was falling too fast. After that Father, I saw a demon but he could not touch me. He was already in trouble with another force. If he grabbed me they we're going to grab him too. I see Angels in the Clouds. They we’re waiting for the Devil to make his Ascend toward Heaven. Really, tell me Billy. Where do they come from? Where were they going? Do not ask so many questions Father. They do not like that they watch us which should be enough. Man is in charge of his own destiny until he loses it to the Devil! Then, it is a fight against Satan's Protégé and Man will probably lose?

Temptation kills most of us Humans before we even have a chance to get to Heaven. There is only way out for Humans. They would have to return to Earthbound Status and start all over. He would have to leave every worldly belonging, every possession behind that he owned to do that. And he would not do that because this is too far down for him to start. You’re probably right but you’re a little young to know that aren't you Billy? I remember things that I heard before or what I hear in dreams. This is interesting I think we better read something before we go to chow for milk and cookies. Alright Father, he reached for a Bible which laid flat on top of his desk in a dark burgundy color with gold lettering.

 Where shall we begin? I know right here where God made man. Not in his image Father but in the image of Heaven's Heavenly Angels. Really, shall I rewrite the Bible or maybe after I have received the rest of the right answers. Okay, he sat back while Father Finnegan read from the Bible. Something told him he was a little bit upset with his smart remarks. At least this is what '' he thought. He felt it after he sensed that he would be better off quiet or he might think that I am a demon the entire time he wore a crooked smirk across his face. Before Billy had a chance to say anything else. Father Finnegan raised his head. He felt his eyes burning a hole through him. Billy stared back he closed his eyes in a real slow manner. I feel them Father they're coming for us! What do you feel? What do you mean you feel them? Who's coming? What, you mean Father that layer of black smoke that you think you saw earlier that it is them. Don't worry Father God will send help? What happens when help runs out? He will make more but you call them Angels. They're Servant Angels. I call them Guardian Angels. Angels that fight for God's Planet. Father Finnegan stared back in disbelief. I just cannot believe that I refuse to believe that '' he shouted. He grabbed a cross from his top door. You remain in your seat Billy until I get back. This is an order. I am going up there to the roof and points. I will search it like I am searching for a lost Child. If I do not come back. I want you to contact the Police. I want you to tell them that there is a beast living somewhere on our roof. It is hiding in sight right under our noses. I think you better tell Sister Alaida Father because no one is going to believe a Kid, remember! Okay Billy you like to be a know it all but someday you will pay for that too. He made the Sign of the Cross before he passed Billy's seat. He reached for a doorknob that he pulled inward toward his Office. Call Sister Alaida tell her to meet me outside in the yard right now! I will tell her that I will go to the rooftop to have a look around. He stepped into the hall but before he turned away. He looked back into his Office like it might be the last time that he will see it. Billy reached for a phone which he knew how to use by now. After he watched both Priests and Sisters use it a number of times. Sister Alaida, Father Finnegan would like to see you outside in the yard. He says it is very important. It could be a matter of life and death, his I believe. She dropped the phone in her hand on the floor before she darted into the hall. Down a hallway toward the rear entrance door while she Prayed for Father Finnegan. Billy followed her into the hall from behind but before he could catch up to her. She disappeared into a cool breeze right outside the door. He remembered seeing her Veil rise up into the air. She turned to her right and vanished.

 Once outside a voice calls out her name. I need you to do something for me. I need you to stand right here. I want you to wait for me. I will climb up to that roof. I think I saw a demon hiding on that rooftop. Father, have you been drinking. I smell alcohol on your breath. I had one glass of wine with lunch which is all I had. I haven't had another drink all day. I have been reading from the Bible with Billy Seals one of the Orphans. He says the Devil is on his way to St Williams Orphanage with a horde of demons. He also says Earth Angels will help us but they're named Servants. I need to search that rooftop. I saw something up on that roof move. I just do not know what it is that I think I saw Sister. I will wait down on the ground. If anything should happen. I will phone Police Father Finnegan. Thank you Sister I need every thank you that I can get just in case it is my last. Would you like me to hold that for you down on the ground so you do not hurt yourself? No Sister, I will take it with me because I might need it when I get there. As long as I have God on my side and with me. I believe in everything I see even if I would see the Devil, Sister!

He entered the building next door. He walked up to the top floor. But before he reached the stairwell that separated him from the roof. He decided to stop to Pray. Father, if there is an abomination on the other side. I ask that you give me the Wisdom to know what to say or do. He made the Sign of the Cross. His right hand reached forward for an old beat up doorknob. He twisted it to the right then back to the left. He pulled the door inward toward, himself. Before he stepped down on the rooftop. He looked for anyone or anything that might be standing in his way. Both hands shook from what he remembered hearing from an Orphan Child. His left hand held on to a Wooden Cross 18 inches tall which sat on top of his desk. It is covered with the 12 Stations of the Cross. It is the Punishment that Jesus Christ endured when he was Crucified. The door closed behind him. He remained just on the other side. He listened to the wind flow from his left to right and back again. A cool steady breeze kept him on his toes. He kept hearing Billy's voice in the background. They're coming Father! There is no Human Army on this Planet that can stop him! He felt his hands tremble besides a warm sweat run down his forehead. Father Finnegan noticed there is nothing up on the roof that he can see. Nothing but a 6-foot chimney, an air vent that looked like it is encased in copper. A serenade of thin bones lay on the ground which looked a lot like Human fingers. It stopped him in his tracks. He bent down to lift a bone off the black tar paper. Something fell off it bounced on the ground before it rolled away. He followed it just a few feet. Both eyebrows shot up into his forehead.

 It is a gold wedding band. A Male's wedding band at that. Father Finnegan smelled something that he knew well. Something that resembled burnt wood. Slowly, he turned to his left. All of a sudden he came face to face with a monster. Something that stood like a man with 2 arms and legs but covered in black ash. Its eyes which were closed at the time from what he believes. It reached forward grabbed the wooden Cross that the Priest held in his right hand. It growled down at him while it did. Not today Father in an almost animal like voice. Its eyes were filled with dark colors, something that resembled an alligator. It pulled the Cross away from his hands. It opened its mouth and exposed multiple sharp teeth. It bit Jesus Christ Head right off the Cross. It looked like its face or mouth then formed a smirk. It crunched it in its teeth like it is candy until it vanished down its throat. All that remained is a sharp point after biting it twice. He raised it over his head and shoved it into Father Finnegan’s Forehead. Take this with you Holy Man. God would be proud that you kept your Faith. It opened its large hand to grab the Priest by his face. It tossed Father Finnegan backward into the air, toward the yard where Sister Alaida waited for his return. Forgive him Father '' he whispered '' while his body sailed through the Skies. Finally, he started to descend toward the grounds. Sister Alaida watched in Horror! She heard something coming from somewhere overhead in that direction. She screamed multiple times before his body finally hit solid earth. She fell to her knees. She found herself with no sign of Help or someone to help her. She screamed until someone heard her and phoned, Police. At that moment Father Finnegan’s Body hit the solid ground. Billy's eyes opened up wide. He felt that something went wrong. He knew it had something to do with the Orphanage but what? His body felt like he had been body slammed against a brick wall.

 Nurses rushed to his bed to see what happened. His heart had gone into a rapid unsafe zone. One Nurse yells that he is stable for now. I do not know what happened to him. Unless he is having a bad dream or a nightmare. I really do not know. Keep him handcuffed! I do not want him to get up or disappear on us. She turned around after she heard a tiny voice in the background like someone, Praying. She sees Billy standing in Father Finnegan’s Private Office with both hands pressed together like he Prayed. She remembered what Father Finnegan told her before he Died. That Billy Seals told him the Devil's Disciple is on his way to the Orphanage. She could not understand why? Why would the Devil want St Williams Orphanage '' he thought. Unless it is already here! Unless, it is here for Father Finnegan. Now that he is dead, maybe now he will go away. She got up from the ground. She knew the Father was already dead. There wasn't any reason to check on him. He was dead, alright. A wooden Cross almost 18-inches long protruded from his forehead. After she turned away from Billy for one second to take another quick glance at Father Finnegan, he was gone. She had so many questions to ask until he vanished. First things first, I need to have the Priest’s Remains removed from the yard. He has fallen almost 4 stories to solid ground. I need to contact the morgue or someone to come out here to remove his dead body. Billy reappeared in that same window after one glance, she knew. She knew Billy wanted to tell her something but what?

 She needed to take Billy to the other side or into Church to talk with him. First Father Finnegan. I need to have him taken away because her hands were still trembling. Instead, she moved toward the Father who lay on the ground which is when I saw him. A tall 6-foot Male with long dark hair that dripped down on both sides of his face. He wore complete dark clothes from head to toe in a long black summer coat. Then, it just stared down at me. I remember it, I was paralyzed with fear! Or I just could not move maybe. I fell into a trance or I was hypnotized from afar. Then I saw 2 massive black wings burst open from its back. They open across like a Plane that came into view from its dark wings at its, side. I see you Sister '' he called out '' from the rooftop in a harsh yet mild tone. Remember what you have seen because, I will be back for that Child before long! He burst back into the Sky overhead like a bullet. He vanished into the clouds in the skies!

 Sister Alaida moved toward Father Finnegan. His Body lay just 15 feet away from her. She got down real slow on both knees. She made the Sign of the Cross in tears. She did not want to look at his face. She could see blood drip down from his forehead. His eyes in his head were both missing. It looked like a beast bit into both eye sockets to get to his eyes. She placed her hands together to Pray while her eyes remained closed. She hoped Police would hurry to take Father Finnegan to his resting place. Then, that Child named Billy Seals came to mind again. She turned to her head to her right to look. Without even taking a glance in that window's direction. She could feel him watching. He was looking over her shoulder. Instead, she focused on Prayer. She knew there is nothing anyone could do but God. He is in God's Hands now! She reached for his right hand. She touched it ever so gentle. All of a sudden she heard a whisper coming from somewhere, inside. Tell them to look in the basement. It is too late, he is here! Who is here Father '' she whispered. She opened her eyes she watched his last breath leave his body h-a-a-a. Tell them to look in the basement ''she mumbled. Then that voice of a small Child behind her yells, Sister. Police just showed up! They're on their way to the Orphanage from the parking lot outside. Show them the way into the yard Billy. Tell them that Father Finnegan fell off the rooftop. Tell them I think he is dead. He yells back okay Sister before he disappeared in the hallway. All of a sudden Police pour into the yard. One by one they rush toward a body that laid on the ground 55 feet from the doorway that led them to a wide open opening. One Priest whispers I know him. His name is Father Finnegan. He delivered Mass on Sundays at St Williams Church. I know he did not fall on top of that Cross Sister. You want to tell us what really happened. I saw something or someone up on that roof. I do not know if he was thrown or if he just fell. Send two Police Officers up to that roof immediately. I want them to find something or someone up on that rooftop am I understood. Yes Captain I understand another Officer turned to face a small army of Police Officers. I want two Men up on that roof now. I want anything that they might find. I do not care if it is dust. If it has anything in it like hair, a cigarette butt or anything that does not look like it belongs there. Bring it with you!

 Two Officers find a way upstairs to the roof to search it for a crime if a crime was committed. Two Detectives remain with Sister Alaida so she could tell her side of the story. I would like to talk with Billy. He was in that window watching everything. I do not know if he saw anything. I do know that he was in that window looking when I screamed. Captain Flores turned to face another Detective that ordered him to find that kid. What is his name Sister so I can send him to find that boy? His name is Billy Seals. He is either 11 or 12 years old. He has dark hair and eyes. Wait a minute Captain before Father Finnegan passed away he told me to tell you to search the basement. I do not know what that meant. We have several basements and cellars throughout the Property. Who ripped his eyes out I do not see any in his head where did they go? He turned to face the roof '' he yelled. I need two missing eyes gentlemen. I will need them to be found. I want you to bring them with you when you descend. We cannot bury a Priest without his eyes. He cannot look into the dark without them. He will not be able to find his way to Heaven without his eyes. Why don't we do the Priest a favor and find them for him so he can find his way into God's Country. We sure will Captain Flores. We sure will Captain before vanishing from the roof's edge. Again, Captain Flores turned to another Detective. He ordered him to find a map of the Property. I want to know how many basements they have. I want to how many cellars. I need to know by tomorrow morning. I would like to search the Property for another dead body unless you have a meth lab in the basement. She let out a laugh meth lab what is that. Like we make drugs on the Property. I do not know what a meth lab is Captain. Would you please explain what a meth lab is to us? What, I would really like Sister is that you finish telling me that Story that you were about to tell.

 I think we better go into Father Finnegan’s Office. Just then the back door that led into the Orphanage burst open. Several Priests and St Williams Sisters flock into the yard to see what happened. Billy followed from behind he stopped after he realized that Sister Alaida sees him. I told everyone in the Orphanage that Father Finnegan was killed by an angel. Captain Flores heard every word. He turned to face the young boy. I take it your Billy that kid that their looking for, right? I do not know I think we have several boys with that name in the Orphanage. Am I that boy that their looking for Sister? He turned to face her stare for an answer. His eyes opened wide it was like I was looking into two glass eyes. They shined like glass something that she did not see in the other boys. Then again, little boys had that angelic look to them while they were still young. Some you could easily tell that they were going to be no good which were considered demons since Birth.

Two Policemen descend from the rooftop. They have nothing but a plastic bag. I found a gold ring Captain but get this. I found a whole hand but only three fingers we're all bone. That gold ring must have fallen from one of his fingers. I think this Priest found something on the roof that he did not know what he had. He lifted what was left of the finger. This is when the ring fell off and rolled away. Whatever is up there or was up there it is now gone. I did not find too much just that. At least it is gold '' he said '' maybe we can give it to someone on the way back to the Precinct. I think we better have that talk Sister. Where did you say his Office is again? This way Captain she is stopped by several Priests on their way inside. I want to know what happened Sister. I do not think you should tell the Police until you have discussed it with us. Your right Father! I think you should join us in the Office. I will stay with Father Finnegan. I think you should listen to what Sister Alaida has to say.

 Oh by the way Captain. I think you should concentrate on the basement or cellar that he told me to tell you to search! I have Men on the job! They're looking through the Orphanage for anything underground. Okay then I think we should have that talk Captain, everyone follow her into the Orphanage. I'm waiting to hear a different story. Captain Flores believed someone is pulling his leg because angels hmm. I have been a Cop for 33 Years. I have never heard of an angel with wings or anything close to it.

He followed her into the Orphanage after a Priest ordered her to be there. He had to tell the Archbishop what happened. He needed to tell him, first. This is not the way things get done. He warned her before she reentered the Orphanage. I need to know if there is anything in that conversation that Police should not know. I already told you Father. I told him about an angel that looked down on me from the roof. Angel '' he whispered '' I did not hear about an angel. I think you should leave that out. I do not think you should tell Police about that. You should call the Bishop first. We have rules Sister. I think we should talk about it first. You can forget about that Father. I have no problem taking Priests to jail for interfering with Police Business. I am not interfering with Police Business. If you tell her to withhold information after a Priest is found dead this is called withholding information, Father. Okay forget it, I do not want to go to jail for standing in the way of a possible murder investigation. I never told you this is a Police investigation Father. I think you’re getting smarter by the second Priest. He reached over in front of him.

He opened the door in front of him but first he twisted it to the right then to left. He yelled this way Captain Flores. This is Father Finnegan’s Office. An empty place on the wall told him that a wood Cross protruding from a Priest's forehead once lay on that wall. Look Sister what does that say. He found an open Book that look like he was reading from the Bible. He bent over he noticed words balls of fire will fall from the skies, overhead. Followed by a serenade of white smoke filled with a gentle light that will follow them from a much higher place maybe Heaven. Muzzletoff '' he called out '' he started to read out loud. Sister Alaida stepped forward but she stopped reading anymore from the Bible. I think we better sit down so I can tell you what really happened, Officer. I would like a cup of coffee Sister. I think my Officers would like a cup too. I can do that I can order coffee from our kitchen. Officer one minute! Captain Flores reached for his radio which clung to his right side. I want the Orphanage cellar searched first. Send two Officers down there immediately! Yes Captain, I will send two Officers into St Williams Orphanage basement. Just as soon as I find two Officers that are not doing anything. There still searching the roof for clues or anything that might tell them who killed a Father at the Orphanage.

 Sister Alaida stepped back into Father Finnegan’s Office. She had one tray with several steaming cups of hot coffee. Several tiny packets that looked like sugar or some form of sweetener. A pint of whole milk in a carton that is used for creamer. Which she placed down on a wooden desk in front of Captain Flores. Help yourself Officer I think we can talk now that you have your coffee. I need to know what these things are capable of Sister. Tell me are my Men in danger. I have one more question to ask. Can we kill these things that kill Priests? I look at it this way Sister anyone or anything that can kill a Priest would kill almost everything and anything. I do not know if they can be killed. The Bible says these things do not die. Only the Devil has that power to order them back into the dark hells where they come from or back period! I do not know for certain if they can be killed Officer. I think you should be looking for that beast or something to tell us how it can be killed? It cannot be killed a Father mumbles. It cannot be killed by a human. It can be slowed down maybe even forced into the ground but it cannot be killed. Like Sister Alaida told you it cannot be killed only the Devil. The real Beast has that power to the kill the undead. But he does not intervene in the lives of Humans in anyway. He wanted us to overcome that beast's temptations alone. Most Humans make that mistake when they expect or come to believe that. God gave us the Holy Book. His Rules and his Ways and nothing more. That should be enough because we have to search for the Devil to find him! If we succeed it is because in our Heart it is meant to be that way Officer. So it is like this if we do not think of him. He will not find his way to us or us to him. Exactly, he blurted out! I think your fight will consist of us and yourselves. Or you will not stand a chance Officer! I think we will search for that Book that we need to find its reason to its existence! We will then get back to you with that info. I think you should finish your coffee so we can get started! I have my Men already searching through the Orphanage. They're looking for demons and monsters that live in the dark Father. I don't know why God would allow his Servants to be killed by anything, unholy. I would think he would send Guardians to protect his Church of do-gooders. Honestly Sister or Father. I do not know why he does what he does. My job is to kill those who kill others! I think it is time to pursue those that I mentioned from this moment on. Men, finish your coffee. I have work to do or should I say we have work to do. When you find that information that you think we will need call us here is my number!

Captain Flores an older male with graying hair and short stature rises. He lowered his cup of coffee. He placed it down next to the Bible. But before he walked away he sees a word that disappeared from the page after he looked for it. What is the matter Captain did you see something that reminded you of me. No, not you Officer! I saw a word that popped out at me but disappeared from the Book somehow, Apollo. Sister Alaida stopped after she heard that name so did Father Jotts. What was that '' he whispered '' that word that you told your Men Officer. What is it again? It is spelled like this Apollo. I saw it as plain as day but it is not on that page anymore. She turned both closed. He looked like he was in a trance or meditating on something maybe this name. Who is named Apollo Sister or should I ask Father Jotts! It does not ring a bell Officer, I never heard of him. He is a demon a demon that demands respect or would easily kill you if you did not receive it. His name is at the very top of the demon's list. He is one of Satan's favorites. He is a king in the world of demons, Captain. Satan has sent him to vanquish one of us for whatever reason. A reason neither one of us knows, Captain. I think you have just as much work if you did not know. Look at what is happening what is happening in the world of angels and that thing named Apollo. I think your right Officer! She turned to look at Billy but he was no longer standing in front of the window. She remembered one thing that she had a Book of demons. I know I would find him in there if he truly is a king of demons. I have to go Father. I think you should show Captain Flore's Men out so they can continue with their work. They will search the Orphanage for the next two days, Sister. Just like they did before. I think you should prepare for Police running through the Orphanage starting now. I will do that first Father. I will alarm Orphans before I continue with what I have planned. Sister Alaida stepped into the hall. I am going to tell Billy first than the other kid her head toward the window. She sees Billy he is standing there looking back inside. His eyes looked like they were. Father Jotts showed Police back into the yard where Father Finnegan laid on the ground, dead. Sister Alaida marched down the hall toward several Dorms just 250 feet from Father Finnegan’s Office.

 Father Jotts had one thing in mind Father Finnegan’s Office. He would not need it anymore not after today '' he thought '' but first channels. He had to go through channels before he would get that Office. Sister Alaida stepped into one Dorm after another telling Children that Police were going to search Dorms. I must tell you before they get here that you better have your belongings in lockers or in your backpack. Because they’re going to bring dogs in to search the Orphanage! Sister Alaida could not wait to be by herself. She wanted to run down to the Library to search for a book on demons. Especially a demon king that ruled over other demons name, Apollo.

 After talking to Orphans, she pulled Billy Seals to one side. I want you to come with me to the Library. I have to tell you something. He followed her into the hall. He had a funny feeling Sister Alaida had a good idea. She knew the Devil is at work. He is at St Williams Orphanage somewhere waiting to make a move as usual? She grabbed him by his hand. She led him down a hall toward a staircase that led into their private Library downstairs. On the way there she told him about a demon name Apollo. I would like to know what you think of it Billy. Have you ever heard of that demon before? I never heard of any demon names. Especially demons that you would never find, Sister. Demons that have no name only because Satan is in the process of preparing Wars. He believes God cannot hear or read his thoughts. He can read anyone and anything's thoughts. I heard a Sister Read that information from a Religious Book.

 One Officer says especially the Devil, his Eternal Enemy. I hope your right Billy because if he cannot who will help us Humans! Humans will be responsible for what happens here on Earth. My Father was never the best or a great of Men. He did know some things about the Devil. Mostly about demons. No one will survive either attack Not one, Human will survive God's Wrath if He Should Become Upset! He Wiped Dinosaurs out another Officer says. Why, did they do grow tired of dinosaurs eating each other. I think we better return to the Library to read from that book that is hidden on a shelf in a wall. I never read anything about a demon name Apollo sent here to find or hurt a Priest much less a kid. He is not just a demon Sister. He has the power of a god that commands prisons in his World. Where these things came from. He can command an army of demons that would surface from hell in a matter of minutes to fulfill orders. Only